

This was published 8 years ago

The concierge faction is choking the NSW Liberal Party and threatening Malcolm Turnbull's authority

By Paul Sheehan

While Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was in Washington consulting with the US President about global matters, the lobbyists who now control Turnbull's state division of the Liberal Party had a more inward-looking agenda.

The NSW Liberal Party is now in the grip of the "concierge faction": the lobbyists, the facilitators, the door-openers. These are the career staffers, career party machinists, members of lobbying firms and corporate lobbyists who go into politics to monetise political access.

Illustration: Michael Mucci

Illustration: Michael Mucci

The concierge faction is proving that what matters in the Liberal Party, as in the Labor Party, is the machine. You may have talent, experience and charisma, but do you have the numbers?

You would think that with Turnbull holding an insurmountable lead over Opposition Leader Bill Shorten as preferred prime minister this would strengthen his influence over his home state division.

You would think.

You would also think the Liberal Party's top echelon, knowing the world is groaning under the weight and implications of $30 trillion in public sector debt, would be strategically recruiting a core of accomplished people to buttress the thin ranks of the parliamentary party in dealing with what is already a global recession in the energy and manufacturing sectors.

You would think.

But the NSW Liberal Party, after a decade of party concierge machinists manipulating "emergency" powers in response to a non-existent emergency, is heading in the opposite direction. It is intent on creating an insular paper castle controlled by lobbyists.

So it was last Tuesday, when the concierge faction opened the NSW Liberal pre-selection process for the 2016 federal election. This was a fait accompli, done without the formal imprimatur of the Prime Minister, even though he will be the party's flag-carrier and the only person who will set the actual date for the election.


It was the first public show of strength by the concierge faction since former federal treasurer Joe Hockey decided to quit Parliament. His decision cost taxpayers more than $1.2 million to hold a byelection just a year before a federal election. Hockey's seat went to his protege Trent Zimmerman, a career political staffer and factional operator since his Young Liberal days who had become president of the NSW division.

The electorate's response, on December 5, a time when Turnbull and the Liberals were surging in the polls, was to deliver an emphatic 13 per cent swing against Zimmerman in a blue-ribbon seat.

Zimmerman is still president of the NSW Liberal Party, and active in the concierge faction which is seeking, in various ways through various groups, to strengthen its numbers in Federal Parliament.

NSW does present an obvious opportunity for re-generation.

Senator Bill Heffernan turns 73 on March 3. He has been in the Senate for 20 years. If he were to contest Senate pre-selection for 2016 he would be seeking to stay in Parliament until the age of 80. It will not happen.

Philip Ruddock turns 73 on March 12. He has been a member of Parliament for 42 years. He may be ambivalent about retiring, but the regeneration of the party is more important. He is being tapped on the shoulder.

Bronwyn Bishop is already 73. She has been a member of Parliament for 29 years. Although it is self-evident that the party wants her to retire, it also appears that her grip on the federal seat of Mackellar will – to paraphrase Charlton Heston – have to be prised from her cold, dead hands.

The concierge faction is moving to replace all three septuagenarians with members of its faction. This is within the norms of politics.

But such is the ambition of the faction to dominate the NSW division that they are moving far beyond natural regeneration and seeking to liquidate three more sitting members who are not in need of removal.

The concierge faction wants to dump Senator Connie Fierravanti-Wells, the 55-year-old assistant minister and the senior Liberal senator from NSW.

Concierges are also busy destabilising Angus Taylor, the 49-year-old federal member for Hume, based on Goulburn and Cowra. Taylor is one of the few NSW Liberals in Parliament, federal or state, with leadership potential.

Unlike every member of the concierge faction, he built a substantial career outside of politics. He is a former Rhodes scholar, a former partner in the global management consulting firm McKinsey & Co, he started several agricultural companies and he headed Rabobank's executive development program for farmers.

The concierge faction is also moving against Craig Kelly, 52, the member for Hughes, on Sydney's southwestern edge, since 2010. Prior to entering Parliament Kelly ran his own business. He was never a political staffer.

Collectively, these moves represent a challenge to the authority of the Prime Minister. They involve gratuitous instability. They have nothing to do with generational change.

In Senator Fierravanti-Wells, they target a senior member of the government who is the Prime Minister's personal emissary to the Muslim community, with which she has built many ties.

In Taylor, the faction would not only replace a potential cabinet minister with a nonentity, but invite the National Party to contest Hume.

In Kelly, they are circling a popular sitting member who retained his seat in 2013 with a 5.5 per cent swing and a huge 60 per cent of the two-party preferred vote.

Sydney may be Malcolm Turnbull's political base but it is not his political domain, no matter that the latest Fairfax Media poll shows him with an impregnable lead as preferred prime minister.

Instead, Sydney is where the self-absorbed, self-serving, concierge culture within the Liberal Party is the most advanced and the most determined, with so much gritty detail yet to emerge.

Twitter: Paul_Sheehan_

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