

This was published 4 years ago

Foreign influence register demands answers from Confucius Institute

By Anthony Galloway, Fergus Hunter and Paul Sakkal

The Attorney-General's Department has demanded a Confucius Institute at an Australian university explain why it shouldn't be on a federal foreign influence register, the first action of its kind against a university body.

The development came as the federal government moved to increase its control over foreign agreements involving universities and state governments, frustrating Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and the university sector, who face having their own deals with foreign nations torn up.

Daniel Andrews defended his government's Belt and Road agreement with China.

Daniel Andrews defended his government's Belt and Road agreement with China.Credit: Jason South

The Attorney-General's Department has issued a notice demanding an unnamed Confucius Institute produce documents showing why it shouldn't register under the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme. It is the third such action taken against any organisation since the scheme came into effect in 2018.

All 13 Australian universities that host the culture and language centres have so far declined to register them under the federal government transparency scheme. The confirmation that a Confucius Institute in Australia has been served with a notice shows the federal government believes the institute could be an agent of influence and needs to demonstrate why it shouldn't register.

The Morrison government announced on Thursday separate proposed laws to cancel agreements with foreign governments that run counter to Australia's national interest.

A visibly irritated Mr Andrews defended Victoria's Belt and Road deal with China as a "passport to export", denying the deal posed a national security risk.

The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald can reveal Mr Andrews has not made time to receive a national security briefing from senior intelligence figures including ASIO boss Mike Burgess and Office of National Intelligence director-general Nick Warner.

After the Victorian Premier was the only state leader to miss a rare briefing by the national security bosses last month as he dealt with the second wave of COVID-19 cases in Victoria, he was offered a private briefing. He has not yet made himself available.


The new proposed laws could force the Victorian Premier to scrap his Belt and Road agreement with the Chinese government, which ties the state to Chinese President Xi Jinping's signature initiative to bankroll infrastructure projects around the world.

Senior diplomatic and national security figures have been concerned about Victoria's deal at a time when Australia is trying to counter the Chinese government's growing influence in the region.

Responding to the plans, Mr Andrews defended the deal and denied it undermined national security or federal foreign policy.

"If the Prime Minister has got time to be doing those things, then that's fine for him. I don't. I'm exclusively focused on fighting this virus," Mr Andrews said.

"Presumably this approach will include quite soon a very detailed list of alternative trading arrangements, alternative free trade agreements, alternative markets. I'll leave that to the PM to announce, but presumably that's coming and coming pretty quickly."

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he'd arranged for briefings to be offered to all state and territority leaders so the announcement would not come as a surprise to them.

"Where any foreign government seeks to undermine the sovereignty of Australia's foreign policy by seeking to do deals with subnational governments, Australia needs to protect itself from that," he said.

At least 137 agreements between Australian states or territories and foreign governments, and 36 university deals, will be scrutinised under the new laws.

The proposed laws would allow the Australian foreign minister to tear up agreements that states, territories, local governments and universities enter into with an overseas government if they contradict Australia's foreign policy.

Based on publicly available information, the Queensland government has at least 31 deals with foreign governments that will be looked at by the federal government – the most of any state or territory. South Australia has at least 29 deals, NSW and Victoria 20, Western Australia 16, the ACT eight, Tasmania eight and Northern Territory five.

Forty-eight of these agreements are with the Chinese government or related entities, followed by Japan on 16 and India on 12.

Dozens of agreements between local councils and foreign governments would also be looked at under the new laws.


It is likely the bill will capture Chinese government-funded Confucius Institutes operating at Australian universities because they are joint ventures with a Chinese Communist Party-controlled headquarters in Beijing, which supplies funding, staff and resources.

Vicki Thomson, chief executive of the Group of Eight universities, warned the legislation was disproportionate to the risk and could damage Australia's research output.

Ms Thomson said the Group of Eight was confused and concerned by the development, saying the sector had long co-operated with a suite of existing national security obligations with its research and foreign partnerships, including the university foreign interference taskforce established last year.

"The Group of Eight is therefore genuinely concerned as to why the government has effectively bypassed this process in announcing this legislation. This undermines the important work undertaken to date," she said.

Ms Thomson urged the government to use the foreign interference taskforce to deal with any weaknesses in national security "while not damaging our essential research sector".

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