By Lenore Taylor
At her first press conference, Australia's new Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, was accentuating policy differences - especially her offer of an advertising ''truce'' and the start of real negotiations over the super tax with the mining industry.
But other stances on some of the most controversial Rudd decisions sounded like rhetorical reworkings of the same positions. And this is the challenge for Gillard: she needs to convince voters that their new boss is different from their old boss.
New Prime Minister Julia Gillard and deputy and Treasurer Wayne Swan after her historic ascension..Credit: Stefan Postles
On the emissions trading scheme she said she would work for ''community consensus'' before trying again to put a price on carbon - in other words she'll continue the policy of delay.
On asylum seekers she stands for ''strong management of our borders''. Policy differentiation will be a difficult thing. For four years she has worked entirely in lock step with Kevin Rudd.
She and her new deputy Wayne Swan were the two in the ''gang of four'' kitchen cabinet most often in agreement with the former prime minister.
She was a strong supporter of the ETS delay. Unlike Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner she was entirely comfortable with the $75 billion stimulus spending in response to the global economic crisis.
Those who pulled down Kevin Rudd, the man who led them to the 2007 victory, have taken a gamble just months from the next election. But internal polling confirmed the dire warnings in the published polls - the party was headed for defeat.
It was partly policy backflips, it was partly policy mistakes, but in the end Labor concluded the problem was in large part the man himself.
Julia Gillard promised to be different from Kevin Rudd in style - more inclusive, more consultative, more in line with normal Labor tradition.
Labor is hoping that with her at the helm the public will see them and their record differently too - the leadership change will be the circuit-breaker they so desperately need.
Lenore Taylor is the national affairs correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald.