

This was published 1 year ago

Boy from western Sydney plots generational reform for education

By Paul Sakkal

Asylum seekers and the children of poorer, first-generation migrants surrounded a young Jason Clare at Cabramatta Primary School in Sydney’s west. Some told stories about boats and the high seas.

Clare, whose parents didn’t finish year 10, keeps in touch with those classmates. Now they include doctors, engineers, and multi-millionaire business owners.

Jason Clare at Uniting Dove Cottage Early Learning, in Bankstown, western Sydney.

Jason Clare at Uniting Dove Cottage Early Learning, in Bankstown, western Sydney. Credit: Steven Siewert

Their life-altering experience being taught by passionate educators in working-class Sydney infuses what Clare – who now sits at the federal cabinet table as education minister – says are among the biggest mooted reforms to Australia’s education system in a generation.

“That’s the power of education: it changes lives. It’s given me a chance my parents never had,” he said in an interview.

Education policy, regarded as a political strong point for Labor, has not been front and centre in the Albanese government’s first year.


But the 51-year-old Clare’s agenda is packed with big plans: finally giving public schools as much funding as the Gonski plan said they needed; overhauling universities and reducing reliance on international students; and paving the way for universal free childcare in the Labor tradition of Medicare and superannuation.

He has commissioned three root-and-branch reviews of school funding, universities and early childhood education to move towards these goals.

All of them will make recommendations to Clare this year, which he dubs the year of ideas. The cabinet, Clare says, will then act next year – the year of implementation.


The MP for the western Sydney seat of Blaxland won’t speculate on how much it will all cost. He knows it won’t be cheap and emphasises Labor’s core value to treat education as an investment rather than a cost.

“Each report will be important. But together they could be transformational,” he said, pointing to long-term boosts to material living standards derived from making Australians smarter and our economy more sophisticated.

“There’s a potential here for big reform that could change the lives of Australians for decades to come. It’s nation-changing.”

Jason Clare with the heads of three major education sector reviews (from left to right, Mary O’Kane, Lisa O’Brien and Deborah Brennan) is treating education as an investment rather than a cost.

Jason Clare with the heads of three major education sector reviews (from left to right, Mary O’Kane, Lisa O’Brien and Deborah Brennan) is treating education as an investment rather than a cost.Credit: Steven Siewert

The inquiries are being conducted by three eminent women; former NSW chief scientist Mary O’Kane (universities), gender equality academic and Productivity Commission associate commissioner Deborah Brennan (childcare), and Lisa O’Brien, a former head of the Smith Family poverty alleviation charity (schools).

They aren’t technical reviews designed to deliver bland recommendations.

Clare has asked for bold ideas from the three women, who met with the minister at Uniting Dove Cottage preschool centre in Bankstown. It’s these children, many of whom are from new migrant families like those Clare grew up with, whose lives will benefit most from the ideas circling through the heads of the women joining them for a visit.


An aim to reduce long-term disadvantage and tamp down burgeoning inequality is at the heart of each of the three endeavours. Clare wants to set measurable targets to hold future governments to account for raising education levels among groups such as Aboriginal children and those in depressed regional areas and pockets of generational disadvantage across Australia, whom Clare says have missed out as the better-off children have flourished over the past few decades.

“That opportunity hasn’t reached into every corner of the country, and this is a chance to make sure it does,” he said.

“I don’t want us to be a country where your chances in life depend on who your parents are, where you live or the colour of your skin, but that’s where we are at the moment. And the work that Deb, Lisa, and Mary are doing is about changing that.”

O’Kane, leading the university probe, said she would examine funding, governance, the types of universities we create, equity, and shaping a higher education system that transformed Australia into a world-leading knowledge economy.

Universities have increasingly come to rely on fees from international students.

Universities have increasingly come to rely on fees from international students.Credit: Wayne Taylor

“The vision here is if we can really make use of our incredible people talent, we can really create a better and more prosperous life for our whole country, with no one left behind,” she said.

“To do that, we need a much more skilled workforce.”

O’Brien, whose expert panel on schools has been billed as the “last best chance” to get Australia’s school system to the level outlined under the 2011 Gonski report, said her time at the Smith Family showed her what education did for young people’s lives.

“The panel will be consulting broadly and seeks to provide ministers with evidence-informed advice on the types of reforms that will drive real and measurable improvements,” she said.

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