

This was published 7 months ago

Dutton set to accept Labor tax plan but not before pushing for changes

By David Crowe, Rachel Clun and Paul Sakkal

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton is poised to accept the federal government’s overhaul of the stage 3 tax cuts as Treasury officials reveal that 70 per cent of workers will pay less tax over a full decade if the draft law is passed.

The forecasts also show that most taxpayers will pay a lower average tax rate under the revised plan than the original Coalition package during the decade ahead, even as their taxable incomes grow.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton.Credit: Eamon Gallagher

But the Coalition will ramp up its calls for more generous tax cuts that spare workers from the impact of bracket creep when their earnings rise above tax thresholds that apply a higher tax rate.

Dutton convened a shadow cabinet meeting on Monday afternoon to debate his response to the government plan before a Coalition party room meeting on Tuesday to decide an alternative policy.

Multiple Liberal sources, speaking anonymously to detail private conversations, said the majority of Coalition MPs agreed the opposition should seek to amend the bill but would ultimately vote in favour of it if the amendments failed. Only a small handful of MPs wanted to oppose the legislation, the sources said.

A key concern for the Coalition is the $28.2 billion difference between the Labor package, which sacrifices $359.4 billion in revenue over the decade, and the $387.6 billion projected cost of the original package.

While the opposition has claimed that this suggests 4 million workers would be worse off in some way over the decade, the Treasury officials would not confirm a number for those who might pay more tax in 2034.

The Treasury analysis shows that 11.5 million workers will receive a bigger tax cut from the Labor version of the stage 3 package than the original Coalition plan and that 13.6 million workers will receive a tax cut of some kind.


Because the Labor policy shifts the gains towards people on low and middle incomes, the benefits shrink for those earning more than $146,400 a year and this means about 1.1 million taxpayers will receive a smaller tax cut in the first year of the Labor policy compared with the original Coalition plan.


Coalition finance spokeswoman Jane Hume expressed frustration with Treasury officials at a public hearing on Monday when she asked them to reveal the number of people who would get a smaller tax cut over the 10 years ahead.

“This is the most profound change to a tax system and the most profound reform which is being unwound,” she said.

“You have said that you have done the analysis to say that this is the solution. How can you not know how many more people are going to pay more tax over the medium term, in which the government is going to rake in an additional $28 billion at their expense?”

Treasury deputy secretary Diane Brown said the forecasts presented to Hume and others in the public hearing showed that most would be shielded from the impact of bracket creep over time.

“You can see there, that for the majority of the people, the increase in the average tax rate will be lower under the redesign,” Brown said.

“It will be higher for higher incomes, but still lower than it is currently, so they are still getting bracket creep returned because it is lower than it is currently.”

It also indicates that the average tax rate for the average worker remains lower under the Labor policy for every year to 2035 compared with the Coalition policy.

Treasury first assistant secretary Damien White pointed to the department’s charts to note that the “bottom seven deciles” would be better off under the revised package over the decade.

The Grattan Institute released analysis on Sunday night showing 83 per cent would be better off, or no worse off, over the decade.


“Basically, anyone earning less than $121,000 should expect to pay less tax over the next decade than they would under stage 3,” said the institute’s economic policy program director, Brendan Coates.

While the Grattan report found that 17 per cent would be worse off at the end of the decade, calculating the number of workers would depend on assumptions about the size of the workforce and the number of taxpayers a decade from now.

All the projections assume there will be no further change to income tax, but Coates pointed out there would be three federal elections in the next decade.

“We’ve not gone a decade in the past where the tax settings haven’t changed and I wouldn’t expect that would be different here,” he said.

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