Australia’s energy watchdog will investigate suspicions that electricity networks and gas pipelines have overcharged consumers by $400 million a year to cover their corporate tax bills.
Network charges have been the single biggest factor in rising household electricity bills over the past decade. The charges cover the cost of the "poles and wires" used to transmit and distribute electricity.
Electricity networks and gas pipeline businesses are allowed to cover their corporate tax liabilities by passing on the cost to consumers – usually totalling about $600 million a year.
However, it is understood the actual tax bill incurred by the networks may be about $200 million a year. This means consumers may have been charged three times more than needed to cover the tax liabilities, a possibility Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg said was ‘‘totally unacceptable’’.
The Turnbull government has asked the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) to investigate the potential price gouging.
Mr Frydenberg said the government wanted to ensure energy bills were as low as possible.
“It is totally unacceptable for consumers to be charged for corporate tax liabilities that are not actually incurred,” he said.
Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg said consumers should not be charged for corporate tax bills that were not incurred.
Concerns were raised after the Australian Taxation Office analysed returns data lodged by distribution businesses over the four years to 2016.
It revealed a discrepancy between the amount the businesses were permitted to charge consumers – known as tax allowances - and the amount they paid in tax.
Tax allowances are determined by the Australian Energy Regulator, partly based on tax forecasts by the network businesses. The figure is set as part of the revenue determination process.
Mr Frydenberg said tax privacy laws limited the advice the ATO could provide, so the AER – which has information gathering powers – was asked to investigate further.
An initial report is expected in the middle of the year, before a final report in December.
Mr Frydenberg said the regulator would review how it modelled tax costs and whether national energy rules should be overhauled. Any required changes would be made before the next round of revenue determinations in April 2019.
Energy Networks Australia chief executive Andrew Dillon, whose organisation represents electricity networks and gas distribution businesses, denied that customers were being gouged.
He said the review was appropriate and his members would "actively participate", but warned any regulatory changes should be in customers' long-term interests.
He said the AER's current approach to tax allowances avoided "customers in different suburbs paying different charges and the risk of sudden price rises when there is a change of ownership".
“Many knee-jerk policy decisions over recent decades affecting energy networks have led to poor consumer outcomes. We can’t go down that path again," Mr Dillon said.
The Tax Office's preliminary analysis identified several drivers for the discrepancy: deductions for interest expenses and depreciation, the tax structure adopted and available tax losses.
The cost of poles and wires used to deliver electricity makes up 48 per cent of an average electricity bill. Credit: Fairfax Media.
Transmission and distribution networks are regulated monopolies, and can be owned by state governments or private interests.
It is understood that state-owned businesses, which direct proceeds to state coffers, are among those suspected of overcharging consumers.
A report by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission in September said network costs accounted for 48 per cent of residential bills in 2015–16.
Network costs were responsible for 66 per cent of the $347 average increase in annual residential customer bills in the nine years to mid-2016, the report found.
The ACCC concluded there was “a lack of transparency around network costs and the regulatory regime may not be suitable”.
Network operators have previously been accused of increasing their revenue by overspending on infrastructure – or “gold plating” – and passing the cost on to consumers.
A report in March by the Grattan Institute found about $20 billion of network investment was “excessive” and NSW and Queensland consumers had been overcharged the most.
In October the government abolished the so-called limited merits review, which means networks can no longer appeal AER decisions on revenue determinations, which relate to operating costs.
The government said the appeals, heard by the Australian Competition Tribunal, meant consumers had paid $6.5 billion more for electricity since 2008 than if the regulator’s decisions had been upheld.
Earlier this month, NSW's largest electricity distributor, Ausgrid, said it was taking action to bring energy prices down, pledging to cut network tariffs by 6 per cent from July next year. It would cut an average customer’s bill by $30 a year.
With Cole Latimer