

This was published 2 years ago


Bandt needs to start difficult conversations with Lidia Thorpe

It’s easy to forget in an election year how quickly politicians can lose interest in currying favour once they’ve secured parliamentary real estate.

One recent example, brought to light by this newspaper, is the way Senator Lidia Thorpe is reported to have spoken to Indigenous elder Aunty Geraldine Atkinson in June last year.

Lidia Thorpe and Geraldine Atkinson.

Lidia Thorpe and Geraldine Atkinson.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen and Justin McManus

In a letter of complaint later sent to then Senate president Scott Ryan and Greens leader Adam Bandt, Atkinson said Thorpe began their Parliament House meeting by telling her they were not friends and that she did not respect her.

Atkinson alleged Thorpe went onto accuse her of being involved in corrupt Aboriginal organisations and when she tried to respond, spoke over her repeatedly stating, “I am an Australian senator. You are in my meeting.”

In her letter to Bandt, Atkinson alleged that Thorpe’s behaviour had been “vicious” and “abusive” and left her feeling “physically ill and shaken”.

Thorpe’s then chief-of-staff, David Mejia-Canales said he was “scared and in shock”. Atkinson ended up needing the attention of the parliamentary nurse.

Greens leader Adam Bandt campaigning with Lidia Thorpe in Melbourne on April 10.

Greens leader Adam Bandt campaigning with Lidia Thorpe in Melbourne on April 10.Credit: Paul Jeffers

But in April this year Thorpe described it as “just a normal conversation I have in parliament every day … I did nothing wrong so there’s no apology”.

Perhaps that is so.


That politicians can behave badly is not exactly news and nobody has been more critical of that behaviour than Adam Bandt.


After the release of the Jenkins’ review into the culture at Parliament House in November, which found one-in-three staff had experienced bullying, he described it in an email to his supporters as a “toxic nest”.

The report, he said, had exposed “the protection racket for what it was – a dangerous and shameful stain on our nation” and “not good enough”.

“We know we need to clean up our parliament. And we all want our leaders to do better, and to be better. While people are looking for leadership … now is our moment to offer it.”

Readers so moved by his words were then encouraged to press a button marked “DONATE NOW”.

Surely this anti-bullying crusader Bandt can’t be the same man who ignored Atkinson’s complaint for more than a year?

Alas, so. He might have solicited money for the cause of cleaning up politics, but what he does (or fails to do) when he thinks nobody is watching is far more telling.

Their leader wasn’t the only one reluctant to take Thorpe’s to task. Greens MPs closed ranks with Senators David Shoebridge and Janet Rice dismissing questions about it during a press conference, with Rice saying “We’ve got Greens processes”.

And Thorpe wasn’t Bandt’s only headache last week!

Last Friday it emerged an official complaint has been lodged against WA Green Dorinda Cox by one of her former staffers. One of her many former staffers: it is alleged six employees have left her office in the 13 months she’s been a senator, as a result of her “disturbing behaviour”.


Bandt’s office says it has been working with Cox on her “workplace culture”. He has been far slower to hold Thorpe to account.

Having ignored Atkinson’s complaint about Thorpe for more than a year, Bandt only responded after two days of media coverage. What makes this worse is Mejia-Canales had raised concerns about her conduct with party leaders at the time.

Maybe Bandt’s just not great at staying on top of his correspondence. More plausibly, he isn’t great at having difficult conversations with Thorpe.

His office says his response to Atkinson confirmed he had taken the two actions she requested: ensuring there was no personal retaliation against her and that it was made clear to Thorpe that abusive behaviour is unacceptable.

This is hard to square with the fact that both Bandt and Thorpe maintained last week her meeting with Atkinson simply involved a “robust discussion”.

Greens senator Lidia Thorpe.

Greens senator Lidia Thorpe.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Bandt must know he can’t keep walking on eggshells with Thorpe forever.

The Greens can’t afford to be seen as wreckers who in the name of purity end up undermining key elements of the Albanese government agenda such as climate change, integrity and the Voice.

This is particularly so when its moderate supporters now have an alternative in the teals.


Having finally secured a decent chunk of lower house real estate, retaining those seats and adding to them will be the priority.

Bandt knows that won’t happen if he blocks key elements of Albanese’s agenda.

This was evident when he surrendered his key demand that the government veto all new coal and gas projects and agreed to support Labor’s emission target legislation.

Alongside climate change, the Voice is central to Albanese’s agenda.

And the most damaging force shaping up against it on the Left may be Djab Wurrung, Gunnai Gunditjmara woman Lidia Thorpe.

Thorpe may end up like Phil Cleary, the advocate for the Republic, who in the 1999 referendum on that issue campaigned against a ‘yes’ vote because the proposed model didn’t include direct election of a president.

Thorpe’s main criticism of the Voice is that she considers a treaty with Indigenous Australians the priority.

She’s also called the referendum a “waste of money” and said “it’s pretty hard to say whether you can support something you know nothing about”, criticisms shared no doubt by many members of the Liberal Party.


This is the woman who in August was given the “full backing” of the Greens leadership to negotiate with the government on the referendum.

If the Voice fails because of Thorpe, it will be incredibly damaging for the Greens.

It’s hard to imagine this failure will sit comfortably with many Greens supporters when they next go to the polls.

Bandt won’t be able to put off difficult conversations with Thorpe for much longer.

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