By Tony Wright
The air of disbelief that has enveloped Federal Parliament in the past week became a roar of gobsmacked silence when it was announced that the Liberal Party had elected Tony Abbott the new leader by precisely one vote.
Even Abbott's supporters were astounded. Joe Hockey had been eliminated in the first round, leaving Abbott in the contest against Turnbull.
The Liberals had outfoxed themselves.
It was supposed to be a final race between Abbott and Hockey. But the soft-hearted Hockey supporters apparently felt that they couldn't humiliate poor Malcolm. So without consulting each other and locking in numbers, a few too many of them gave their first-round vote to Turnbull, imagining that he was about to be defeated anyway, and trying to give him a soft landing.
That left Hockey stranded. He found himself with only 23 votes, while Turnbull got 26 and Abbott - whose supporters weren't at all soft-hearted - topped the vote with 35.
That left Abbott and Turnbull head to head, and Big Joe - who anyway, had placed himself firmly astride a barbed-wire fence, trying to please everyone by offering a free vote on the emissions trading scheme, putting a number of noses out of joint - got his original wish. He wouldn't have to challenge Turnbull directly.
And then, if you still needed proof that this party was split asunder, the final vote went down to the wire. Abbott got 42 votes, Turnbull received 41.
But hang on! That means there were 84 votes counted in the first round, and only 83 in the second. Seems someone opted for the donkey vote, and wrote an inscrutable "No" on their ballot paper. Whoever it was appears to have been a Hockey supporter who couldn't stomach either Turnbull or Abbott.
Victorian Fran Bailey wasn't there at all. She has been ill and wanted to cast a proxy vote. But there was no system in place for such a thing. Bailey might be counted as a Turnbull number in a face-off with Abbott. Thus, the split could have been irrevocable: 42-42.
Turnbull gave one of his classy media appearances soon after.
He wasn't about to resign, he would go to the backbench and he and his wife Lucy would discuss the future before deciding whether to contest the next election.
Would he change anything that he had done?
"No," he responded.
Tony Abbott told the press gallery he believed the job of the Opposition is to be an Opposition, not an echo of the Government.
And he promised to rip into the Rudd Government's emissions trading scheme in the style of Paul Keating who tore apart John Hewson's hopes by a full-frontal attack on the GST in the early 1990s.
He even quoted Keating from those days: "If you don't understand it, don't vote for it. If you do understand it, you'd never vote for it."
"As leader I am not afraid of an election. And I am not afraid of an election on this issue (the emissions trading scheme he has promised his party will now defeat). I am not."
He wouldn't speculate about the outcome of the 2010 election, and the old boxer promised a "good, fair fight".
"It's been a big day, a tough day for some of my colleagues," he said.
"I feel humbled and daunted by what's ahead.
"Obviously some wounds that have to be healed. I will do my best to be a consultative and collegial leader."
And he had generous words for the man he had just vanquished.
"I particularly want to pay tribute to Malcolm Turnbull. We have sometimes be sparring partners, but mostly we've been friends."
And, umm, who is Abbott's deputy? That would be Julie Bishop, deputy to Brendan Nelson and Malcolm Turnbull. Still standing. Amazing.
Tony Wright is The Goanna.