

This was published 4 years ago


Branch-stacking undermines member, public trust

Labor's rule book could not be clearer. Those involved in branch-stacking, which it interprets as enrolling persons for the principal purpose of influencing the outcome of ballots of members, should be expelled from the party. Sensational revelations detailing Victorian minister and right-wing powerbroker Adem Somyurek's industrial-scale branch-stacking operation in his quest to accumulate power within the state and federal party should be an open and shut case for his expulsion.

And yet this is a political party that for decades has turned a blind eye to branch-stacking and has all but revered the backroom factional powerbrokers who have partaken in the practice in a bid to control factions, advance their causes and reward supporters. While not as publicly visible, the Liberal Party also at times resorts to the same tactics.

Accusations of branch-stacking against Mr Somyurek have been levelled in the past. A senior union official once accused him of recruiting up to 4000 members, about a quarter of the party’s state membership. Despite demands for an investigation, little was done and, incredibly, several months later, Mr Somyurek was returned to the ministry after being dumped a few years before over allegations of systemic bullying, abuse and intimidation. He is now overseeing new laws stamping out corruption in local councils.

But this time, Mr Somyurek has been caught red-handed ordering others to forge signatures and create dozens of false statements in which Labor branch members claim to have paid for their own memberships when in fact the minister or his political operatives have footed the bill. He openly talks about directing taxpayer-funded parliamentary employees, who say they have the backing of their bosses, to conduct party political operations.

And while Mr Somyurek in the past may have been accused of controlling a quarter of the state membership, a charge he has vehemently denied, in private he now boasts on tape of controlling almost two-thirds of the party in Victoria. "I'll be just running the joint,” proclaims Mr Somyurek in one recorded exchange. “It's who I say is going to be the f---ing premier.”

At a time when it could be argued that in Australia the pandemic has brought out the best in our politicians, with the public in most part supporting their actions, these extraordinary revelations put on full display the very worst of our political system.


Nearly 20 years ago, former prime minister Bob Hawke and NSW premier Neville Wran did a top-to-bottom review of the Labor Party. One of the key failings it found was the "cancerous" effect of branch-stacking. Members they spoke to repeatedly voiced their concerns about how it disempowered them, undermining the party's internal democratic processes.

While the party elders made several recommendations to stamp it out, they accepted that it was extremely challenging to set the bar high enough in joining the party to ensure only genuine members are accepted while not imposing excessive limitations. It is now perfectly clear that the party has still not struck that balance.

When Anthony Albanese went up against Bill Shorten for the Labor leadership in 2013, he attracted much greater support from the party membership, gaining nearly 60 per cent of the popular ballot, while Mr Shorten won out with much stronger backing from the caucus. It's time Mr Albanese, now Labor leader, paid back that support from the membership by calling on Mr Somyurek to be expunged from the party. It would not only empower existing genuine members and help attract new ones, but it would go some way in restoring faith in a political system that too often is seen as a forum for those in pursuit of personal power.

  • The Herald's editor Lisa Davies writes a weekly newsletter exclusively for subscribers. To have it delivered to your inbox, please sign up here.

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