

This was published 15 years ago

Brilliant and fearless but Paul Keating was right about Turnbull

By Peter Hartcher

When Malcolm Turnbull took the leadership of the Liberal Party, Paul Keating decided he had some useful insights into the man. He decided to offer them to Kevin Rudd.

The previous Labor prime minister told the incumbent Labor Prime Minister on the phone that he had studied Turnbull over the years. Rudd had to understand three key things about Turnbull.

First, he should know that Turnbull was brilliant. Second, that Turnbull was utterly fearless.

At this point Rudd, an irritated Rudd, demanded to know, 'Is there any good news here?' Keating replied with his third point: Turnbull has no judgment. Keating must be feeling vindicated today.

Turnbull is brilliant. Remember, for instance, as a barrister his single-handed courtroom victory over the full might and mettle of the British government in the Spycatcher case?

And he is fearless. When Kerry Packer threatened to kill him over a business deal turned sour, Turnbull threatened to kill him back. As the Herald's Annabel Crabb quoted Turnbull as saying in an interview for the Quarterly Essay:

"He did threaten to kill me and I said to him: 'Well, you'd better make sure that your assassin gets me first because, if he misses, you better know I won't miss you'."

This week Turnbull's colleagues were left asking the hardest possible questions about his judgment. When Rudd claimed this week that Turnbull's handling of the ute affair disqualified him from ever holding the prime ministership, quite a few Liberals quietly wondered if he might be right.

The Liberal Party had long harboured deep reservations on the matter. For instance, Turnbull showed brilliance and fearlessness soon after entering Parliament when he commissioned a consultancy to model 270 options for changing the tax system.

But judgment? Turnbull didn't take into account the fact that the Howard government already had a treasurer. Peter Costello was furious and has never forgiven him for his impertinence.


Then there's Turnbull's temper. On the day the Liberals chose Brendan Nelson as leader over Malcolm Turnbull, the spurned candidate staged an astonishing tantrum, as The Australian's Samantha Maiden reported at the time. This squall was revived in many memories around Parliament House this week.

As Nelson has recounted the event to a number of MPs, he was sitting in his office immediately after winning the leadership. He was talking with the Liberals' federal director, Brian Loughnane, and two staff: "The door was closed, but it just swung open and there was Malcolm, yelling and wagging his finger at me.

"I should be like a man, I shouldn't have given such a funereal address to the party room. I had to buck the party up. It was just an explosion.

"And I said to him what I said to him for the whole 10 months I was leader: 'thanks for being honest Malcolm, but I don't agree with you'."

This outburst was not the worst indignity the mild-mannered Nelson suffered at the hands of the man who was to become his shadow treasurer. At least once, Nelson has told other MPs, Turnbull prodded his leader in the chest as he yelled at him - behaviour that would start a fist fight in any pub in the country.

"I can honestly say I have never encountered anyone else like him in my life. He can read a balance sheet but he can't read a human being," Nelson has remarked privately about Turnbull.

But something seemed to change in the man that World Vision's Tim Costello described as "a force of nature … absolutely terrifying". When Nelson's leadership was approaching its end, Turnbull behaved with unexpected restraint.

He did not agitate for the leader's job. He did not destabilise Nelson. He did not canvass votes. He waited calmly for the job to fall to him, as it did. It seemed to indicate a new maturity. As one of his frontbench colleagues observed: "About the time of last year's budget he seemed to go from being restless and angry to being patient and settled."

Certainly, since taking the Liberal leadership, his colleagues report no sightings of what has become commonly known as "Bad Malcolm", one half of the man whose other persona is called "Good Malcolm".

Some Coalition members even dared to dream of victory in recent weeks. One member of the frontbench summarised: "Malcolm had seen off Brendan Nelson, he'd seen off Peter Costello, he got the scalp of the defence minister, and the message about debt and deficit seemed to be getting some traction." The opinion polls had brought Labor's ratings down from stratospheric to apparently within reach.

