

This was published 4 years ago

Aged care COVID-19 deaths could have been curtailed, Brendan Murphy says

By Dana McCauley

Health Department Secretary Brendan Murphy has conceded the federal government could have acted faster to contain the deadly spread of COVID-19 through Victoria's aged care facilities, as Prime Minister Scott Morrison comes under pressure to address failings exposed by the pandemic in next week's federal budget.

Asked at a COVID-19 Senate inquiry hearing on Tuesday if the more than 600 aged care deaths during Victoria's second wave had been "avoidable", Professor Murphy said the Commonwealth-led Victorian Aged Care Response Centre could have been activated sooner.

"With the benefit of hindsight, responding with a response centre a little bit earlier, we would have been able to prevent some of the spread [and] respond better," he said, recalling "those particularly devastating weeks where two facilities lost their entire workforces".

The admission comes as the Aged Care Royal Commission prepares to hand its special COVID-19 report to the federal government and as the virus continues to spread through Victorian aged care with 158 active infections - including 83 residents - at dozens of facilities.


Commissioners Tony Pagone QC and Lynelle Briggs AO will on Wednesday deliver their report to Governor-General David Hurley with recommendations for how to improve the handling of the pandemic in the sector, after three days of hearings last month.

Also on Wednesday, Aged Care Minister Richard Colbeck will announce a $10.6 million 2020-21 budget commitment for a national network of system co-ordinators to help get younger people with disabilities out of residential aged care and live independently in the community, with a target of no people under the age of 45 living in residential aged care by 2022.

Joseph Ibrahim, head of the health law and ageing research unit at Monash University, said a "lack of unity" had hampered federal and state government handling of Victorian aged care infections and the sector was experiencing a similar failure of leadership as Victoria's botched hotel quarantine system.

"What I hear on the ground is that people are second guessing, they don't know who's in charge," he said.


Professor Ibrahim said confusion persisted due to the lack of "a command structure" and cooperation between state and federal departments. He said joint response centres should be activated immediately in all states and territories, instead of waiting for outbreaks to occur, with a "genuine national taskforce" to be in charge.

Australian Health Services Research Institute director Kathy Eagar said the COVID-19 pandemic had "shone a mirror onto the aged care sector" and highlighted the lack of qualified staff - particularly registered nurses - and over-reliance on casual, low-paid workers.

"They're the structural factors that really set up aged care to be completely ill-equipped when the first case hit," Professor Eagar said.

She said the Commonwealth must partner with states and territories to fix the aged care system by ensuring "much closer integration" with state-run health systems.

Professor Murphy said federal health authorities had not foreseen the "unprecedented workforce shortages" in Victoria, where "many thousands" of healthcare and aged care workers had been forced into isolation.


The state's aged care outbreak had unfolded "predominantly as a result of infected workers bringing the virus into facilities," he said.

In the 24 hours to lunchtime on Tuesday, a further three Victorian aged care workers had tested positive.

The VACRC, which has deployed Australian Defence Force and AUSMAT teams to hundreds of Victorian aged care facilities, opened on July 25 - five weeks after the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee first became concerned about Victoria's second wave.

Professor Murphy said the response centre had been activated after federal authorities realised in mid-to-late July that Victoria's public health response had become "compromised" as contact tracers were overwhelmed.


He said the impact of Victoria's aged care outbreaks could also have been lessened if the state's public health response "had been more prompt" but that "no amount of preparation can prevent outbreaks in aged care ... when there is widespread community transmission."

The VACRC has begun scaling back its operations as case numbers have declined, with Executive Officer Joe Buffone to finish in his role on Friday and return to Canberra.

The former Country Fire Authority chief will be replaced by Australian National University infectious diseases professor Frank Bowden.

The Morrison government is also under pressure to wipe out the home care waiting list, after it was revealed that more than 30,000 elderly Australians died waiting over three years.

Health department officials told the COVID-19 Senate inquiry hearing on Tuesday that 10,569 people had died on the waiting list in 2019-20.

Labor's aged care spokeswoman Julie Collins said this was "a shameful situation", calling on the government to "fix this crisis" in the budget.

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