

This was published 7 years ago

Why the smashed avo meme refuses to die

By Josephine Tovey

Has any delicious foodstuff ever left such a sour taste in the mouth of a whole generation, as a plate of avocado toast?

Not the meal itself of course ‒ a perfect hangover breakfast with a fried egg and dash of hot sauce ‒ but what it has (bizarrely) come to represent.

Richard Glover grew up without experiencing the delights of avocado on toast.

Richard Glover grew up without experiencing the delights of avocado on toast.

In case you've been living under a rock (or just lead a blissfully Twitter-free life), avocado toast has become a recurring trope of a modern commentary on property ownership and the generation wars. In a nutshell: there's a line of argument that blames the housing affordability woes faced by Millennials' in the hot urban property markets of Australia on their profligate discretionary spending on items like a cafe brunch of avocado on toast.

The notion - which was first put forward in a wry column by social commentator Bernard Salt in The Australian last October - was revived on the weekend by 60 Minutes. A young millionaire property mogul, Tim Gurner, told the current affairs program "When I was trying to buy my first home, I wasn't buying smashed avocado for $19 and four coffees at $4 each," he said. "The expectations of younger people are very, very high... They want to eat out every day, they want to go to Europe every year."

It set social media aflame in Australia on Monday, before bursting into the international press. TIME magazine, The Washington Post and CNN were among the outlets covering the story with headlines like "Millionaire to Millennials: Your avocado toast addiction is costing you a house".

It was a particularly odd line to an American audience ‒ avocados are comparatively cheap in the US and not nearly such a common breakfast menu item. Fried chicken and waffles washed down with a Bloody Mary might have been a better local metaphor.

But the broader concept translated perfectly.

This is because the line taps into a powerful and popular trope in the media and our culture more broadly: that generational trends like plummeting home ownership among the young ‒ be it in the US or Australia ‒ are the result of personal failings of individuals who lack the character and wisdom of their forebearers - not the economic headwinds buffeting a particular generation or the policy of current governments.

The avocado toast meme has proved such a stayer because it gives succour to one audience ‒ the older readers of The Australian or viewers of 60 Minutes ‒ reassuring them their own ability to purchase homes was the result of their personal virtue, and that they shouldn't feel guilty about outbidding that young couple to acquire their second investment property. At the same time, it provokes outrage and droll weariness among another audience who similarly lap up these stories online ‒ young people who despair watching house prices rise by almost 20 per cent a year in Sydney while wages stagnate, wondering if they'll have to rent or even live with their folks forever.


That outrage is fed by frustration over the political inertia on this issue, which is in turn often justified by myths like "well young people could afford homes if only they took some personal responsibility like we did".

The recent federal budget was a case in point. After murmurs that housing affordability would ‒ finally ‒ be a centrepiece, the government squibbed on taking any drastic action to seriously improve things for young people desperate to get a foot in the door of their first home. Instead of restraining the generous tax concessions like negative gearing that supercharged the market in the first place, we got a suite of half-measures, such as banning developers from selling more than half of a development to an overseas buyer and a new super deposit scheme.

This comes after years of advice from politicians like former Treasurer Joe Hockey telling us to "get a good job that pays good money".

In America, the avocado stories were met with equal bemusement. Millennials in the US, who came of age during the global financial crisis, grapple with soaring college debt, hefty monthly healthcare premiums and low wages. Home ownership is down for all age groups, but it's at a historic low for under 35s, according to a Politifact analysis.

In Australia too of course, housing affordability isn't just a crisis for the young in our big expensive cities ‒ there are Gen Xers, and older Australians (who may have never dined out on avocado toast in their life) locked out too, at the mercy of a precarious and increasingly unaffordable rental market.

The extravagant Millennial stereotype and the avocado toast line obscures these people and the complexities of these issues. But they're what we keep getting served nonetheless. And we're eating it up.

Josephine Tovey is a Fairfax journalist based in New York City.

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