

This was published 4 years ago

Experts warn of 'cascading effects' of pandemic on mental health

By Dana McCauley

Lifeline chairman John Brogden has warned of a coming wave of mental ill health and suicides as the coronavirus recession deepens, calling for targeted welfare support to protect the most vulnerable.

Mr Brogden, a businessman and former NSW Liberal opposition leader who survived a suicide attempt in 2005, said a "lack of certainty" among Australians who had lost their jobs in the pandemic would have long-term consequences.

Lifeline chairman John Brogden recommended the federal government make the JobKeeper wage subsidy program, due to start rolling back within weeks, "as targeted as possible".

Lifeline chairman John Brogden recommended the federal government make the JobKeeper wage subsidy program, due to start rolling back within weeks, "as targeted as possible".Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"When the physical pandemic ends, I believe we will be moving into a mental health pandemic that will last longer," he said, predicting a spike in suicides next year and suggesting the government divert funds it was spending on COVID-19 into mental health once no longer needed.

He recommended the federal government make the JobKeeper wage subsidy program, due to start rolling back within weeks, "as targeted as possible" to help Australians in "particular areas of employment that will be hardest hit by the recession and struggle the most to get jobs again", such as hospitality and regional workers.

"Some form of payment [should be] maintained at a higher level," Mr Brogden told a hearing of the Senate inquiry into the government's COVID-19 response on Tuesday.


Prime Minister Scott Morrison's suicide prevention adviser, Christine Morgan, the chief executive the National Mental Health Commission, said "economic certainty ... and adequacy of income" were important for reducing the mental health impacts of COVID-19.

Mr Brogden said data released by the Victorian coroner last month showing no increase in suicides in the first seven months of 2020 was "good news" but that the real impact would come next year.

Beyond Blue chief services officer Alastair Stott told the hearing the organisation's COVID-19 online support website had experienced a 12 per cent increase in traffic to a section about suicidal thoughts and self harm since it was set up in April.


Black Dog Institute chief scientist Helen Christensen said "prolonged unemployment, financial stress and debt" were "among the biggest risk factors for poor mental health on the horizon", pointing to data from after the global financial crisis.

When Australia's post-GFC unemployment rate rose from 4 per cent to 5.8 per cent, she said, suicide rates spiked by 22 per cent for unemployed men and 12 per cent for unemployed women.

The institute strongly supported JobKeeper and JobSeeker unemployment benefits as measures that would have "a protective effect" on suicide rates, Professor Christensen said.

Mental Health Victoria chief executive Angus Clelland said emergency rooms were being flooded with mental health patients and "the big effects will be felt from early next year".

"We have big concerns about what is to come," Mr Clelland said.


Lifeline Research Foundation National Manager Anna Brooks said the COVID-19 recession would have "cascading effects" on mental health, impacting people directly through job losses but also through relationship breakdowns that would split families and damage young people in the process.

Headspace chief executive Jason Trethowan said distress around finances was a major theme for young people seeking support during the pandemic, with uncertainty about their job prospects playing on their minds.

"Purpose, meaning and connection are really important," he said.

Community Mental Health Australia chief executive Bill Gye called for JobKeeper and JobSeeker to be extended, saying research had shown "relative poverty" – the extent of income disparity compared to others in the community – was "the number one cause of mental ill health".

Withdrawing support would "spread the anxiety" and cause "a lowering of the morale of the Australian people" at a time when it was most needed to boost the economy, he said, leading to higher rates of drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence and suicide.

Mr Gye called for the federal government to release the report of the Productivity Commission inquiry into mental health, which it received on June 30, and for Medicare telehealth rebates for mental health treatment, due to expire on September 30, be extended.

"We wont be moving beyond this crisis for another year, so this is not the time to drop all our defences," he said. "Mental health, like COVID, is contagious."

Numbers to call for support: Lifeline 13 11 14; Mensline 1300 789 978; Kids Helpline 1800 551 800; beyondblue 1300 224 636.

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