

This was published 5 years ago

Education Minister: Foreign students a threat to academic independence

By Michael Koziol

NSW Education Minister Rob Stokes has issued a stunning call-to-arms to save universities from what he sees as the twin threats of international students and "anti-Semitic" left-wing activists.

In a speech taking aim at administrators, staff and students alike, Mr Stokes warns universities are financially over-exposed to international students, and says the skyrocketing number of foreign students on campuses is causing universities to compromise their academic independence.

NSW Education Minister Rob Stokes.

NSW Education Minister Rob Stokes. Credit: Max Mason-Hubers

While Mr Stokes does not explicitly name China in the speech, he notes the international student boom comes from Asia and that the countries involved have "divergent views" on freedom and the right to protest.

"There is nothing inherently wrong with international students on campus vocally supporting their home nation's interests," the minister will tell the Centre for Independent Studies on Monday.

"But when academics who criticise certain countries are hauled before senior diplomats to explain themselves, or when universities self-censor by using teaching materials that conform with foreign government propaganda so as to not upset international student cohorts, we have a duty as educators to speak out.

"But we are increasingly finding ourselves in a situation where any type of constructive criticism of these countries within universities is met with howls of outrage from student bodies that are funded by and affiliated with foreign governments."

International students are coming to Australia in record numbers, making education the country's third largest export. In Sydney, enrolments surged by 50 per cent more in the past two years than in the preceding decade, and income from the lucrative students accounts for a quarter of all university revenue in NSW.

International students are coming to Australia in record numbers, making education the country's third largest export.

International students are coming to Australia in record numbers, making education the country's third largest export.Credit:

Mr Stokes accuses universities of using that money to subsidise new campuses, a dizzying array of degrees and "bloated student cohorts", as they focus on size and market share "rather than building disciplinary strength".


"Universities are sleep-walking into the dangerous fiscal trap of over reliance on one income stream – where a sharp drop in international students would render many of them financially unviable," he will warn.

Mr Stokes also slams the rise of identity politics and what he calls "far-left group think" on university campuses, suggesting it has "created a monoculture that has narrowed robust debate to the point of non-existence".


The minister decries the prevalence of so-called "safe spaces" – rooms or areas that can be used exclusively by members of a minority or under-privileged group – and "no platforming", whereby activists try to deny controversial speakers a voice on campus.

"Universities should not be spaces where you go to have your pre-existing opinions validated by an echo chamber," Mr Stokes says.

"If, at an intellectual level, you do not have the constitution to cope with hearing views that you find confronting, or even offensive, then you should perhaps reconsider whether a university is the right environment for you to learn in."

Mr Stokes directs special attention to what he sees as a rising tide of anti-Semitism on campuses.

"Those of the Jewish faith, or those supportive of Israel's right to exist, are increasingly being targeted by self-righteous students and staff who use the thin veil of 'political activism' to disguise their naked anti-Semitism," he says.

"This anti-Semitism has reached a point where individuals whose areas of expertise have nothing at all to do with politics are being boycotted from appearing on campus simply because they are an Israeli Jew."

Mr Stokes' incendiary speech follows a call by the federal education minister, Dan Tehan, for protest groups to foot the bill for any security costs incurred by universities or student groups as a result of those protests.

The debate arose after activists protested a Sydney University Liberal Club event featuring author Bettina Arndt, who claims the idea of a "rape crisis" on campus is a myth propagated by feminists.

Mr Stokes implicates staff as well as students in the problem, arguing some university faculties are so dominated by "virtue-signalling activists" that people with different views are "shouted down or shut out – creating an Orwellian culture of intellectualised bigotry".


"These faculties are no longer places where diversity of thought seems to be accepted," he says.

"Support Israel? You are a conservative troglodyte who supports the murder of children. Have religious beliefs? You are an anti-intellectual homophobe. Have a balanced view of European history and post-colonial Australia? You are a jingoistic imperialist with racist tendencies.

"Rational academic debate often now seems secondary to spouting tokenistic tirades at conservative straw men."

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