

This was published 8 years ago

The upside of the falling big-party vote in the 2016 federal election

By Tim Colebatch

Malcolm Turnbull and Coalition spin merchants in the media have told that this was Labor's second worst vote since Moses was found floating on the stream. They're right – but that's only half the story.

The half they're not telling us is that the vote for the Coalition is also at historic lows. On current figures, it is 42.1 per cent – and that is the equal third-lowest vote the Coalition parties have recorded in the 28 elections of the postwar era. It is not one side of politics that has lost support from voters – it is both.

Malcolm Turnbull has blamed Labor's "Mediscare" campaign for the loss of seats.

Malcolm Turnbull has blamed Labor's "Mediscare" campaign for the loss of seats.Credit: Peter Rae

Sixty-five years ago, in the double dissolution election of 1951, 97.9 per cent of Australians voted for the Coalition or Labor; this time the figure was just 77.3 per cent. In 1951, only 2.1 per cent voted for someone other than a major party: this time 22.7 per cent did.

Is that because our politicians are out of touch with the concerns of ordinary Australians? Plenty of people think so. When Coalition or Labor frontbenchers spoke to us in the campaign, most of what they said seemed targeted at impressing their rusted-on supporters, not at the undecided voters you would expect them to be out to persuade.

If either side was in touch with voters' concerns, the eight weeks of campaigning would have changed the way we think. But our voting intentions began in May at 50-50 and ended in July at 50-50. If one campaign changed any votes to its side, it was cancelled out by votes changing to the other. Neither side broke through.

True, the 24/7 news cycle has made the job of the major parties harder. The news media is now more partisan – the Murdoch press for most of the campaign was a PR arm of the Liberal Party, and Fairfax too often fills the same role for Labor – less interested in policy, and more demanding and less reasonable in giving the government or opposition time and space to work through issues in the best way. This erodes our confidence.

Yet I think there's another side to it that we haven't recognised. And it's not something to bemoan, but to celebrate.

What's happened in our politics is the same phenomenon that has up-ended the status quo in the media, many areas of business, sport, the arts, everything. We now have more choice.

Thirty years ago, we had just five television channels. Now we have hundreds, and even they face competition from new online streaming services like Netflix. Owning a mainstream TV channel was once the path to riches. Now it's more often the path to bankruptcy. But are we the poorer for our new galaxy of choices? Don't be ridiculous.


Newspapers are finding life very hard. The information they once monopolised is now instantly available, at the click of a mouse, in far more detail than a newspaper could ever provide. In industry after industry, fewer people are now in the mainstream, as we have headed off into hundreds and thousands of different streams of interest. We are losing once-beloved icons, but overall, we are much richer for the new access to information we have, and the new choices we have.

Even the sports we play have changed. Travelling down the Hume Highway recently, I pulled into Tarcutta to pay homage to the tennis courts where Tony Roche learnt his extraordinary skills – and found the place semi-derelict. Our suburbs now have empty tennis courts wherever you look. Tennis is as good a sport as ever, but once it was a central activity in a society that didn't offer many choices for recreation, and now it competes with so many other options.

It's the same in politics. Once, the Coalition and Labor had a duopoly at election time. Now they compete with dozens of other parties – so naturally their support has eroded.

Go back to that election in 1951, fought out between two legends of Australian politics, Bob Menzies and Ben Chifley. There were 121 seats in the House yet just 285 candidates. Most electorates had only two candidates. Some had only one candidate, and were uncontested. The biggest contest had four. Most voters had only two choices.

In the Senate, there were 60 seats and just 112 candidates. There were only three groups – the Coalition, Labor and communists – and fifteen independents. The Coalition won the House 69 to 52, its majority inflated by the rural gerrymander, while the Senate divided 30-all between the two sides. There were no crossbenchers in either chamber. The only candidates to come close to challenging the duopoly were former MPs who had lost preselection.

What a contrast to the 2016 election. This time the 150 seats in the House had 994 candidates. The average seat had six or seven candidates. Some had up to 13. There were 49 political parties, plus independents.

In the Senate, we had 631 candidates for the 76 seats. New South Wales alone had 151 of them, or 12.6 candidates per seat. Victoria had 116, and Queensland 122. Each of those states had more candidates than the entire country had 65 years ago. No fewer than 54 parties or combinations of parties competed for our Senate votes.

Is that a good or a bad thing? Well, it gives us a lot more choice than we had in 1951. Would we rather have 50 choices or three? The answer is pretty obvious. And it should be equally obvious that this is the main reason why fewer of us now vote for either of the major parties.

And why has Labor's vote declined so much more than the Coalition's? The key reason is that it now has a major challenger on its side of politics – the Greens – whereas on the right, all the competing forces remain minnows. Because there are so many of them, none can ever grow big enough to challenge the Coalition's dominance of the right in the way that the Greens have eaten into Labor's dominance of the left.

Tim Colebatch, former economics editor and election analyst for The Age, is a regular contributor to Inside Story, where a longer version of this article appears.

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