

This was published 11 years ago

Inevitable death of car industry exaggerated, say pollies

By Staff writers

The government and opposition have rejected claims the death of the local car industry is ''inevitable'' but differ on the measures needed to help prop up the struggling sector.

Former Ford boss Jacques Nasser has warned that Australia's automotive industry could collapse entirely if Ford, Holden or Toyota pulls out of the country.

Mr Nasser, now CEO of BHP Billiton, said the industry might have a stronger chance of survival if more subsidies were paid.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and former industry minister Kim Carr said on Friday that the government would continue to work with the car industry, while opposition industry spokeswoman Sophie Mirabella said the Coalition was committed to finding the right policy for the sector.

The debate about the Australian car industry's future flared again after Holden this week announced that it was cutting 500 jobs from its Australian operations.

Under a taxpayer-funded investment deal struck just last year, Holden was to receive $275 million from 2016 in joint federal-state funding.

That's on top of almost $2 billion the company has been paid by taxpayers over the past decade.

Ms Gillard said the government valued job creation and a diversified economy was the best way to achieve that.

''Car making is important to the continuation of a strong manufacturing sector in our economy. That's why we've been prepared to work with the car industry and we continue to be prepared to work with the car industry because the skills and innovation that come from the car industry matter to the around 1 million Australians employed in manufacturing,'' she said.


Senator Carr defended the subsidies paid to the car industry, backing Mr Nasser's assessment that the taxpayer support was modest when compared to international standards and support to other local industries.

He said while Australia's car industry faced tough conditions – including the high dollar and declining export markets – he disagreed with the ''crude representation'' that the death of local car makers is ''inevitable''.

''I think that the Australian industry can survive in what is incredibly difficult circumstances if you have the right policy settings in place,'' he said.

Senator Carr said it was perhaps time to hold another inquiry into the future of the industry.

''One thing we can be absolutely certain of is that 2013 will be the year in which we make a decision as to whether or not we're going to have an automotive industry in this country,'' he said.

''Because if you withdraw support entirely – which is the Liberal Party position – then there will be no car industry in Australia. And that goes to the very heart of manufacturing in this country. The Liberal Party are proposing to return to their old policy position which is to end support in 2015. That's clearly a recipe for the destruction of the automotive industry.''

Ms Mirabella said the future viability of Australia's car industry wouldn't be determined on the basis of handouts.

''I don't think it's about providing a greater dollar figure for subsidies,'' she told ABC radio on Friday.

''I think it's about using the existing funding in a much better way.''

The industry just needed certainty and it wasn't receiving it under the current policy settings set out by the government, she added.

She said the Coalition was committed to a Productivity Commission review to find the right policy settings for the sector, as companies struggle under the strong Australian dollar.

Car industry expert Professor Danny Sampson from Melbourne University's Business School said he believed the industry was in ''reasonably good shape''.

''It has very significant challenges, but I don't think it's going to die any time soon,'' Professor Sampson said.

''Everybody in this industry in the entire world gets substantial government subsidies.''

Meanwhile, Holden boss Mike Devereux and South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill are due to discuss the carmaker's future in Adelaide on Friday, as unions rally over concerns for jobs in the manufacturing and construction sectors.

Mr Weatherwill has expressed anger over the cuts, which he says breach an agreement for his state to provide Holden with $50 million from 2016 to develop two new models.

with AAP

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