

This was published 2 years ago

‘Genuine royalty’: Caroline Kennedy nominated as next US ambassador to Australia

By Anthony Galloway

The next American ambassador to Australia, Caroline Kennedy, daughter of the late president John F. Kennedy, will have the ear of United States President Joe Biden when she takes up the post next year.

The White House announced on Thursday the nomination of Ms Kennedy, who previously served as US ambassador to Japan under former president Barack Obama, for the top diplomatic post in Australia.

The daughter of former president John F. Kennedy has been appointed as the United States’ next ambassador to Australia.

The daughter of former president John F. Kennedy has been appointed as the United States’ next ambassador to Australia.Credit: Getty

Dennis Richardson, a former Australian ambassador to the US, said the appointment highlighted “in no uncertain manner the importance which the Biden administration attaches to the relationship” with Australia.

“She is close to the President, having sat on the committee which recommended him to be President Obama’s running mate in 2008,” he said.

“She is genuine Democratic Party royalty. Also, she knows the Asia-Pacific having been ambassador to Tokyo. It will be important for the Australian public to see her for the professional she is, and not as the celebrity she has never wanted to be. ”


“It is always better to have a political appointee who knows the President personally, as opposed to a middle-ranking State Department official who might carry relatively little weight in the White House.”

Lowy Institute executive director Michael Fullilove said Ms Kennedy “bears a storied name and she will excite a lot of interest on the part of Australians”.

“She is an accomplished diplomat and she’s been around the highest levels of politics her entire life,” he said.


“She can get Joe Biden on the phone, and that’s rare for an American ambassador to Australia. For all those reasons she brings a lot of star power as well as substance.”

Ms Kennedy’s nomination must be confirmed by the US Senate but this is expected to be a formality despite recent efforts by Republicans to block diplomatic nominations.

The post has been vacant since Arthur B. Culvahouse Jr, who was appointed by the Trump administration, left earlier this year following the election of President Biden.

Ms Kennedy said she looked forward to collaborating with the Australian government to “strengthen our alliance, improve global health and increase vaccine access during this terrible pandemic and to address the urgent climate crisis”.

“I am excited to get to know the Australian people, learn about their fascinating country and share with them what I love most about America,” she said.

Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne said she “warmly welcomed” the nomination, adding Ms Kennedy had a “distinguished career in law, the arts, education and philanthropy”.

“If confirmed by the United States Senate, she would bring deep political networks in Washington and a keen understanding of our Indo-Pacific region, including from her time as US Ambassador to Japan. She would be the second woman to serve in the role,” she said.

“Ms Kennedy’s nomination comes as we mark and celebrate the 70th year of the ANZUS Treaty. Our Alliance has never been more central to the interests of both countries.”

Senator Payne confirmed she discussed the need to get a Senate-confirmed ambassador appointed as soon as possible with US Secretary of State Tony Blinken at their meeting in Liverpool, England last weekend.

She said it was important to appoint a top US diplomat in Australia “in light of the scope and scale of the shared challenges we face”.

Ms Kennedy, a scion of one of America’s most famous political families, is the only surviving child of the former president.

The first female US ambassador to Japan, Ms Kennedy was an early and prominent supporter of Mr Obama when he was running for the presidency in 2008.

She served as ambassador to Japan from 2013 to 2017, and before that was a prominent attorney and author of 11 best-selling books on law, civics, and poetry.

Former US ambassador to Australia John Berry, now president of the American Australian Association, said Kennedy’s appointment was “very good news” for the US-Australia relationship.

“Ambassador Kennedy is an outstanding choice by the President who will bring a deep understanding of the critical importance of the Australia American Alliance as well as solid experience in the Indo-Pacific region,” he said.

“President Biden is fully focused on this region and is clearly sending America’s best to Australia.”

The US embassy in Canberra said it was “delighted” by the nomination of Ms Kennedy.

“Pending confirmation, we look forward to welcoming ambassador-designate Kennedy to Australia,” the embassy said.

“As President Biden said, ‘The United States has no closer or more reliable ally than Australia’.”

Mr Blinken made a plea this week to the US Senate to speed up the confirmations of President Biden’s nominees to ambassadorial posts, saying delays hampered efforts to tackle key foreign policy challenges.

“This is a huge problem,” Mr Blinken said. “For the sake of our national security, the Senate must act.”

“Virtually every challenge we face, including dealing with Russia, with China, with non-state factors, we’re hampered by the fact that we don’t have our full national security and foreign policy team on the field.”

A growing number of Senate Republicans are starting to express concern about the impact that Senator Ted Cruz’s blocking of ambassador nominees and have begun discussions with Democrats to work around the Texas conservative.

With Matthew Knott

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