

This was published 4 years ago

'A joke': China hits out Australian coronavirus inquiry claims

By Eryk Bagshaw and Anthony Galloway

Beijing has rejected Australia's key role in establishing the global coronavirus inquiry, as the Morrison government prepares to take China to the World Trade Organisation over an increasingly bitter trade dispute.

China followed through with threats to hit Australian barley producers with tariffs of up to 80 per cent overnight on Tuesday. The move effectively wipes out up to $1 billion in barley trade between the two countries.

China has played down Australia's role in the inquiry.

China has played down Australia's role in the inquiry. Credit: Getty Images

Victorian Labor Treasurer Tim Pallas said the tariffs were a consequence of the way the federal government had conducted itself and language "vilifying" China. NSW Liberal Treasurer Dominic Perrottet said China was the state’s number one trading partner. “We value our relationship with them and while at times there are bumps in the road a healthy relationship between our two nations is beneficial for both countries,” he said.

Federal government sources with knowledge of the developments said Australia would prefer to avoid protracted negotiations at a WTO weakened by years of trade disputes, but would be left with little choice if China did not retract its decision. The move follows weeks of high profile lobbying for the coronavirus inquiry from the Morrison government, which has angered Beijing over claims it has not acted transparently.

China's embassy in Canberra on Tuesday labelled Australia's attempts to claim credit for the imminent passage of the independent review "a joke". China's Foreign Ministry has sought to emphasise the European Union's role in the motion in recent days. After weeks of negotiations China signed on as a co-sponsor for the resolution late on Tuesday. It will now pass with support from more than 120 members of the World Health Assembly.

Trade Minister Simon Birmingham accused the embassy of "cheap politicking". "I would have thought the appropriate response from the ambassador would be to welcome [the inquiry]," he said.

The simultaneous developments highlight further deteriorating relations between Australia and its largest trading partner ahead of the final vote at the World Health Organisation's governing body on Tuesday night.

On the eve of the virtual debate on Tuesday, US President Donald Trump threatened to withdraw World Health Organisation funding permanently after suspending US contributions in April over the WHO's handling of the pandemic.


Mr Trump accused the World Health Organisation of an "alarming lack of independence" from China after alleging it ignored credible reports of the virus spreading in December 2019, made misleading claims about human-to-human transmission and repeatedly praised China for its transparency.

President Xi Jinping on Monday said China backed a comprehensive review of the global response to the coronavirus but said it should be conducted by the WHO and only after the pandemic had passed.

Australia's amendments to the EU motion focused on an independent and comprehensive evaluation at the earliest possible moment, with a particular emphasis on the WHO-coordinated international health response to COVID-19.

An embassy spokesman followed up on Tuesday arguing the draft resolution on COVID-19 to be adopted by the WHA is "totally different from Australia's proposal of an independent international review".

"All those who know the consultation process that led to the resolution understand this," the spokesman said. "To claim the WHA's resolution [is] a vindication of Australia's call is nothing but a joke."


Agriculture Minister David Littleproud said Australia should be proud of its push for a global coronavirus investigation and the government would "probably" go to the WTO over the barley dispute. The trade umpire has been largely unable to function since the Trump administration blocked new nominations to its appellate body last year.

"The fact that Australia led the way and asked ... for that review to take place, we should be damn proud as a nation that we led the world in not only on understanding what the WHO has done, but understanding what wildlife wet markets' role is in these pandemics," he said.

Opposition foreign affairs spokeswoman Penny Wong said Labor was pleased to see international support for the resolution, but the Australian government should clarify how the two reviews will work and explain how they deliver on what Australia has called for.

“While the resolution calls for an independent review into the response to coronavirus, the review into the source will be carried out by the WHO,” she said.

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