

This was published 2 years ago

ABC boss defends decision to pay Louise Milligan’s $200,000 defamation costs

By Lisa Visentin

The ABC agreed to pay reporter Louise Milligan’s personal legal costs of almost $200,000 after she was sued by federal MP Andrew Laming over a series of tweets because it feared further financial exposure and believed an apology would not settle the matter.

Defending the decision at a Senate estimates hearing on Tuesday, managing director David Anderson said he signed off on it after receiving advice the ABC could be held vicariously liable for Milligan’s tweets and legal costs could blow out to $700,000.

ABC managing director David Anderson signed off on the payment.

ABC managing director David Anderson signed off on the payment.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

“I will tell you that the advice when it came to accepting the offer of compromise was the total exposure to the ABC was in the order of some $700,000,” Mr Anderson told the hearing.

“So even with fringe benefit [tax], if it turns out like that, we are still settling the matter for less than what the potential exposure was at that particular point in time.”

ABC chief financial officer Melanie Kleyn said there was the “potential” for fringe benefit tax to be applied, which could see Milligan’s legal bill cost taxpayers as much as $400,000.

Facing a grilling from Liberal senators Eric Abetz and Ben Small, Mr Anderson said he did not inform the board before agreeing to indemnify Milligan in May, telling the committee that he had delegated authority to make such a decision without board approval. He said the board was advised of the decision in June and agreed with the course of action.

The ABC paid star reporter Louise Milligan’s legal bill after settling a defamation case with Federal Liberal MP Andrew Laming.

The ABC paid star reporter Louise Milligan’s legal bill after settling a defamation case with Federal Liberal MP Andrew Laming.

“The board was satisfied that I took the appropriate action, and I made the appropriate decisions which minimised costs to the ABC,” Mr Anderson told estimates.

He said he acted on legal advice from the ABC’s general counsel that the broadcaster “could be vicariously liable for the tweets made on a private social media account, and that we could be very well joined to proceedings later on, had that escalated.”


Asked why the ABC had not advised Milligan to settle the matter by apologising to Dr Laming, in line with apologies other journalists and MPs had issued over similar tweets, Mr Anderson said the option was not available.

“When the ABC had indemnified Louise, it was made very clear to us that an apology would not settle the matter,” Mr Anderson said.


Mr Anderson said he was “surprised” by the legal advice that the ABC could be vicariously liable for an employee’s personal use of social media and acted to remove any future liability by updating the broadcaster’s social media guidelines and employment contracts.

“This is the first time that I’m aware of that - certainly that I’ve been involved in - where the ABC has covered personal expenses in a way like this. And I will say that we’ve taken action with regard to future potential vicarious make sure this situation is as avoidable as possible,” he said.

Dr Laming sued Milligan personally, with the broadcaster not party to the suit, over four since-deleted tweets published on March 28 this year from her personal account, including one that incorrectly suggested he had admitted to the criminal offence of taking an “upskirting” photo of a woman’s underwear. The case was settled in August, with the ABC covering the costs including $79,000 in damages to Mr Laming. Mr Anderson said the total costs incurred so far stood at $184,000 with some more costs to come in.

Mr Anderson said the matter was complicated by the fact that, at the time, the ABC and Milligan were also jointly being sued by then-attorney general Christian Porter. He said Milligan’s since-deleted tweets made reference to the Four Corners episode “Inside the Canberra bubble” that explored allegations of misogynistic conduct against Mr Porter, which he has denied.

He said the consequence of Mr Porter’s legal action was that Milligan was unable to delete the tweets connected to Dr Laming’s matter.

“The tweets could not be deleted simply. It was a complicated matter between both of those cases,” Mr Anderson said.

Following an inquiry into the matter, Auditor-General Grant Hehir concluded he was unable “to form a view on the appropriateness” of the ABC’s decision to cover Milligan’s costs, finding there was “ABC policy, precedent, or process in place for this payment”.

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