

This was published 2 years ago

Battle lines drawn as Kooyong voters put on notice

By Paul Sakkal

Residents of Melbourne’s genteel eastern suburbs of Hawthorn, Kew and Balwyn would have been forgiven for thinking the federal election is mere days away.

Their seat of Kooyong is awash with blue and teal signage – an in-your-face illustration of the threat posed by climate-focussed independents in Liberal heartland, where the conservatives are set to spend up to $2 million, and where new polling suggests the Coalition vote has dipped.

Josh Frydenberg and rival Monique Ryan with duelling advertising in the Kooyong electorate.

Josh Frydenberg and rival Monique Ryan with duelling advertising in the Kooyong electorate.Credit: Simon Schluter

Barely a phone box or shopping centre information board is not plastered with the beaming smile of the incumbent, Josh Frydenberg. His team has booked out digital billboards at major intersection in the seat, which one company rents for $33,000 a month, until the election. At three local cinemas, a paid message from Australia’s Treasurer plays between the trailers.

His opponent Monique Ryan – a senior paediatric neurologist and former Labor Party member – is seen on up to 2000 smaller front-garden and shopfront window corflutes. More than 1800 donors have given her $1 million, and the campaign claims less than half has come from the Climate 200 fund convened by climate activist Simon Holmes a Court, the son of Australia’s first billionaire.


On the streets, Kooyong locals see bikes and trucks lugging around Dr Ryan’s billboards. On their phones, they have been bombarded in recent weeks by geolocated advertising on YouTube and TV streaming apps, which have made Dr Ryan one of the country’s biggest spenders on online political ads in recent months.

“No one has ever seen an on-the-ground campaign this intense so far out from an election,” a long-time Liberal campaigner said.

At stake is not just any of Australia’s 150 seats, but one of the Liberal Party’s most treasured and storied electorates. Additionally, the incumbent is a self-confessed prime ministerial aspirant and the person most likely to be the next Australian leader who comes from Victoria.

As Mr Frydenberg prepares for a crucial budget – with Australia drowning in a COVID-induced record debt approaching $1 trillion – and pursues his ambition to become a generational Liberal leader, he is confronted by a troubling demographic change on his home turf. Older and generally more conservative voters are dying, while younger, tertiary-educated and generally more progressive voters are moving into higher-density areas around Hawthorn and Kew.


In a sign of Mr Frydenberg’s focus on the poll, the Coalition scrapped a long-standing commitment to build car parks at train stations, which attracted criticism from locals and the national audit office. The embarrassing about-face was influenced by prominent local Liberals, including former Hawthorn MP John Pesutto and Kennett government minister Mark Birrell, who warned of the political consequence of persisting with the policy.

Labor’s head office will spend no money in Kooyong, and will likely direct preferences to the independent, while the Greens have lost momentum after high-profile lawyer Julian Burnside ran in 2019. It means the contest will be between Mr Frydenberg and Dr Ryan, who told The Age she has former senior Liberal staffers in her army of 1300 volunteers.

Independent Kooyong candidate Monique Ryan.

Independent Kooyong candidate Monique Ryan.Credit: Eddie Jim

She cites the same three priorities as the other 20 “Voices of” candidates around Australia: action on the “climate emergency” (for which she proposes at least 60 per cent emissions reductions by 2030), gender equity, and integrity in politics. She believes she can win, and is motivated by the ability to create change if she holds the balance of power in a hung Parliament.

“There’s a real thirst for change in this community … and it’s gathering impetus really quickly. We can see that,” she said.

“It’s going to be very, very close and that’s why the Liberals are coming as hard as they are, and it’s getting personal already. They know Mr Frydenberg is under threat and that’s not a pleasant place for him to be.”

Her reference to personal attacks relates to scrutiny she received for not declaring her membership of the Labor Party between 2007-10 in her first two media interviews (she confirmed she was a party member in a later interview).

Dr Ryan, 54, says she joined the ALP hoping then-leader Kevin Rudd would address the issue of climate change, but quit in disappointment. She insists she never attended meetings and believes it was not misleading to say she was a political cleanskin, though her Labor background will inevitably be targeted by the Liberal Party to dissuade disaffected conservatives from switching their support.

