

This was published 7 years ago

George Brandis moves to turbocharge family law reform with unusual judicial appointment

By Michael Koziol

The Turnbull government has moved to turbocharge reform of the family law system by appointing a new chief justice of the Family Court who is just 14 months away from mandatory retirement.

The unorthodox move, which will raise eyebrows in legal circles, comes as Attorney-General George Brandis embarks on the most ambitious reform of the Family Law Act since its inception in 1975.

John Pascoe will become Chief Justice of the Family Court and serve until December 2018.

John Pascoe will become Chief Justice of the Family Court and serve until December 2018.Credit: Rob Homer

John Pascoe, the 68-year-old Chief Judge of the Federal Circuit Court, will take up his new role from Friday and will serve only until December 2018 when he turns 70, the retirement age for judges.

In that time, Judge Pascoe is expected to work "creatively" to drive significant structural reform to the system – the kind of root-and-branch change thought impossible of a judge at the beginning of their 15-year tenure.

Attorney-General George Brandis says reform of the family law system has been on his radar for some time.

Attorney-General George Brandis says reform of the family law system has been on his radar for some time.Credit: Andrew Meares

He has previously advocated a separate, non-adversarial tribunal for hearing severe domestic violence cases to relieve victims of the need to undergo intense cross-examination in the Family Court.

Senator Brandis is said to be open-minded about major structural reform of the Family Court system, including returning its workload to one court, rather than being split across the federal and family courts.

He has already published draft amendments to the Family Law Act that would ban accused domestic violence perpetrators from cross-examining their partners in court when representing themselves.

William Alstergren QC, a Melbourne-based barrister and president of the Australian Bar Association, will replace Judge Pascoe as Chief Judge of the Federal Circuit Court, also effective from Friday. The pair will have to work together and a senior government source said they would approach the task of reform "creatively".


Senator Brandis praised Judge Pascoe's "wealth of experience" and said Mr Alstergren would bring "formidable leadership, legal and administrative skills" to the Commonwealth's busiest trial court.

Judge Pascoe's looming retirement effectively imposes a Christmas 2018 deadline for serious reform of the court, just months before the Australian Law Reform Commission will hand down its findings from an 18-month review of the Family Law Act.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson, who argues fathers are being diddled by the Family Court, has claimed credit for the government's renewed interest in family law, after repeatedly raising the issue in meetings with Senator Brandis and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

But Senator Brandis dismissed that as a "stretch", saying legal reform had been on his radar "for quite some time". The outgoing Family Court Chief Justice, Diana Bryant, has backed the need for a "thorough overhaul" of the family law system.

Judge Pascoe has previously complained to Senator Brandis about the notoriously gridlocked court system, and in 2014 stressed the need for "timely replacements of retiring judges" to minimise delays and distress for families.

Law Council of Australia president Fiona McLeod welcomed the appointments and said it was "an opportunity ... to really look closely at the structures and operations of the Family Court".

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