

This was published 5 years ago


The Fitz Files: PM wanted Stan Grant as his man to fill empty seat

The PM really did attempt a very astute move nine days ago, which, as it turned out, didn’t quite work. On the Friday before last, the well-loved TV journo and now Griffith Uni professor Stan Grant, was minding his own business at home when the phone rang. It was Scott Morrison, wondering if Stan would pop by Kirribilli House to have a chat that afternoon?

Thanks for the offer, PM ... but Stan Grant declined the request to stand for the Liberal Party.

Thanks for the offer, PM ... but Stan Grant declined the request to stand for the Liberal Party.Credit: ABC

Yes, Prime Minister. The proposal the PM made, sitting in his study overlooking Sydney Harbour, was simple. Stan, we want you to run for the Liberal Party in the seat of Reid, which, as you know, Craig Laundy has announced he will not be re-contesting. We believe you can win it, and will put full resources behind you to do so.

Stan thanked him for the offer, and told him he would need a week to think about it. There are many issues on which he has strong opinions and would love to have input, most particularly Indigenous affairs. On the other hand, he is not a member of any political party, let alone the Liberals, and if he did win there would be certain colleagues on the far right of the party he would not feel comfortable defending in the public domain. And so he wrestled with the question for the next week until, on Friday, he finally gave his answer. "Thank you, but no.” Bugger.

“It was an honour to be asked by the Prime Minister,” Stan tells me, “but in the end that role is just not for me. I like what I am doing now, totally independently, and I don’t have to make my views fit within a party framework.”

I entirely understand, but it is a pity. It was a clever idea of the PM, and if Stan had said yes, I really think he would have been one of the few who could hold it for the Libs – and Stan really would have a lot to offer as a politician. Had he run, and if the progressive side of the Libs win the coming battle for the party’s soul, he could have been one of those politicians who come from seemingly nowhere, very rapidly, to vault far over the heads of veterans. It is not to be.

The PM, Waleed and the Muslim question

The story of the week, of course, was the showdown between Waleed Aly and the Prime Minister over whether, in a shadow cabinet meeting in December 2010, Scott Morrison did or didn’t suggest that the Coalition exploit community prejudice against Muslim immigration. At the end of it all, one question remains unanswered. Why, when the Herald’s then political reporter Lenore Taylor broke the story two months after that meeting, did Morrison not threaten defamation? After all, if untrue, it would have been a very simple matter to get sworn affidavits from all of them, affirming he never said any such thing. But as Taylor, now editor of The Guardian, confirmed to me this week: “Neither I, nor as far as I know, any of the journalists who did follow-up stories, received threats of defamation suits, nor even an angry phone call from Mr Morrison.”

Scott Morrison in his interview with Waleed Aly on The Project this week.

Scott Morrison in his interview with Waleed Aly on The Project this week.Credit: NETWORK 10

And yet, here we are eight years later, Waleed Aly doesn’t even name the PM in his editorial on the night of the Christchurch massacre, and suddenly it's all sound and fury coming from the Prime Minister’s office, including threats of defamation. Why now? Why not then? The only thing I can think of is that while it was undeniable then – confirmed to Taylor, and then other journalists, from multiple sources – he just might be able to get away with denying it now, and because of his position people are even less inclined to go on the record affirming he said it.


And look who's not telling

As it happened, immediately after the clash between Aly and the PM was over on Thursday evening, circumstance placed me in the presence of both Malcolm Turnbull and Julie Bishop in a gathering at the former PM’s Point Piper home. Neither had seen the interview, but both were in the shadow cabinet meeting in question. Surely, one of them might go on the record, and just say flat-out what happened?

Nice try ... Julie Bishop isn't going there.

Nice try ... Julie Bishop isn't going there. Credit: AAP

Alas, no chance. Neither wanted to play. One has highly detailed contemporaneous notes on how the party reacted to Lenore Taylor’s story, which sound fascinating from an entirely different point of view, but the time for those notes to emerge will come. I put to Bishop that, although I accepted she didn’t wish to talk about it, all I wanted was for her to: “Blink once if, as reported, you and Philip Ruddock were the two who spoke up forcefully against Morrison!” She immediately assumed a self-mocking stone-face that would do an Easter Island statue proud. For the rest, though, neither my wife nor I have never seen her in more vivacious form – absolutely sparkling. I am not sure what she has planned for her post-political career, but she is clearly looking forward to it.

Murdoch's 20th shindig

Listen, if you see a whole heap of Learjets lining up at Sydney Airport this week, here's why. Next weekend Lachlan and Sarah Murdoch will celebrate 20 years of happy marriage, and will have some 100 guests flying in from around the world. The long-running festivities, over two days and two nights, will stretch from Sydney's eastern suburbs to the Murdoch family property near Yass.

Lachlan and Sarah Murdoch, preparing to celebrate 20 years married.

Lachlan and Sarah Murdoch, preparing to celebrate 20 years married. Credit: Alamy

They said

“We all know that for a number of years, the slow slide into the sleazy attacks on minorities, the dog whistle, we know it's been happening. I'm calling it out. I want all of you to call it out, too.”  - Bill Shorten, to the media, on Monday.

“I kind of looked at everyone surfing, and I just realised they're all running their Australian flags on each shoulder and, you know, it was a really special thing to ask and they [the World Surf League] allowed that, and I just think it's really cool to see them getting behind me.” -  ''Soli' Bailey on how he will be the first surfer to compete under both the Australian and Aboriginal flags.

“We have a cardinal that's now in jail; that was improbable.” - Magistrate Daniel Reiss when  the lawyer for Kyle Daniel – the Mosman swim instructor charged with molesting young girls in his care – said it was improbable that his client could have done so.

“I mis-spoke. I could have chosen my words more carefully.” Michael Daley explaining the video showing him saying Asians with PhDs were taking over the Sydney job market.

“For her leadership and advocacy in promoting a more tolerant and inclusive Australia, and for shaping Australia's foreign policy dialogue.” - Statement announcing Senator Penny Wong as the winner of this year's McKinnon Prize for Political Leadership.

“Warning: eating meat causes cancer, heart disease and erectile dysfunction.” - Vegan stickers that have been found on packages in the meat and dairy sections of supermarkets.

“One thing I can assure you, you won’t hear me speak his name.” Jacinda Ardern on the alleged Christchurch terrorist.

"Don't egg politicians. You get tackled by 30 bogans at the same time. I learnt the hard way." - Will Connolly, aka 'Egg Boy', the 17-year-old who egged Senator Fraser Anning.

"Yesterday, Australia got the villain it created. Today, it got the hero it deserved." - Twitter user Ammara Siddique, referring to Egg Boy.

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