

This was published 12 years ago

A wistful look back, 20 years on

The conviction and vision displayed by John Hewson and Paul Keating as leaders are sadly lacking in Australian politics today

SOME CALLED it the most courageous policy act in Australian political history.

Many others dismissed it as the hubristic manifesto of an inexperienced ideologue - an unparalleled act of utter public policy recklessness and an electoral train smash in slow motion.

Someone in the press gallery at the time presciently remarked that Fightback! was, at 650 pages, the ''longest political suicide note in history''. And so it proved to be.

Its architect, Dr John Hewson, shot across the stage of public life like a blazing comet, chancing everything, in and out of Parliament and the Liberal leadership in little more than seven years, only to be trashed and denigrated by his party for his efforts.

Fast-forward to now, and you'll find more than a few Liberals who are a tad wistful this weekend. Wistful, because November marks 20 years since Hewson and his then shadow treasurer Peter Reith launched Fightback!.

When some of those Liberals get together for a drink in Sydney today they will not be wallowing in regret at the failure of Fightback!, with its centrepiece GST, and its compensatory tax cuts for middle and upper income earners, its labour market overhaul and its benefit increases.

Rather they will be lamenting what they believe the death and burial of Fightback! has, with the benefit of some hindsight, proven to represent.

Here's my old mate ''Johnno'' (who hasn't appeared in this column for a while) explaining it to me the other day. Johnno, a federal and state Liberal strategist of significant note, was heavily involved in the production of Fightback! as well as in Hewson's failed 1993 election campaign.

He's gotten over it, including by being involved in some electoral successes since (not least the election of John Howard three years later). But he still thinks about it often.


''Everyone - Liberals, the Nationals and yes, Labor - sees Fightback! as a cautionary episode that they took to mean that you are never going to get elected or re-elected on the back of a bold economic and social blueprint,'' he says.

''So yeah, by the late 1990s Howard had brought in Hewson's GST complete with the rolling tax cuts for everyone, and courageous policy basically stopped happening. It's astonishing that in a country like Australia where everything else - medical science, new media, alternative energy for example - is progressing at this incredible pace, good public policy is stalled. The public is demanding good public policy, which is why they dislike both Abbott and Gillard, who are not giving it to them. But decent policy has died at the hands of politics. And yeah - Fightback! killed it. So if there's any regret today, it's at the absence of policy warriors like Hewie [Hewson] and Keating.''

Onya, Johnno. Have one for me.

Beer goggles or rose-coloured glasses, and all that. But I do think that history is coming to judge Hewson more kindly than we in the media - and his own party - did post the '93 election. Hewson publicly told a story a week or so ago about the postscript to his ''unlosable'' 1993 election.

It went something like this. At the ceremonial start of the new Parliament he and Keating were walking from one chamber to another. Keating guided Hewson by the elbow to one side and said words to the effect that while the election had been a great fight, politics was a game and ''I'm better at the game than you''.

And that is undeniably so.

For the greatest criticism of Hewson remains that while the policy behind Fightback! was largely sound and (given all that's happened since) in the national interest, he failed to get the politics right. This is shorthand for saying Hewson was a lousy salesman.

But Hewson didn't get all of the politics wrong. Fightback!, it should be remembered, segued neatly into the leadership tensions that had paralysed Labor since Keating's first unsuccessful challenge against Bob Hawke in mid-1991.

Hawke, already paranoid, was then utterly paralysed by Fightback! and unable to dismantle it on either a policy or political level. That was left to Keating, who took over in December 1991, and pulled Fightback! apart brick by brick. (Remember the ''feral abacus'' and the birthday cake?)

Hewson, for all his failings, was the final straw for Hawke. He, too, played a critical political role in finishing Australia's most popular prime minister.

And then the Liberals, a few years later, finished Hewson - for the ''dream team'' of Alexander Downer and Peter Costello.

As Liberal leader Downer was a Class-A comedy act whom Costello, eternal deputy, couldn't salvage. And the Libs still say Hewson botched the politics!

Happy birthday, Hewie. Forget the cake. And don't feel too bad about being responsible for the death of conviction politics in Australia.

Of course there will, imminently, be pause for reflection on the Labor side too as the 20th anniversary of Keating's elevation to the prime ministership in December rolls around. It may yet coincide with another change of prime minister, as Labor battles to reconcile its penchant for political transience with a public desire for honest policies that reflect a Labor heart - and resolute leadership.

These days Labor ministers tend to greet Keating's reasonably frequent, always highly entertaining and invariably politically resonant (if not, for the Government, unhelpful) forays into public debate with a wearily synchronised, ''Well, Paul does like to express himself from time to time in his own unique way'' response.

It's convenient. But Keating, despite his loss in 1996, was always the most compelling storyteller when Labor was in power - the one who could explain to people why difficult and complicated policy could be good (or in the case of Fightback!, bad) for the nation and, therefore, them. Mostly, as he showed Hewson, he was pretty good at the politics, too.

As his 20 years rolls around Keating has released a book, After Words.

In the course of promoting it, he told The Australian, ''The failure of the Rudd and Gillard administrations is the lack of an over-arching story, the lack of a compelling story ... Our problem is what I call shooting-star policies. We have a policy on carbon pricing, on minerals, on boat people, but they are not connected up to the big picture about Australia's direction and its transition.''

You can hear them sigh: ''Well, Paul does have ... ''

But they know it's true.

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