Three gay marriage advocates have recalled a conversation in which Kevin Rudd told them he would ''fix'' the marriage law and that Julia Gillard had previously spoken in support of the change when she was a member of his cabinet.
The conversation took place at a party held by gay marriage lobbyists during the Labor Party national conference last December and it included Mr Rudd, then the minister for foreign affairs, the doctor Kerryn Phelps, her partner Jackie Stricker, and another campaigner, Geoff Thomas.
Kevin Rudd ... talked up his support for gay marriage.Credit: Glenn Hunt
''He [Mr Rudd] absolutely said that if he was prime minister it [gay marriage] would have gone through,'' Ms Stricker told The Sun-Herald. ''We couldn't believe how open and forthright he was.''
Mr Thomas, a Vietnam veteran with a gay son, said Mr Rudd told him: ''I hope you know if I was prime minister this would be law.''
Mr Rudd had gone on to say: ''The reason Julia Gillard is in power is because of a deal she did with the Australian Christian Lobby and [conservative union boss] Joe De Bruyn.''
Mr Thomas added: ''He said in cabinet she [previously] argued in favour of same-sex marriage.''
Ms Stricker and Dr Phelps have corroborated the comments. But Mr Rudd denies their version. His spokeswoman said: ''Mr Rudd does not intend to comment on multiple private conversations he has had over time on civil unions and same-sex marriage - other than to say that the content of the reported conversations contained in your inquiry is not accurate, including your references to cabinet discussions, which, as a matter of principle, Mr Rudd does not comment on.''
Leadership tension had been at fever pitch at the time. Ms Gillard had just given a speech listing the achievements of every Labor prime minister except Mr Rudd.
She had also just negotiated a compromise whereby the party's platform would be changed to support gay marriage but MPs would get a conscience vote when the bill came before Parliament. That bill is expected to be debated later this year. Ms Gillard is not supporting gay marriage.
Mr Rudd's spokeswoman said he had not made up his mind about how he would vote. ''The commitment Mr Rudd made at the 2009 ALP National Conference … was to seek a mandate on civil unions at the 2010 election in order to facilitate an open parliamentary vote and/or plebiscite on the matter,'' she said. ''While closely following the bills on same-sex marriage that are currently before the Parliament, Mr Rudd's position on same-sex marriage has not changed.''
Details of the party conversation emerged when The Sun-Herald interviewed Mr Thomas. Ms Stricker said she and Professor Phelps had not previously spoken of the conversation because Mr Rudd had asked them to keep it confidential. But she was furious when told of Mr Rudd's denial.
''I was thinking if he came back he would put it through … It would have been very easy for us to go out there and say 'guess what' but we respected the fact it was confidential.''
However, Ms Stricker said: ''I don't respect someone denying a conversation, not on something that's so important to people. I'm tired of people prancing around being held to ransom by religious fanatics. They are using religion as an excuse for bigotry.''
She said there was ''no way'' there could have been any confusion about whether the conversation was about civil unions rather than gay marriage. ''Kerryn and I never mention the words 'civil unions'. We think it's a poor man's substitute. If he had mentioned it we would have jumped down his throat.''
Ms Gillard declined to comment.