

This was published 6 years ago

Wondering what happened to #metoo? Women are too frightened to speak.

By Jenna Price

In Australia, the law protects sexual abusers and sexual harassers. In Australia, those perpetrators can't be held to account. In Australia, there are men getting away with rape right now.

And how does the law protect them?

#metoo is a very important movement, a crucial movement; and we've seen its positive effects in the US.

#metoo is a very important movement, a crucial movement; and we've seen its positive effects in the US.Credit: TED S. WARREN

Australia's defamation laws get in the way of the truth. And if you don't believe a journalist, then believe News Corp Australia's national editorial counsel and former Press Freedom medal winner Michael Cameron, who yesterday described them as the worst in the English-speaking world.

Cameron was speaking at a breakfast in Sydney's Twitter offices about press freedom on a panel with freed former Al Jazeera journalist and now professor at the University of Queensland Peter Greste and Fairfax investigative journalist Kate McClymont and what he said was frightening.

The #metoo cases in Australia are at a standstill.

The #metoo cases in Australia are at a standstill.Credit: AHN YOUNG-JOON

"If it wasn't for journalists," he said, "Harvey Weinstein would still be producing films

"[But] if the Weinstein story had come out in Australia he would be suing you and probably have a good chance of winning."

The freedoms available to journalists in the US are not available here in Australia. We don't have a public figure test. We don't have a First Amendment. We don't have a charter of freedoms. So the #metoo cases in Australia are at a standstill.

That lack of protection of journalists is affecting the most vulnerable, the victims of sexual assault and sexual harassment in Australia.


As Kate McClymont said: "I think it is having an impact on our coverage of the #metoo movement."

She revealed the story of a woman who had approached her with an allegation of rape against quite a well known television figure. She said she had no reason at all to disbelieve the woman who came to her.

"But in the end, if it came to court, it would be her word against his word and with the onus on the media to prove what we know is true - it could prove devastatingly costly for us in any future defamation case."

Her word against his word. We've seen that play out in a thousand courtrooms across the country where women are shamefully treated in cases involving sexual harassment, abuse and assault. How much worse would it be if a junior employee had to stand up to an executive from her own workplace?

Women can't afford to take these cases to court and the one group – journalists - who can interrogate the issues, who can hold the powerful to account, are frozen by these defamation laws. As McClymont says: "The current law suits involving the #metoo movement has had a chilling effect on more women coming forward."

So what to do?

The shadow attorney-general Mark Dreyfus was a defamation lawyer for 20 years, often representing media organisations. The comments about #metoo by Cameron and McClymont concern him deeply.

He says it is troubling if defamation laws are preventing women from coming forward with complaints of abuse and suggests that perhaps we should broaden the kind of public interest which currently covers politicians.

To explain simply, when journalists report on political or government matters, it is covered by qualified privilege under common law and there is an implied freedom under the constitution to report on those. Of course, it's in the public interest that we are all are informed of what our politicians are doing. Decades ago, we might not have known about Barnaby Joyce and his various goings-on. And now we do. And that's better for all of us.

But what is happening now with #metoo is that we are losing sight of the public policy problem. As we see and hear all the witnesses in all the cases, as we are moved by one person's predicament and then another, we forget that at the heart of this is that those who violate women cannot be held to account.

This bit of improving public policy, this way of ensuring we speak truth to power, is lost behind the headlines. #metoo is a very important movement, a crucial movement; and we've seen its positive effects in the US, where companies and their executives must account for what they've done and make sure it doesn't happen again.

But here in Australia where, if the lawyers and journalists who deal with these cases are right, women's voices are being stifled and victims are afraid to come out and be exposed to public scrutiny. Just because your boss has sexually assaulted should not mean that your pain and privacy are exposed for all to see.

Is that the kind of country we want our young people to grow up in? Or do we want a country where power can be held to account?

The defamation laws in Australia must be changed, otherwise the wealthy and the powerful will get away with murder.

Jenna Price is an academic at the University of Technology Sydney and a Fairfax columnist

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