

This was published 6 years ago

Leaked emails show Peter Dutton acted against advice in saving au pair from deportation

By Fergus Hunter

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has defended his "common sense" intervention to save a French au pair from being deported, thereby helping the politically connected family of Australian Football League chief executive Gillon McLachlan, but leaked emails suggest Mr Dutton acted against the advice of his own department.

Internal communication between Immigration officials about the late 2015 incident, leaked to Labor senator Kimberley Kitching and seen by Fairfax Media, reveals departmental advice "which does not support the minister intervening" because of concerns about the woman's track record and plans while in Australia.

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton.

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

According to the emails, the 27-year-old woman told officials she would be working in a voluntary capacity for a Barossa Valley-based branch of the McLachlan family, who spell their name MacLachlan, in return for free accommodation. She had previously worked as an au pair for the family.

One official warned there might be a "financial liability" if the minister reversed the deportation process, because the flight back to France had already been booked, and noted the woman was "previously counselled" in May of 2015 about work rights in Australia.

After the woman was detained at Adelaide Airport upon arrival, the MacLachlan family sent an urgent appeal for help to Gillon McLachlan, the AFL boss, who forwarded the email to Jude Donnelly, the AFL's government relations manager. Ms Donnelly passed it on to Mr Dutton's chief of staff, Craig Maclachlan (who is not related to the McLachlans).

Callum and Skye MacLachlan, the husband and wife with whom the au pair was intending to stay, said there had been a misunderstanding because "she is here to spend time with our family, as we consider her to be family".

In their email, they asked what they could do "to have this injustice resolved and have her tourist visa reinstated before she flies out tonight".

Mr Dutton ultimately granted the woman a three-month visa and asked that she be "very strongly counselled that they cannot work, even do volunteer or in-kind work, and that their visa would be liable for cancellation should they do so".


Speaking with radio station 2GB on Monday amid persistent questions about his decision, Mr Dutton said he receives hundreds of appeals every year for ministerial assistance with immigration cases and, on the specific concerns about the au pair case of late 2015, he said the departmental decision had been a "bit rough" on the woman so he made a common sense intervention.

"The au pair is the flowery language that's used, it's complete nonsense," he said, disclosing that the "young girl" was in Australia on a tourist visa and, following questioning from Australian Border Force officials, had been detained in a holding cell ahead of deportation.

"I had a look at the case and I made a judgment based on the merit of the case, not my knowledge of the person that had referred it. And I looked at it and thought it's a bit rough, there's no criminal history, she's agreed that she wouldn't work while she was here, as I understand it she never overstayed the visa, hasn't committed any criminal offences and I thought it was an application of common sense."

The Home Affairs Minister, who was defeated in last week's Liberal leadership spill and is also facing separate questions over his eligibility to be in Parliament under section 44 of the constitution, said his use of discretional ministerial intervention powers was consistent with long-standing practice under Coalition and Labor governments.

"I've got lots of enemies in the media running around at the moment trying to get square for recent events and the rest of it. They can run all of this nonsense. The Greens have set up some dodgy Senate inquiry," he said.

"Let them play their games. For me, there are lots of important issues to concentrate on. I am a person of integrity. I have never been compromised, I never will."

In a further statement following the leak of the emails, Mr Dutton said the "very nature" of the  intervention power was to reverse a negative decision by the department. He said he had therefore not acted against the advice of officials and his decisions are always made according to the law and the merit of individual cases.

Senator Kitching said the emails show Mr Dutton's intervention was "as dodgy as it gets" and not routine.

"The Australian Border Force advised against the minister intervening, and warned his intervention could have unknown financial consequences. Why did Dutton act against Border Force advice? Why did he expose the Australian taxpayer to this financial risk? Why did he put the integrity of his department and our borders at risk at the behest of a Liberal Party donor?"

Gillon McLachlan is the nephew of former Liberal cabinet minister Ian McLachlan. The McLachlan family includes longstanding supporters of the Liberal Party in South Australia.

It is common for politicians and members of the public to appeal to the home affairs minister, or immigration minister as Mr Dutton was in 2015, on matters including visa decisions, interventions in potential deportations and rulings on permanent residency and citizenship.

Mr Dutton has faced questions over the speed of his interventions in a number of au pair cases since AAP revealed in March that he had prevented the deportation of two au pairs in separate cases in 2015, although the identity of their employers was not reported at the time.

Parliament last week voted to refer Mr Dutton’s intervention to a Senate inquiry under terms of reference that put no limit on the number of cases to be examined, setting up public hearings where department officials will be asked why the deportations were halted.

Labor immigration spokesman Shayne Neumann said Mr Dutton's departmental officials should be called before the inquiry and the minister should consider whether he should join them.

"As each day passes, more and more serious questions are raised concerning this particular matter and the matter of the other au pairs," Mr Neumann said.

"Labor is calling on the prime minister to make sure Peter Dutton immediately, fully and completely comes clean to the Australian public."

Asked if Labor immigration ministers made similar interventions when in power, Mr Neumann said it was not relevant.

With Toby Crockford and David Crowe

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