

This was published 8 years ago

Peter O’Brien: Justice reinvestment an opportunity for Australia to be better as a nation

By Peter O’Brien

In the eight weeks since Four Corners' Australia's Shame program went to air, my office has been inundated with emails, calls and letters. Most of these were messages of support for Jake Roper, Dylan Voller and all the other boys who were abused in Don Dale Youth Detention Centre. My office recently collated 30 pages of these letters and mailed them to Dylan, who is still incarcerated in Darwin's adult prison. We hope that the letters remind Dylan that – although it may not seem like it from within his concrete cell – Australia does have the capacity to care for youth in prison. Dylan has told me that he hopes something comes out of what he went though: that some change will come out of it.

In the letters to our office, apart from the messages of care and support, Australians had a recurring question: how can we stop this happening again?

The Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children will inquire into what went wrong in the Northern Territory, and – importantly – who is responsible. Heads should roll. But there also needs to be a positive focus for the future of youth justice in Australia. One laudable approach is justice reinvestment.

Justice reinvestment is an approach to justice that aims to address crime before it happens by treating the underlying causes of crime. If you prevent crime from happening in the first place, then you don't need to spend excessive amounts of money on imprisonment. The "reinvestment" part of justice reinvestment means that the money you save on prisons is directed back into the community, to be spent on family support and community services (for example, drug and alcohol diversion, mental health facilities, educational support).

Dylan Voller being manhandled by staff at the Don Dale facility.

Dylan Voller being manhandled by staff at the Don Dale facility.Credit: ABC Four Corners

Youth incarceration in NSW costs the taxpayer $800 per child, per day, and in 2014 NSW taxpayers spent an average of $293,200 on each child in custody. Currently, there are almost 300 juveniles detained in NSW. More disturbingly, over half of these children are Indigenous. NSW is quite literally spending millions of dollars for the dubious privilege of exposing disadvantaged youth to irreversible physical and psychological abuse. That money – and the $3.8 billion earmarked for the expansion of NSW prisons – would be much better spent on giving children the opportunity for a life without crime.

Australia's first justice reinvestment is currently under way in Bourke. It is called the Maranguka initiative, which, in the language of the Ngemba Nation, means "caring for others". The Maranguka trial – featured in last night's episode of Four Corners – is an initiative of the Bourke community, supported by Just Reinvest NSW. Another element of justice reinvestment is that it is a community-driven approach. Self-determination has long been recognised as a human right, in theory at least. In practice, justice reinvestment will allow the Bourke to determine its own future by determining the future of its youth.

Importantly, justice reinvestment is not a soft approach. Diverting money from prisons doesn't remove prisons from the equation, it just recognises that there are much more effective ways to deal with youth crime. The current system of incarceration costs more than prevention, exposes kids to abuse, provides no long-term solution to crime, and breaks families apart. In the words of Sarah Hopkins, chair of Just Reinvest NSW, "We cannot afford to keep doing what we're doing. The social and economic costs are too high. A new approach is urgently needed – and that is what justice reinvestment provides."

We are at a watershed moment in Australian criminal law. We have seen graphic images of where punitive populism leads us: to the abuse of children and to the breaking of communities. Nobody wants a repeat of Don Dale, but that is exactly what will happen if we continue with a youth justice system that prefers punishment to prevention. Don Dale was the culmination of a criminal justice approach that constantly took the easy option of incarceration, and of an electorate that was too ready to believe that harsh justice was the only way.


Dylan is turning 19 this week. One teenage birthday behind bars is one too many, but this won't be Dylan's first. Justice reinvestment is an opportunity for Australia to be better as a nation. For the sake of all the children who have suffered in prison, it is an option we must take.

Peter O'Brien is the principal solicitor at O'Brien Solicitors and Dylan Voller's lawyer.

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