But this week the doubts about Turnbull's judgment, and the old fears of electoral oblivion, came rushing back in the Liberal Party.

The first clear sign of a poor political judgment was Turnbull's decision at the Press Gallery Mid-Winter Ball on Wednesday last week to taunt a member of the Prime Minister's staff over the OzCar affair.

OzCar is the Government's emergency fund designed to supply credit to car dealerships under threat of collapse because of the chaos in the world financial markets since last September. The fund's enabling legislation passed this week.

The Opposition accuses Rudd of using OzCar to favour a mate, the Ipswich car dealer John Grant, the man who supplied Rudd with a free but ancient ute.

According to the staff member, economic adviser Andrew Charlton, Turnbull said to him at the ball that "this whole OzCar issue will be very damaging for you" and "you should not lie to protect your boss". He added, in a precursor to the email that was soon to become the centre of controversy, "you know and I know there is documentary evidence that you have lied".

Charlton interpreted the remarks as threatening. And it did seem to be what a frontbench Liberal called "a flash of Bad Malcolm", cocky, aggressive, blustering. His behaviour was just stupid. Turnbull simply gave the Government two days' warning of what was to come. That was Turnbull's first mistake.

The Treasury official administering OzCar, Godwin Grech, gave testimony to a Senate estimates committee on Friday last week. Squirming visibly, he said he recalled seeing an email from the Prime Minister's office alerting him to the case of John Grant.

This would have contradicted an earlier assertion of Rudd's that neither he nor his office had made any representations to the Treasury on Grant's behalf.

But Grech prefaced his claim by saying "my recollection may well be totally faulty".

Ignoring this caveat, Turnbull went public and pushed the nuclear button. He demanded that Rudd explain the discrepancy or resign. That was Turnbull's second mistake.

His defenders say that any Opposition leader would have done the same. Maybe some would have. But John Howard would not have. A shrewd political leader would have sent parliamentary foot soldiers skirmishing first to draw out the enemy and test the ground. Turnbull had immediately raised the matter to the highest stakes possible.

That just ensured that the test of his own credibility would now occur with the highest possible level of scrutiny. Within hours, Rudd was able to announce that there had been no such email from his office.

And when Rudd called in the federal police, they quickly declared the email to be a fraud. Turnbull was humiliated.

But it got worse. When the email's authenticity was challenged, Turnbull disavowed knowledge of it. He said that he only knew of it from a report in The Daily Telegraph. But the newspaper had not yet published the story at the time. He bungled his alibi. It was his third mistake.

The Government had initiated investigations by the federal police and the Auditor-General. But Turnbull wanted to stay on the offensive and keep the scrutiny on the Government. Boldly, he called for a full judicial inquiry: "The Government is so frightened of there being a full and open inquiry into this OzCar scandal, so frightened, they're not prepared to have a judicial inquiry. We're not frightened of that - bring it on, we want to let some sunlight into this".

But then he immediately began retreating from the light. He said that, while he would co-operate with the police investigation over the forged email, he might claim parliamentary privilege over a wider police investigation into Treasury leaks to the Opposition.

And then Turnbull's party voted in the Senate to block an inquiry by the Senate privileges committee into the whole affair.

The Greens' leader, Bob Brown, was outraged. It was only the second time in the Senate's 108 years that a referral to the privileges committee had been voted down.

Turnbull had demanded sunlight, then started to dodge into the shadows. It was his fourth mistake, the culmination of the most dreadful political week of his short parliamentary career.

There is only one reason that Turnbull's blunders have not brought the party to a crisis over his leadership - no one else is running for the job. He has become the default leader of the Liberal Party.

His colleagues are hoping fervently that Turnbull has learnt from the searing experience. And, if there has been any redemption for him from this experience, his sheer resilience has impressed many.

But Turnbull's toughness has never been in question. Neither has his brilliance nor his fearlessness. Only his judgment.

Peter Hartcher is the Herald's political editor.

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