By Jo Wainer
I am the widow of a doctor of conscience. His name was Dr Bertram Wainer and he died in 1987. He spent 18 years of his professional life working to ensure that access to abortion was legal, safe and affordable. He did this because in conscience he could not stand aside and watch women die or be maimed by unqualified backyarders or disreputable doctors who worked in the shadows of corruption.
He grew up in the Gorbals, the notorious slums of Glasgow, in the depression and World War II. The posthumous son of a doctor, he nevertheless knew poverty, cold, hunger and the chilling effect of powerlessness. He lived among people with no way of improving their desperate lives and, even as a child, was able to see the injustice of poverty amid plenty. He shared the tenements with families full of children they could not feed and women brutalised by despair and by their husbands. He was one of the many children sent to school hungry and wearing rags.
A confrontation with protesters in ABC drama Dangerous Remedy.
He came to Australia after serving in the armed forces, and studied medicine. His first years as a doctor were in the army where he became a lieutenant-colonel running the military hospital in Brisbane. He knew nothing about abortion except that the women's hospitals he had trained in had wards full of women with injuries and sepsis from abortion, and that women died. He thought it was normal.
He began general practice in St Kilda, a comfortable middle-class professional, well regarded in his community and among his colleagues. He drove a Daimler and bought land by the sea and supported and loved his four children. He had a lot to lose.
Bertram Wainer.Credit: Justin McManus
In 1968, he risked it all as a matter of conscience when police raided the 12 doctors who were providing safe but probably illegal abortions, and women had nowhere to turn but the backyard.
He found himself caring for women with sepsis, uteruses torn apart by brutal instruments, bleeding to death. And he remembered his time as a small powerless boy; as a matter of conscience he had to take a stand for those women. He was duty-bound to care for their medical needs and he did, and he raged at the risks women were required to run by an indifferent political process and the active hostility of the hard men of the churches.
Those events began a long, dangerous and difficult campaign to change public awareness, challenge political indifference and stare down the churches in a quest to ensure women who needed to end a pregnancy could do so with safety, dignity and affordable care.
In the process this former lieutenant-colonel found himself mired in the swamp of police corruption. With a team of journalists, students, lawyers and others committed to justice he gathered evidence of police protection rackets and stared down an intransigent government to force an inquiry into police corruption and abortion.
The Kaye inquiry in 1970 (after barrister William Kaye who chaired it) brought abortion out from the shadow world and forced Melbourne society to look itself in the face. He nearly died in the process.
Driven by his conscience to act on behalf of women who could not protect themselves he was hunted, shot at, beaten, rejected by his profession, bankrupted, his sister's home was firebombed, he was shamed, vilified and exhausted. And every time he wanted to give up he remembered that women died from illegal abortion, especially women who were poor and powerless as he had been as a boy.
Within four years he had established a publicly operating abortion service in partnership with two doctors who were skilled in abortion care, and women finally had a safe place to go.
Forty years later, in 2008, the Victorian Parliament passed the Abortion Law Repeal Act, which took abortion out of the Crimes Act so it could be regulated like all other medical procedures.
Section 8 requires health professionals, including doctors who preference the wellbeing of the foetus over that of the woman, to tell her so and give her information about another doctor she can see who will treat her as a person capable of making her own morally sound decisions. It is a small thing to ask.
Dr Jo Wainer is Adjunct Associate Professor at the Eastern Health Clinical School, Monash University faculty of medicine, nursing and health sciences. She was the inaugural secretary of the Abortion Law Reform Association in 1968 and has pursued safe access to abortion for 45 years.