

This was published 4 years ago


Government must flood the media with its coronavirus message

Australia’s greatest weapon in defeating the AIDS virus in the 1980s was the advertising campaign called “The Grim Reaper” which warned people about the need to practise safe sex. It was fearless and graphic and it worked.

Unfortunately, more than a month into the coronavirus epidemic the government has still not produced anything like it.

Of course, this is a crisis and the government is busy, however, launching a public information campaign should have been its first priority. It is much cheaper, easier and more effective than the lockdowns and closures of whole industries, which have been the focus until now.

The government should have launched what Australian Medical Association president Tony Bartone called a “consistent and loud and penetrating, managed message” on social media, television, radio, print and everywhere else. It should have been targeted locally and nationally, at the old and the young, indeed at each different group of our community.

The government invited tenders from ad agencies on March 3 and allocated $30 million to an advertising campaign two weeks ago but so far its main tools of communication with the public have been press conferences by politicians and a few infographics on social media with limp slogans like “Why social distancing matters”.

The Herald cannot claim to be expert in immunology or epidemiology but we understand the communication business and the campaign the government has run so far is not cutting through.

It is not cutting through with the young people on Bondi Beach and it is not cutting through with listeners of Alan Jones’ radio show who are being told there is nothing to worry about.

Health Minister Greg Hunt said on Tuesday that a public campaign was part of the next phase of the response to the pandemic and the first television ads screened on Monday night, but it is hard to understand the delay.

The federal government may be worried about the criticism it took for paying television personality Scott Cam $347,000 to promote careers in trades but this public information campaign is entirely different. It is a matter of life and death.

There might be a misplaced view that a public campaign might promote panic. But the democracies like South Korea and Taiwan that have stopped the virus have done so by keeping their citizens totally informed and enlisting their support.


The government might think the responsibility lies with ordinary people to take the lead. Chief medical officer Brendan Murphy on Monday said citizens should “come down hard” if they see people who are shaking hands or coming too close. But citizens will feel much braver about ticking off people on the street if the federal government itself is putting out the message.

Some will say it is too hard to communicate all the complex issues of fighting the coronavirus in a 30-second advertising spot but the basic messages are easy to explain: this virus is a threat that could cost a lot of lives; people must not come close to each other; people must wash their hands after touching anything.


Other governments are being creative. Britain will send text messages to every citizen, Taiwan pipes music out of garbage trucks telling people to keep their distance and wash their hands. The state of New York has enlisted Hollywood actor Robert De Niro in a video from his apartment telling people, “We all need to stay home”.

Australia’s celebrities and sports stars should already be getting out the word. Sports stars such as tennis player Ash Barty and rugby league star James Tedesco, actors, television personalities, gardening show hosts, pop stars, Instagram influencers – anyone with a profile should be weaponised for this fight. If they are reluctant, the federal government should be prepared to pay them.

The council of state and federal chief medical officers said on Sunday “there is a strong argument to do more ... to adapt the community mindset”.

The government can only get people to change by flooding every part of the media with messages supporting the fight against the virus. The government must start a massive public information campaign immediately.

  • Herald editor Lisa Davies writes a weekly newsletter exclusively for subscribers. To have it delivered to your inbox, please sign up here.

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