“I don’t think joining a party on one occasion 15 years ago makes me not a cleanskin … it doesn’t mean I’m a Labor stooge,” she said, declining to say which party she would support if one party did not secure a majority.

The anti-Frydenberg push has frustrated Zach Ristevski, 60, who has been cutting the Kooyong MP’s hair for years at Camberwell Junction.

“I don’t piss in his pocket, I tell him what I’m hearing,” he said. “And I really don’t hear much negative stuff against him. They are ganging up on him and I don’t know if people like that. With JobKeeper and managing the economy through the pandemic, talking to people today people are still saying he’s done a good job.”


But polling for Mr Holmes a Court’s Climate 200 group suggests at least some Kooyong voters have shifted away from the Morrison government, whose leader is particularly unpopular in inner-city seats in major cities.

Its data shows Mr Frydenberg’s primary vote has dropped from 49.5 per cent at the last election to below 40 per cent. The primary vote figure is an average figure derived from polls between October and March this year. The polls were conducted by telephone and online by political consultancy Redbridge, which is run by former Labor campaigner Kos Samaras but also employs Liberal figures. Climate 200 would not release primary vote data for any other candidate, including Dr Ryan.

“Seat-by-seat polling is only a temperature read of what the electorate feels like when they are surveyed, but it is not a predictor of how they will vote,” Mr Samaras said of electorate-focused pollin.

Mr Samaras, who is conducting polling for Climate 200 across Australia, added that it was a “matter of time” before Kooyong was lost to the Liberal Party because of the rising number of tertiary-educated young voters moving into densely populated parts of Hawthorn and Kew.

ABC election guru Antony Green believes the Climate 200 group is better organised this time.

ABC election guru Antony Green believes the Climate 200 group is better organised this time.Credit: Jacky Ghossein

Speculation about losing Kooyong has spawned a sense of deja vu for the Treasurer’s team, who read stories before the 2019 election about the Liberal primary vote dropping to 40 per cent, only to end up polling close to 50 per cent and winning comfortably. The party’s own internal polling showed the Treasurer’s primary vote had crumbled to the high 30s before the last election.

The strong 2019 result fuelled optimism among Liberals, who believe challengers can gain media attention and animate progressive voters in the seat but ultimately come unstuck due to the popularity of Mr Frydenberg, who was the preferred Liberal leader (38.5 per cent compared to Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s 31 per cent) in a February poll by Roy Morgan.

Internal Liberal polling indicated the Kooyong MP’s primary vote was about 50 per cent around October, before Dr Ryan’s candidacy was announced.

ABC election analyst Antony Green said Dr Ryan could only win if her primary was about 30 per cent and the Liberal Party’s dropped below 45. These markers were met when Liberals Tony Abbott and Sophie Mirabella lost their seats to independents.

“If Frydenberg is under 40, he’s in big trouble,” Mr Green said. “If the Liberals are anywhere under 45 and the independent is above 30, and about 80 per cent of Labor and Greens preferences flow to the independent, they can win.”


“Nobody knew who Oliver Yates [the independent who polled 9 per cent in Kooyong in 2019] was. The difference this time is the [Climate 200] candidates are all career women, and in electorates like Kooyong there are lots of career women. They are better organised this time, and they are getting special focus from the media.“

A geographical fissure exists in Kooyong. In much of the western part of the electorate closer to the city, where Hawthorn and Kew lie, the Liberal primary vote sits in the low 40s and the Greens vote is as high as 35.

Mr Frydenberg’s bulwark comes in the less densely populated and more family-based part of the electorate that runs from Canterbury to Balwyn North. Here, his primary vote sits in the mid-50s.

Dr Ryan’s most important task will be to peel off as many of these Liberal voters as possible. If her support comes largely from those who supported a non-Liberal party at the last poll, it is unlikely she will be able to leapfrog Mr Frydenberg after preferences are distributed.

In Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn, where Dr Ryan’s campaign office is located, all but one of 10 residents surveyed by The Age recognised Mr Frydenberg when showed a photograph, compared with five who knew Dr Ryan. At a shopping strip in Balwyn, all 10 identified the Treasurer while six knew who Dr Ryan was. Far few corflutes are erected in suburban streets in Balwyn than the backstreets of Hawthorn.

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