By Peter Hartcher
Two notable retirements from federal politics were announced this week, and only one of them is a human. Kevin Rudd's ute is making a long farewell on its way to an automotive museum. The instrument of so much political pain is now working for charity.
Last weekend the crowd at a V8 Supercars event in Ipswich bought raffle tickets for the chance to ride around the racetrack in the rusting Mazda. It raised $5000 for sick kids.
Illustration: Rocco Fazzari.
"Finally, the ute has turned the corner and is generating some good," said John Grant, the car dealer who gave the ute to Rudd, according to The Courier-Mail.
It will be auctioned for charity, then end up as an unlikely exhibit in a motoring museum.
This shows that Kevin Rudd is capable of learning. In itself, his relationship with the ute was harmless enough. Rudd declared the vehicle in his register of interests and there is no suggestion that it swayed him to do special favours for Grant. Well, not since Malcolm Turnbull stopped making that suggestion, at least.
But agreeing to accept the free use of the car as a mobile electoral office was a silly decision. There is no justification for a multi-millionaire politician to accept a free car, no matter how rusty.
It can only raise a question in the public mind, and offer the Opposition a chance to play on that question. Rudd, though entirely vindicated, is smart enough to learn from his mistake. The ute will soon be an historical oddity.
If Rudd can learn from his mistakes, can Malcolm Turnbull?
This takes us to the second notable retirement. Brendan Nelson announced this week that he will leave Federal Parliament as soon as possible rather than waiting until the next election.
Nelson said repeatedly that he's not bitter about his short but intense experience as Opposition Leader. When we sat down this week for one of two on-the-record interviews, he reminded me that I had written a piece headlined "Put this failure out of his misery" on the day of the ballot that removed him from the leadership. Yet, as he recounted this, he was perfectly calm, even pleasant about it. There was certainly no hint of bitterness.
True, he doesn't think that he was treated fairly, by the media or by his own party. But he doesn't seem bitter about it: "I always had behind me half a dozen people in my own party who were undermining me. But that's always going on in politics."
The contrast with another failed Opposition Leader, the bitter and malicious Mark Latham, is stunning. Unable to accept his own failings, Latham blamed the system and warned young people against any involvement in politics.
Brendan the benevolent, however, accepts that he made mistakes. He volunteers that his fatal policy stumble, on climate change, was entirely his own work.
When he announced that the Opposition would not support the Government on an emissions trading system until the results of the Copenhagen conference on carbon emissions were clear, he had no idea that he was changing Coalition policy: "I didn't know, I didn't realise that we were committed to an emissions trading system no matter what."
And he has emerged from his experience with a happy view of the system: ''Australia is well served by our national political system, the Federal Parliament is free of corruption, and, with only a few exceptions, people are there for the right reasons."
Nelson has positive reviews of his own former leader, John Howard, but also of his former foes in Labor. "I dished it out to Kevin Rudd, but in his private dealings with me he was always very good." He found Rudd receptive to policy ideas from the Opposition: "I respect that."
And he was deeply impressed with the decency of his Labor opponents when, as the new Defence Minister, he confronted the dreadful mix-up with the repatriation of the body of Jake Kovco, the deceased digger.
On the way to meet Kovco's grieving family, he was told that it was not Kovco's body that had just been flown back to Australia but an unknown corpse. When Nelson briefed his shadow, Labor's Robert McClelland, his opponent told him "we know this isn't your doing". And he refrained from attacking Nelson.
And if he was impressed by Labor's restraint, he was moved by John Howard's tolerance.
Nelson remembers delivering the bad news in person to the distressed family of Kovco. It was after 11pm. Kovco's widow, angry and distraught, demanded to speak to the Prime Minister. Nelson was torn but decided to wake Howard and put him on the phone. Howard absorbed five minutes of strongly worded abuse, did his best to mollify her, and then asked to speak to Nelson in private.
"I was sure he was about to let me have it," Nelson recounts. "But he said, 'that was the right thing to do, and any time you need to get me at night, go ahead.' "
Similarly, Nelson was surprised to discover that Howard was quite open to disagreement and argument in the inner counsels of government: "He respected people with different points of view, as long as it was intellectually sustainable and it wasn't paraded in the media."
On only one subject does Nelson's equanimity dissolve - the man who unseated him as Opposition Leader. Nelson repeatedly avows that he will not criticise Malcolm Turnbull, but he cannot seem to help himself:
"I'm not vindictive, I don't lie awake at night with a chip on my shoulder. But he's a person who wants to tempt you in that direction."
Nelson manages some restraint: "If you had any idea of what he said to me over those 10 months [of Nelson's leadership], you would be shocked." Such as? Nelson resists: "Maybe one day, maybe in a few years."
Yet the former medical practitioner feels the need to diagnose Malcolm Turnbull's condition. Says Dr Nelson: "You need to look up narcissistic personality disorder. There's about 5 per cent of the population who are born with narcissistic traits, and about 2 per cent have narcissism. He's got narcissistic personality disorder.
"He says the most appalling things and can't understand why people get upset. He has no empathy.
"At first, I thought he was demonstrative, demanding, emotional and narcissistic, using his wealth and charm for seduction, and always with a sinister threat just beneath the surface."
Nelson cites the anecdote that Turnbull related to my colleague, Annabel Crabb, of how Kerry Packer had once threatened to kill him for pulling out of a business deal, and how Turnbull had responded by threatening to kill Packer if Packer's assassin missed.
"At first, I didn't think it was that bad. But it is. Most of the people who supported him [in the Liberal party room ballot for the leadership] voted for him to get rid of him," assuming that he would fail as leader and be discarded.
Taking Nelson's advice, I consulted the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association for a definition of narcissistic personality disorder, which - slightly abbreviated - reads:
"A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behaviour), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:
(1) Has a grandiose sense of self-importance; expects to be recognised as superior without commensurate achievements;
(2) Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love;
(3) Believes that he or she is ''special'' and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people;
(4) Requires excessive admiration;
(5) Has a sense of entitlement;
(6) Is interpersonally exploitative;
(7) Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognise or identify with the feelings and needs of others;
(8) Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her;
(9) Shows arrogant, haughty behaviours or attitudes."
But this could describe any number of leaders past and present, here and abroad. It's almost a prerequisite for a strong leader. That's one reason why democracy is such a good idea. You can't prevent such people ascending to positions of great power. You can only design systems to limit their power and to allow for their bloodless removal.
But Nelson distinguishes between Turnbull and other strong leaders, such as Paul Keating. "Keating wanted power because he knew what he could do with it for the country … Malcolm wanted position."
This is a tough assessment. And Nelson, a casualty of Turnbull's ambition, could be expected to be angry and bitter on this point, even if he manages to be perfectly philosophical on everything else.
But there is a vital question for Turnbull here. Can he learn from his excess of aggression in the affair over Rudd's ute? And if he has provoked such anger from the mild-mannered Nelson, can he learn to modify his abrasiveness in dealing with colleagues?
The ancient Greek historian Thucydides, in an observation revived by the former US general Colin Powell, wrote: "Of all manifestations of power, restraint impresses men most." Australia waits to be impressed.
Peter Hartcher is the Herald's political editor.