

This was published 1 year ago

Coalition open to working with Pauline Hanson on No pamphlet

By Lisa Visentin

Coalition frontbencher Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has left open the door to working with One Nation leader Pauline Hanson on the written No case to be published in the official Voice referendum pamphlet, after they met in Parliament House last month to discuss Hanson’s potential contribution.

Hanson wants the No pamphlet to include the claim that the Voice will override the supremacy of parliament, which has been widely rejected by constitutional law experts, as well as unfounded assertions that it could pave the way for a separate Indigenous state and “racially exclusive” seats in parliament.

Coalition frontbencher Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and Liberal senator Paul Scarr met with One National leader Pauline Hanson to discuss the No pamphlet last month.

Coalition frontbencher Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and Liberal senator Paul Scarr met with One National leader Pauline Hanson to discuss the No pamphlet last month.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

She has outlined her case against the Voice in a 2138-word essay, which she says she handed to Queensland Liberal National senator Paul Scarr, who also attended the meeting in Price’s parliamentary office, during the final sitting week in June before parliament rose for the winter recess.

Price is chairing the Coalition committee that will formulate the No camp’s written case while Scarr is deputy chair. Their document will form the opposing half of the official Yes/No referendum pamphlet that the Australian Electoral Commission is required to distribute to every Australian household at least 14 days before the vote. There is no legal requirement for the pamphlet to be truthful or accurate.

Price declined to respond directly to questions about whether Hanson’s controversial views would be accommodated, but said the committee was “open to listening to all respectful contributions” from MPs who opposed the Voice.


“No single person will be responsible for writing the No case pamphlet,” Price said in a statement.

“I acknowledge that there are a number of reasons to oppose Labor’s Voice and that many people, for many reasons, will want to contribute to the case against it. The committee will take these into consideration and ultimately produce a document that we believe outlines the strongest cases against it.”

The Coalition has the numbers to control the content of the No case’s half of the pamphlet, while the Yes case is being steered by Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney, who has agreed to consult crossbench and Liberal MPs who support the Voice.


Under the referendum rules, the Yes and No camps are given 2000 words each to make their case, with politicians who vote for/against the referendum bill in the parliament allowed to have input into the respective sides, although the final version is signed off by the majority. The written cases must be provided to the AEC by July 17.

Hanson’s essay includes a mix of mainstream arguments against the Voice similar to those made by the Coalition – for example, that it is legally risky, that Labor has failed to explain how it will close the Indigenous disadvantage, and that it will divide Australians along racial lines – as well as more extreme claims, including that the Voice could be a frontrunner for the creation of a new Indigenous state.

“In addition to an Indigenous state, the Voice could also be used as a vehicle for the establishment of racially exclusive seats in parliament held only by Indigenous people, similar to New Zealand’s parliament,” the essay claims.

It also claims “a Voice would override the supremacy of the elected Parliament and undermine the authority of the elected Australian government”, triggering litigation that would lead to “multiple constitutional crises”.

While the Coalition has opened the door to Hanson, a spokesperson for independent Victorian senator Lidia Thorpe said her office had not received any response from Price’s office following their attempts to discuss Thorpe’s involvement in the No case. Thorpe, who opposes the Voice on the basis it will be powerless and compromise Indigenous sovereignty, has already made clear she wants her “progressive No” arguments included in the No case.

Hanson told this masthead she had a separate conversation with Scarr in which he asked her views on whether Thorpe should be involved in the No pamphlet.

Senator Pauline Hanson rejected suggestions some of her arguments amounted to misinformation.

Senator Pauline Hanson rejected suggestions some of her arguments amounted to misinformation.Credit: Rhett Wyman

“I said [to Scarr] she does not respect our institution, does not like the parliament, she is not here for the right reasons and I don’t believe she should have an opportunity to have a say,” Hanson said. She claimed Scarr agreed with her view.

Scarr declined to comment on Hanson’s claims, saying it was not appropriate to discuss private conversations, but said he and Price would approach the pamphlet negotiations in the “same respectful way in which the broader debate over the constitutional change should be conducted”.

Hanson rejected suggestions some of her arguments amounted to misinformation and said she was “furious” that Nationals leader David Littleproud had indicated she could be sidelined from the pamphlet process.


“They’ve got the numbers, that’s why they want to sideline me. If they want to use part of it, great, because I think there are arguments in my document that they should put in it,” Hanson said.

Asked last week about concerns the pamphlet could fuel misinformation, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese urged Australians to be aware of the advice from constitutional law experts that it may not be accurate or truthful.

Price accused Albanese of not distinguishing between misinformation and information he did not like.

“For example, Minister Burney claiming the Voice won’t speak to Australia Day issues is misinformation, while legal experts saying the Voice could speak on Australia Day issues is information he probably doesn’t like,” she said.

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