

This was published 6 years ago

A showdown is looming between Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull

By David Crowe

A moment is coming in Federal Parliament when Tony Abbott can exact the most grievous revenge against those who brought him undone three years ago.

Abbott still suffers from the wounds inflicted on him when Malcolm Turnbull toppled him as prime minister in September 2015, which means the pain from the past shapes the Liberal Party’s looming decision over its future.

Puppets of Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott rig the sun versus coal race in a protest outside Parliament

Puppets of Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott rig the sun versus coal race in a protest outside Parliament Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

A crisis is certain because there is no way to placate a former leader who is so aggrieved over the direction his usurper has set for the Liberal Party and the Coalition government.

The personal enmity is obvious to Liberal and Nationals backbenchers every time Abbott and Turnbull come close. In a meeting of MPs last Monday night, when Abbott regularly interjected to warn against the Prime Minister’s plan for energy and climate policy, Turnbull asked Abbott to give him the “courtesy” of allowing him to finish his sentence.

Abbott replied: “I would if you allowed me the courtesy of finishing my term.” Those who were in the room smile about it when recounting the exchange. Abbott smiled when Labor quoted the remarks to Turnbull in question time on Wednesday. But the smiles cannot hide the hatred that helps propel the Liberals to another crisis.

The numbers are against Abbott but he has history on his side. Years of division on climate change have turned this issue into a sure way to test a political leader until he or she has reached breaking point.

Turnbull has been broken before, when he insisted on putting a price on carbon in 2009 and found himself tossed aside by Abbott and a conservative revival. Can he be broken again? It may be wishful thinking for the conservatives to attempt to repeat that history, but their attempt is real. It is not to be dismissed.

The numbers are against former prime minister Tony Abbott, but he has history on his side.

The numbers are against former prime minister Tony Abbott, but he has history on his side.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Bill Shorten can see it and has no reason to help Turnbull fend off his rival. The Opposition Leader has more at stake than a quick vote on the National Energy Guarantee or a bill to reduce emissions in the electricity sector.


Parliament will become an open field where four or five armies will compete to win the day – not just on energy policy but on the bigger prize of political power.

Turnbull must hold his ground with an energy plan that environmental groups dismiss as too weak at the same time Abbott rails against it as economic lunacy. Shorten sees an opportunity to let the Liberals tear themselves apart while he looks over his shoulder at Greens leader Richard Di Natale, ready for a fight over deeper cuts to emissions. The Nationals and Liberals can argue over public subsidies for coal at any moment.

Any leader who tries to hold the middle ground must fight on two fronts. Abbott has no such handicap while he targets Turnbull without stop.

There is no hope of policy consistency on climate change after the last decade of Australian politics. Abbott made headlines in July 2009 by calling on Liberals to back Turnbull and help pass the emissions trading scheme put forward by the Labor government. Five months later he was crusading against the policy and bringing down Turnbull.

Abbott has backed the idea of a price on carbon, called climate science “crap”, argued for an emissions trading scheme, torn down a carbon tax and promised action on the environment with a “direct action” policy. Abbott led a government that signed up to the Paris agreement on climate change and promised cuts of 26 per cent to emissions. Now he rejects the Paris agreement and calls for a retreat on the target.

There is no possibility of a negotiation that satisfies Abbott’s demands. The government has no solution to prevent Abbott crossing the floor in Parliament. A handful of other MPs feel strongly enough to join Abbott in voting against the emissions target and the Paris agreement.

Turnbull and his Energy Minister, Josh Frydenberg, are preparing for a Coalition party room meeting on Tuesday by drafting tougher pricing rules for electricity retailers, as revealed by Fairfax Media on Thursday. No matter how severe, these rules will not prevent the biggest climate sceptics from crossing the floor.

This is not about a group that is “led” by Abbott. When Western Australian Liberal Andrew Hastie was asked his position on Sky News on Thursday night, he described his concerns as a policy dispute over the Paris target. “It’s been construed as [about] leadership, it’s not, it’s one of principle,” he said.

That quote was conspicuously absent from some of the reporting, given the eagerness in some quarters to escalate the pressure on Turnbull.

Barnaby Joyce is another who has concerns about the NEG but rejects the idea of a bloc. “This is not a case of being in a team with Abbott or being in a team with somebody else. In fact, I find that to be a complete misreading of it,” he said on Tuesday.

Those who want to vote against the NEG are a tiny but noisy minority. There are 85 members in the Liberal Party room and only a handful may cross the floor. The rebels do not have the numbers to get their way but that will not stop Abbott from pursuing his goal. The lesson of 2009 is that he can weaken the leader in a war of attrition.

Abbott gives Shorten an immense opportunity. Will they vote together to humiliate Turnbull? The opportunity is irresistible.


The conventional wisdom in recent months has been that the Labor leader would end up agreeing to the NEG and the emissions target in order to cement the policy now and seek to amend it if he wins power at the next election.

That scenario looks less likely with every delay. Every day that Labor governments in Victoria and the ACT hold out against the NEG gives federal Labor more reason to postpone a decision and watch their Liberal rivals argue in public.

When a vote comes on energy and climate, Shorten can walk to the despatch box and find a reason to oppose the government bill. He can argue that the target is too low to satisfy the Labor caucus and that the question must be decided at the next federal election. This would not only heighten pressure on the Coalition but avoid putting Labor at risk of a bigger attack from the Greens.

Turnbull, with only 76 members in a chamber of 150, will be exposed to defeat on his flagship energy policy.

The national interest would be better served by a consensus in Parliament, but that is not what voters have learned to expect on climate change.

Shorten would have to hold his nose and vote with Abbott. The reward would be another Liberal boilover that could only weaken the government as it heads to the election. Given consistent polling on leadership contenders, Shorten has no reason to fear a conservative spill that installs Peter Dutton as leader if the Home Affairs Minister wants to take the risk.

Labor energy spokesman Mark Butler has no mechanism to achieve the Labor target of a 45 per cent cut to emissions by 2030. He appears to want the NEG to be settled with the states and put in place, giving him the option of scaling it up in government. This is a worthy policy goal but is at odds with Shorten’s political goal of destroying Turnbull.

Constant dispute on climate change has split the Coalition to the point where it is easy to widen its fractures. Shorten wins either way: he can vote with Turnbull or vote with Abbott and see the Liberals argue among themselves.

Shorten can inflict the greatest political damage if he votes with Abbott. It will be tempting for him to give Abbott the moment of revenge he craves.

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