This was published 4 years ago
Labor take News Corp petition to Parliament but won't say if they support it
Labor has taken a petition with more than half a million signatures to parliament calling for a royal commission into the influence of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation but the party's leaders won't say if they support it or not.
Former Labor prime minister Kevin Rudd's petition was signed by 501,876 people including one of his Liberal successors, Malcolm Turnbull. Labor frontbencher Andrew Leigh tabled it in Parliament on Monday but no one from Labor would say if they back the call for the investigation.
A spokesman for Labor leader Anthony Albanese said the party did not have a view on the petition. Deputy opposition leader Richard Marles appeared to distance his party from the calls for a royal commission.
"This is not something we [Labor] have been considering," he told the ABC. "This is something Kevin Rudd has been pursuing in his capacity as a private citizen."
Dr Leigh said he tabled the document because it was important to present the views of citizens but he did not explicitly back the call for a royal commission.
"Diverse sources of reliable, accurate and independent news isn't a luxury – it's fundamental to a healthy democracy," he said.
The petition calls for moves to ensure the strength and diversity of Australian media including examining the impact of Facebook and Google on news organisations, News Corp's print media strength, and the ABC's funding.It was the largest electronic petition since the online system started in 2016.
"We are deeply concerned by: mass-sackings of news journalists; digital platforms impacting on media diversity and viability; Nine Entertainment's takeover of the Melbourne Age and Sydney Morning Herald; News Corp’s acquisition (and then closure) of more than 200 smaller newspapers, undermining regional and local news," the petition said.
The Herald and The Age are governed by a charter of editorial independence that has been in place for more than 30 years and was endorsed by the Nine board after the 2018 merger with Fairfax Media.
Nationals MP Ken O'Dowd, who chairs the petitions committee, said the number of people signing the petition was "a great result for democracy". However, he also gave parliament examples of two larger petitions: one about community pharmacies from 2014 with 1.2 million signatures and another from 2000 about beer taxes supported by more than 792,000 people.
Mr Rudd said last month Mr Murdoch was driven by a "triple aphrodisiac" of money, political power and far-right ideology. He wants a royal commission to examine media models from other democracies to see which ones best maximise diversity.
He accused News Corp of being "bad for democracy" because it used its market power to drive a political agenda.
"My principle motivation in putting this petition together has been to bring to the surface this national conversation - rather than people being too frightened to talk about it," Mr Rudd told ABC's Insiders on Sunday.
There is debate over how much influence News Corp has in the print media market outside Queensland, given it has major competitors in the Sydney and Melbourne metro markets and also competes with a number of outlets online.
Mr Rudd has led a campaign against News Corp in recent years, in a change from his time as prime minister, when he was named Australian of the Year by broadsheet The Australian in January 2010 and was also named godfather to the son of that newspaper's then-editor, Chris Mitchell, at his then-wife's suggestion.
Mr Turnbull said he wasn't usually a fan of royal commissions but he thought there was a profound problem with the way media operated at the moment. The former Liberal leader wrote in his book that Rupert Murdoch said "we have to get rid of Malcolm" in the final days before the August 2018 spill that cost him his leadership. He also blamed News Corp outlets for stoking division in his party.
"That crazy bitter partisanship of social media has taken over much of what we used to call the mainstream media," he told the ABC.