

This was published 14 years ago

In new PM, Abbott has a tougher opponent

By Michelle Grattan

Julia Gillard becomes Australia's first woman prime minister after as ruthless a slaying of a leader as you'll see in politics. She owes her job to the opinion polls, Labor panic, some tough powerbrokers, and the attractive, smooth image she has built up since the ALP's election.

She's been swept to power on Labor MPs' instinct for survival. The ambitious Gillard has been been handed the top job without personally having to fight for it. Rudd was mortally wounded by his own hand, and the hand of others, who then installed Gillard.

Extraordinary as it's been, that may have been the easy part. The job ahead of her is awesome. Gillard has the overwhelming support of her party — Rudd's decision to stand aside attests to that. But she will have to persuade the voters that Labor, which has been floundering, should be given a second term.

She can expect a honeymoon, and she'll get the advantage of being a celebrity in an age of celebrity politics. Many people will want Gillard to succeed, because they like her, or because they don't want the country's first female leader to flop.

Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Illustration: Andrew DysonCredit: Andrew Dyson

But policy will be harder. She will have to position herself convincingly on issues including emissions trading, the mining tax and asylum seekers. How she deals with policy will test her enormously, especially as she has been pivoted into this job because key policy issues have gone wrong.

She'll need to distinguish herself from Rudd, but also square off her own past. As deputy PM Gillard has not just been Rudd's righthand woman, but also part of the four member "kitchen cabinet" that has run things in the Rudd government.

She has set high standards for herself in the different style of leadership she has promised. In her ABC Australian Story interview, replayed on Monday, she said: "If I were to end up leading the Labor party at some point, that in and of itself would be a different perception by the nation of what leadership is. I think people are over the kind of really highly managed suited white bread style politicians. I think people are looking for more than that and different to that, and you know I think I am different to that."

Gillard said those words in opposition and before Rudd, with his autocratic style, became leader. After the Rudd experiment, Labor will expect a more collective approach from Gillard. But taken too far, this could have its own problems in a government that will need firm direction. It will be a delicate balance. As Rudd found, expectations, if they are too high, can be your downfall.


For Tony Abbott the ascension of Gillard is bad news. If you are a tough guy, how do you beat up on a woman who comes through the door wearing a halo?

Michelle Grattan is Age political editor.

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