

This was published 14 years ago

Wrong Deveny, Twitter is not just passing notes

By Gordon Farrer

Whatever you think of Catherine Deveny's Logies night tweets or the furore that followed, it's sobering to think that her now-infamous postings will become part of the vast collection of historical material held at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.

Of Bindi Irwin, the 11-year-old daughter of the late naturalist Steve, Deveny tweeted "I do so hope Bindi Irwin gets laid". Of Gold Logie winner Rove McManus and his wife, actress Tasma Walton, she wrote "Rove and Tasma look so cute . . . hope she doesn't die, too".

Twitter was a vital news tool for green demonstrators against the government during Iran's last election.

Twitter was a vital news tool for green demonstrators against the government during Iran's last election.Credit: Reuters

McManus' first wife, Belinda Emmett, died of cancer in 2006.

Defending her tweets and taking aim at the fallout, Deveny, who was sacked as a columnist for The Age over her Logies comments, likened Twitter to "passing notes in class, but suddenly these notes are being projected into the sky and taken out of context. "Twitter is online graffiti, not a news source."


Posts to Twitter are not private messages. They aren't limited to a select group of your choosing, as notes passed in class might be, and many tweets — from reports of US Airways flight 1549 going down in New York's Hudson River in January 2009 to the Egyptian photojournalist whose supporters kept tabs on him via Twitter when he was arrested by the government to its use during the Iranian election last year — have indeed been a news source.

Social media conversations are public conversations. Writing on someone's wall on Facebook or tweeting to your followers through Twitter are the equivalent of talking loudly while waiting in line at the bank, or at a film festival, or on a crowded train. Everything you say — or, in this case, write — can be overheard by anyone who cares to listen. And then shared with a potential audience of millions around the globe.

Twitter's privacy policy is clear: "Our services are primarily designed to help you share information with the world. Most of the information you provide to us is information you are asking us to make public." To have an expectation of privacy when you use Twitter is to misunderstand what you signed up for.

Twitter posts can be less than earth-shattering. They range from the mundane (the very first tweet, sent by Twitter co-creator Jack Dorsey was "just setting up my twttr") to the momentous (Barack Obama's tweet upon becoming president of the US: "We just made history. All of this happened because you gave your time, talent and passion. All of this happened because of you. Thanks").


But don't be deceived, even the less-than-arresting posts have value.

Deveny was right when she said that Twitter is a kind of online graffiti. That isn't a criticism. Graffiti isn't always thoughtless vandalism, something to be scrubbed from view; it can give insight into a zeitgeist, the mood and character of a culture.

It's these qualities that prompted the decision of the Library of Congress, announced last month, to archive every public tweet, all 10 billion-plus of them, since Twitter started in March 2006.

The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world. It receives a copy of every book, pamphlet, map, print and piece of music registered in the United States, and since 2000 has been archiving digital material such as legal blogs and election and congressional websites. It is already an immense repository of information and cultural data, available for research for generations to come.

A large proportion of tweets admitted to the collection will be vacuous, irrelevant, throwaway lines, fleeting snippets you might not expect to have historical value.

But the primary sources from which history is drawn are full of cultural graffiti mixed in with the detritus of civilisations. And it can be found in unexpected places: proclamations about tax laws in Ancient Egypt (the Rosetta Stone), census data (the 11th century Domesday Book), personal letters, government pamphlets, cemetery records, photographs, diaries — and now Twitter tweets.

Historians, as you'd expect, are excited by the potential value of a repository containing millions, even billions of firsthand accounts of events in daily life from around the globe, whether small or large.

"My initial reaction was, when you look at it tweet by tweet it looks like junk," Amy Murrell Taylor, professor of history at the State University of New York, told The New York Times. "But it could be really valuable if looked through collectively."

As a written record, Taylor said, tweets are very close to the originating thoughts of the author: "Most of our sources are written after the fact, mediated by memory — sometimes false memory. And newspapers are mediated by editors.

"Tweets take you right into the moment in a way that no other sources do. That's what is so exciting."

The public response to the announcement on the Library of Congress blog ranged from cheers ("This is downright awesome!") to complaints about waste ("My tax dollars are paying for this? You can't be serious.") to cynicism about the value of the material ("Archiving the ephemeral, the meaningless and the lulzy. Strange project.") to objections about perceived breaches of privacy ("What right does the government have to my tweets or other people's PRIVATE tweets?").

The best piece of advice and observation on the site was posted by someone calling themselves "big deal" who wrote: "Don't tweet private info on the web and you have nothing to worry about. Handle your reputation online as you would normally.

"If you're an idiot in real life you'll be an idiot on Twitter, and everyone will know it regardless."


And, we might add, you'll be history.

Gordon Farrer is The Age technology editor. Twitter: untanglingweb

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