

This was published 3 years ago

Australia to fund low-emissions research as world sets ambitious climate targets

By Mike Foley

Australia will help fund groundbreaking research in low-emissions technology as the Morrison government confronts increasingly ambitious climate commitments from major trading partners ahead of a global climate summit.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison will announce a $566 million investment in research partnerships with other countries for new technology like green steel, small modular nuclear reactors, and soil carbon sequestration. He said the technology from the deals would benefit Australian export industries such as agriculture, coal, aluminium and gas.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is looking to the international community to help develop the low emissions technology needed to tackle climate change.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is looking to the international community to help develop the low emissions technology needed to tackle climate change.Credit: Brook Mitchell

“The world is changing and we want to stay ahead of the curve by working with international partners to protect the jobs we have in energy-reliant businesses and create new jobs in the low emissions technology sector,” he said.

Australia’s focus on international action contrasts with the increasingly ambitious 2030 emissions targets that developed nations are announcing in the lead-up to US President Joe Biden’s international climate summit on Thursday.

But Energy and Emissions Reduction Minister Angus Taylor said one country alone cannot make commercially viable the low emissions solutions needed to replace polluting technologies, or roll them out at scale.

“Getting new energy technologies to parity will enable substantial reductions in global emissions – in both developing and developed countries – and ensure countries don’t have to choose between growth and decarbonisation,” Mr Taylor said.

“Rapid progress and innovation can be achieved when the world works together towards a common goal.”

The partnership funding is a commitment in the upcoming federal budget. The Morrison government has entered discussions with the US, UK, Japan, Korea and Germany on potential deals it expects will help generate 2500 jobs and leverage a return of $3 to $5 co-investment on every dollar invested.

Funds will be invested in research and development partnerships in line with Australia’s technology roadmap, which has prioritised hydrogen, low-emissions steel and aluminium, battery storage, and soil carbon sequestration on farmland.


The Morrison government will also seek to collaborate with the US and UK on small modular nuclear reactors, which are not yet commercially viable. It has no plan to remove Australia’s ban on nuclear power or fuel processing.


The government announced on Wednesday $275 million to grow Austalia’s emerging hydrogen industry and $264 to develop controversial carbon capture and storage technology.

British High Commissioner to Australia Victoria Treadell said Wednesday’s announcement was welcomed, and her nation wanted to work with Australia to address climate change.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the UK had set a more ambitious 2030 emissions target and “invited other world leaders to raise their ambition to work with us”, Ms Treadell said on Wednesday.

About two-thirds of the global economy has pledged to hit net-zero emissions by mid-century, but Australia is yet to do so. The nation’s current trajectory has it hitting net-zero greenhouse gases in more than 150 years’ time.


Australia’s 2030 emissions reduction target of 26 to 28 per cent, based on 2005 levels, is at the lower end of ambition for rich nations. The Morrison government’s latest emissions projection, released in December, shows it is on track to exceed its 2030 commitment by one per cent.

At the Biden summit, the US is set to double its 2030 pledge by committing to a 50 per cent emissions reduction, based on 1990 levels. Starting on the same baseline date, the UK has set itself a 78 per cent reduction target for 2035.

Japan is expected to raise its 2030 target to at least a 40 per cent cut on 2013 levels, while Canada has committed to cut emissions over the same period by 36 per cent below 2005 levels – and is also set to announce deeper cuts at the Biden summit.


Mr Morrison said he won’t set a target until he can detail the pathway to reach net-zero, although he hopes to achieve that goal by 2050.

Based on the government’s latest emissions projections, released in December, Australia is on track to reach net-zero emissions in the year 2167.

Climate Council senior researcher Tim Baxter said the government’s projections show greenhouse gas emissions falling at a rate of 34.97 million tonnes a year over the next ten years, from the current level of 513 million tonnes annual emissions.

The pace of emissions reduction depends on industry uptake of low emissions technology, and the government’s emissions projection report noted that “historically Australia has out-performed the emissions projections”.

Mr Baxter said to act consistently with the global action to avoid the worst impacts of damaging climate change, Australia must dramatically increase its ambition.


“All commitments must be scaled up, and the pace of action must accelerate if we are to avoid the worst climate consequences. For Australia, this means reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 75 per cent by 2030, and reaching net-zero emissions by 2035,” he said.

Erwin Jackson, policy director of the Investor Group on Climate Change, said he expects that 2030 emissions targets by G20 countries would average between 40 to 50 per cent.

“These announcements are going to continue to roll out through the year and the risk for the government is that it stands alone in Glasgow (at the United Nations climate summit in November) as the only advanced developed country that hasn’t updated its target,” said Mr Jackson, who represents institutional investors with more than $2 trillion under management.

“The Prime Minister’s right, it is about achievement at the end of the day, the atmosphere only cares about emissions, it doesn’t care about targets. But targets are a critical mechanism that we have to support investors in terms of the long term investments they’re making.”

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