

This was published 3 years ago


Damaged not destroyed: PM in trouble but could again land on his feet

As Scott Morrison approaches three years as Prime Minister, an achievement in its own right, it is also right that Australians consider whether over that time he has grown into his job or if he has shrivelled.

It’s fair enough to ask if Morrison has proved he is up to it, whether he has the courage, the ability and the wisdom to continue to see the country through these most testing times.

Has the Prime Minister grown into the job? An increasing number of Australians think not.

Has the Prime Minister grown into the job? An increasing number of Australians think not.Credit: Dionne Gain

If you believe the polls, more and more Australians are nudging towards saying no: he does not. They question whether he has the physical, intellectual or mental ability or even the empathy to lead, to earn trust, build coalitions, forge consensus, or to be something more than a moneybags, a punching bag or a spokesman for the premiers.

During his tenure Morrison has fallen short on three critical occasions. The first was during the bushfires when he snuck off to Hawaii. He showed no grace and little remorse after he was forced to return by saying people did not expect him to hold a hose, mate.

The second was underestimating the depth of feeling among women demanding change after hearing Grace Tame’s powerful advocacy and Brittany Higgins’ rape allegations. Even after his wife Jenny explained the significance to him, Morrison told the thousands who protested they were lucky not to live in a country where they could be shot for demonstrating.

The third is the travesty of the vaccination rollout, a rolling unmitigated disaster plagued by inadequate supplies, poor planning, and contradictory messaging which he sought to mask by telling Australians weeks after he had received his first Pfizer shot, that it was not a race, feeding both complacency and hesitancy.

Brittany Higgins at the Women’s March 4 Justice rally at Parliament House, Canberra.

Brittany Higgins at the Women’s March 4 Justice rally at Parliament House, Canberra.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

There is a pattern to his serial offending. Each time he has misjudged the gravity of the situation. Each time he was pushed or pulled to do the right thing, including by the national cabinet where other leaders have shown repeatedly in word and deed they neither fear nor respect him. Tony Abbott was wrong to describe national cabinet as a dog’s breakfast. It’s a wolf pack.

Morrison eventually lands in the right place, usually in the nick of time. Given his penchant for Olympic analogies, his skill at triple backward somersaults with pike could save him.


Unless of course it reaches the point where people no longer trust him to do what he says, not only because what he says changes by the day but because of his habitual smudging of fact and fiction after his own words are played back to him.

Like his explanation of how his no-jab, no-pay policy to encourage child immunisation differed from Labor’s $300 gift to the vaccinated. Convoluted unconvincing gobbledygook, worth triple gold surely.

The Prime Minister was slow to support lockdowns.

The Prime Minister was slow to support lockdowns.Credit: Getty

Most of the harm has been self-inflicted, whether the vaccination shambles, the slowness to support lockdowns, the half-hearted apology, the fibs that surrounded it, the tepid condemnation of anti-lockdown protests, a weak acceptance of “responsibility” implying all the bad stuff was someone else’s fault, but, rest assured, he has taken charge to clean up the mess.

“Damaged but not destroyed,” is how one of his cabinet ministers described him. A Queensland frontbencher, recognised on the street by a motorist who screeched to a halt and got out to tell him what he thought of the Prime Minister, says flatly it’s bad but not irretrievable.

Just a few weeks ago, Liberals were confident NSW would save the government. They rattled off a dozen seats they believed they could win. They have been whittled down to about five – Macquarie, Parramatta, Hunter, Dobell and Gilmore – while Labor sees signs that people who hadn’t voted Labor since Paul Keating could be coming back. They are eyeing off Reid, Banks and Lindsay.

Morrison’s fate remains inextricably tied to the NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian. If she crashes, so will he, a fact which seems to have eluded the enthusiastic Morrison men whom outraged Liberals accuse of briefing repeatedly against her.

Senior NSW Liberals say the same background briefing tactics used against Brittany Higgins and Julia Banks are being deployed against Berejiklian, all designed to blame her for the NSW calamity, not his vaccination debacle.

They report a blazing row last week between a senior staffer of the Premier’s who called a senior Morrison staffer to accuse him of undermining Berejiklian in briefings to journalists. The Morrison man apparently replied he had merely relayed “facts”. Bingo.

It’s a poisonous atmosphere, more dangerous for Morrison than it is for Berejiklian because he will face the voters first and it’s not like there is sustenance west, south or even north.

Partly thanks to Morrison’s branding as the Prime Minister for NSW, first coined by columnist Katrina Grace Kelly enthusiastically parlayed by Dan Andrews and which now has a derisive ring to it, Victoria remains toxic for him.


Tony Smith’s departure is a huge loss, more so as Labor in government was considering keeping him as Speaker as a mark of respect for the parliament and for his sterling stewardship over six years. But it also means Liberals will have to devote resources to holding his seat of Casey which Smith, an expert campaigner, would have secured.

Then there is Flinders, held by the Health Minister, Greg Hunt. Colleagues say Hunt has been on a roller-coaster, weighing up if it’s worth going around again, believing his 20-year parliamentary career might have peaked. While he insists he will run again, successors hover over his seat.

In Queensland the Coalition will do well to hang onto what it has. Labor’s fears of losing Blair and Lilley have abated and it sees Flynn as winnable.

Now both sides say Warren Entsch is in trouble in Leichhardt. Entsch, also an expert campaigner, does not regret allowing himself to be talked out of retiring at this election. While conceding it’s a tough environment, he has a three word message to Labor:“You are dreaming.”

Possibly. All sides acknowledge Morrison’s character and perceptions of his competence have been damaged. All emphasise it is not yet terminal.

Niki Savva has joined The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald as a weekly columnist. This is the first of her columns.

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