

This was published 4 years ago

Campaign for the right to know fights the darkness

By David Crowe and Jenny Noyes

Australians are being urged to heed new warnings about the cost of government secrecy in a united campaign by the nation's biggest media companies that calls on Parliament to enshrine press freedom and protect whistleblowers.

The "Your Right to Know" campaign intensifies the case for significant law reform to stop the suppression of information that is vital to consumers, citing real-world examples such as the suppression of information about abuse of the elderly in aged care homes.

Australia's media organisations are pushing for increased government transparency through the Your Right to Know campaign.

Australia's media organisations are pushing for increased government transparency through the Your Right to Know campaign.Credit:

Seeking change after police raids on journalists and whistleblowers this year, the media industry is widening the argument over the "right to know" by focusing on the harm to Australians if abuse and corruption are never exposed.

With a media blitz running for weeks, the campaign is unusual in its scale as well as its broad support across the industry from Nine, the ABC, The Guardian, News Corp Australia, Prime Media, Seven West Media, Sky News, SBS, Ten, the WIN Network and others. (Nine owns this masthead.)

The campaign, launched on Sunday night with television advertisements nationwide, moves the debate beyond disputes over national security laws as Parliament conducts two inquiries into restrictions on the media. In one campaign advertisement, Australians are told of the federal government’s refusal to disclose the aged care homes responsible for more than 4,000 reports of assaults of residents last year.

The media coalition is seeking six reforms including "properly functioning" laws to ensure freedom of information as Labor backs some of the arguments for change while the Coalition warns against reform.

"My government will always believe in the freedom of the press – it’s an important part of our freedoms as a liberal democracy," Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Sunday.

"I also believe in the rule of law and that no-one is above it, including me or anyone else, any journalist.


"The rule of law has to be applied evenly and fairly in protection of our broader freedoms, and so I don’t think anyone's, I would hope, looking for a leave pass on those things."

Attorney-General Christian Porter said there were "sensible" changes to be considered but he objected to wide exemptions for journalists from national security and secrecy laws, including the regime to monitor metadata.

"Some of the demands, I’ve got to say, are right at the outer edge of workability."

Journalism isn't a crime, it’s an essential part of our democracy.

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese

The debate appears certain to intensify in Parliament as Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese calls on the government to rule out prosecutions of News Corp journalist Annika Smethurst and ABC journalists Dan Oakes and Sam Clark, all three the subject of police raids in June.

"The government should shut that down. People should not be charged for doing their job," Mr Albanese said on Sunday.

"Journalism isn't a crime, it’s an essential part of our democracy. We need to cherish it, we need to make sure that whatever legislative changes are required to ensure media freedom are adopted.

"It should happen in a bipartisan way and it should happen quickly."

Mr Albanese said Labor was prepared to support change but the government was not willing to protect media freedom.


The changes being sought include the right for media outlets to challenge a warrant to be used for a police raid. Other changes include exemptions for journalists from some of the security laws enacted over the last seven years.

The media outlets are calling for stronger protections for public sector whistleblowers to ensure they can reveal wrongdoing without punishment.

On government transparency and accountability, the media outlets are seeking a dramatic improvement in the Freedom of Information Act to ensure the swift and affordable release of documents, as well as limits on papers that can be stamped "secret" so they can be suppressed for years. The campaign also seeks reforms to defamation laws.

ABC managing director David Anderson said Australia was at risk of becoming "the world’s most secretive democracy" while News Corp Australasia executive chairman Michael Miller said Australians should be "suspicious" of governments that restricted their right to know.

Nine Entertainment chief executive Hugh Marks said the new campaign was "much bigger than the media" because it was about the right of all Australians to know about decisions made in their name.

The campaign is backed by whistleblowers and consumer advocates who have helped expose government inaction or corporate misconduct in the past, including those who pressed for the banking royal commission.

"History tells us that we can’t rely on the regulators to identify and punish all corporate misbehaviour," said John Berrill, a director of the Consumer Action Law Centre and a director at Berrill & Watson Lawyers.

"The events of the last few years have shown how important the media are in exposing corporate wrongdoing in financial services.

"Much of the exposure of wrongdoing has been as a result of leaks to journalists that would otherwise not see the light of day."

One of those who spoke up against the Commonwealth Bank years before the royal commission, Merilyn Swan, said whistleblowers needed greater protection to halt harm to consumers.

Ms Swan's parents suffered significant financial losses at the Commonwealth Bank, in a case revealed by The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald journalist Adele Ferguson.

"The media is the only venue through which we can get information, the only venue where we can get our complaints heard," Ms Swan said.

"Sometimes the last resort to get transparency is to take it to the public arena.


"It is the only way to get to the truth - to put some sunlight on a problem, because you're not going to get a solution or redress through official channels. The official channels are just a roadblock."

Ms Swan said the public were usually unaware of misconduct or worse behaviour until this was revealed by those on the inside of a government or corporate organisation.

"We need whistleblowers on the inside," she said, praising Commonwealth Bank whistleblower Jeff Morris for his work in exposing misconduct.

"They are people with integrity and with a moral compass."

"Whistleblowers are fundamental to the conscience of democracy.

"Until a whistleblower comes out, you're not aware that you're not the only one with a problem."

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