

This was published 7 years ago

Will France be wooed by right-wing populist Marine Le Pen, like US and Donald Trump?

By Richard Ogier

After the stupefying Brexit-Trump sequence, and the Italian referendum result, could far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen win next year's presidential elections in France?

Donald Trump's win and the Brexit vote have been widely interpreted as the revenge of a silent majority – mostly white, living outside the major cities and voting as a bloc. In France, with an exceptionally volatile electorate, 'the invisibles' – les taiseux or "those who have shut up" as they're sometimes known – might also seek revenge on a much unloved elite widely perceived as out of touch with the rest of society.

The whole Trump phenomenon wouldn't be replicated in France because the French attitude to wealth is so different to the American. Trump the self-made man, the sometimes rough-talking billionaire blithely claiming a country can be run like a corporation, seems rather, well, gauche to the French.

Yet France like the US, Britain and Italy, is grappling with questions of globalisation, identity and deindustrialisation, and has been shaken by the 2015 terrorist attacks. The French economy is not faring well: with growth sluggish, public spending enormous yet inefficient, and unemployment stuck at around 10 per cent, France alone among the big industrialised economies (the US, Germany, Britain and Japan) is without full employment.

French far-right party leader Marine Le Pen gestures before a meeting in Lille, northern France.

French far-right party leader Marine Le Pen gestures before a meeting in Lille, northern France.Credit: Michel Spingler

In party-political terms, too, there are prima facie similarities with the US pre-Trump. Clinton-like, poll favourite François Fillon, who has just won the main centre right party nomination, is already being touted as a quasi-Presidential figure, so confirming Le Pen's cherished outsider status without which her tilt at power would be lost.

The French Socialist Party is largely unreformed – there's been no Hawke-Keating type modernising – so the PS Primary in January will lay the party down before its central fissure of old Leftist Statism on one side and a French version of liberalism on the other. Incumbent President François Hollande's decision not to stand for re-election won't serve as a clarifier in any meaningful sense. In fact, he embodies the contradiction.

If right-wing populism is a relatively new thing in the US, it is deeply rooted in France. Born of nostalgia for the collaborationist Vichy regime and French colonisation of Algeria, the Front's founder Jean Marie Le Pen, Marine's father, famously called the Nazi gas chambers a detail of history. The current Policy Platform, whatever Marine's purported laundering of the party, calls for the creation of a Ministry of National Sovereignties, the deportation of foreigners if unemployed for more than a year and a system for the transfer of fundamental knowledge in schools.

Meantime, the Front's electoral fortunes are rising. By voter numbers (if not political representation or militants), it is the first party of France. It won 11 municipalities in local council elections in 2014 – trebling its score in 10 years – and in 2015, topped European elections with 25 per cent of the vote and regional elections with 28 per cent.


Yet a section of the commentariat continues to see a Front vote as one of protest not adherence. Four million votes for Monsieur Fillon at the Primary, it is held, shows how the French want change rather than to see Le Pen in the Presidential Palace. The majority view is that were Le Pen to make the second round in May, she would be blocked by what the French call the "Republican Front", where supporters of all parties vote as one in the run-off to keep the FN from office.

Yet with confusion reigning across Western liberal democracies, minds might be drawn to a common field, especially when emanating from the US. The fact is that the Trump vote was unprecedented, pundits relied on the polls (which were wrong), and paralysed by the poison of name-calling, race-kicking and sexism, missed the populist appeal of Trump's message at every major turn.

With six months until the French vote, who's to say how the electoral landscape might change; that there won't be some sort of coup de theatre or political accident to move, say, the vast corp of French Abstentionists? Or what might be the "campaign effect", if Le Pen renewed her pledge to hold a "Frexit" referendum as polling day approaches or between rounds one and two?

Were Le Pen to win, as per Trump, journalists and pollsters, historians, analysts and front-bar pundits, would doubtless claim ex post facto that the prognostics were clear. But based on what we know of the National Front, it's then that things could become serious. Post-election policy positions might not at all soften à la Trump, but harden.

Richard Ogier is an Australian journalist in Munich. He is a former Australian embassy press attaché in Paris.

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