

This was published 20 years ago

Let's have the honest truth, once and for all

Six years ago, I wrote in this newspaper: "Telling a lie is easier than killing it, even for a prime minister. A lie is a lie, and once it is out on the street no amount of passing traffic can ever truly skittle it. John Howard told a lie on May 2, 1995. Then he told more lies to reinforce the first lie. To protect himself from what he judged a serious threat to his last chance to be prime minister, Howard lied and went on lying. Now, three years later, he is telling still more lies to hide that first lie."

That was the lead to an article published on Saturday, May 30, 1998. I wrote it to show why Howard was a serial liar when it suited his political interests. In recent months, in an increasingly difficult election year, Howard has written twice to the Herald to challenge assertions by me.

His press secretary, at Howard's direction, has written once. All three letters were published, the latest in today's letters column, concerning his wife. Six years ago, when I set out the case history of one of the Prime Minister's more notorious lies, Howard said nothing. Neither did his office. The article went unchallenged.

In May 1995, eight months before the general election in March 1996 that made him prime minister, what Howard lied about was his commitment to a goods and services tax (GST). That was his infamous "never ever" pledge. How it happened, and how Howard ignored his pledge once he'd become prime minister, is open and shut. At a Sydney bankers' lunch, where he spoke about the Keating government's coming budget later that month, Howard referred briefly to John Hewson's losing GST policy in the 1993 election and how "nothing remotely resembling it" would be Coalition policy in the 1996 campaign.

But when a businessman asked why, if a GST was so economically sound, Howard wouldn't again support it, he gave a long answer which included, in part: "... We would occasionally like to win, you know. The fact is the last election was a referendum on the GST. There is no way we can have it as part of our policy for the next election. As to what happens some years in the future, I don't know. But the GST cause was lost in the last election ..."


Every news outlet ignored it except The Australian. It ran a single-column story on its front page next morning, saying Howard had "left open the possibility of the Coalition reconsidering a GST some years in the future". Howard panicked. He'd told the truth in answering the businessman's question. Now he felt he had to lie if he wasn't to sabotage, after 22 years in politics, his last opportunity to be prime minister.

He issued a four-sentence statement saying, "Suggestions I have left open the possibility of a GST are completely wrong. A GST or anything resembling it is no longer Coalition policy. Nor will it be policy at any time in the future. It is completely off the political agenda in Australia." Later that day, confronted by a clamouring press pack, he compounded the lie. Asked if he'd "left the door open for a GST", Howard said: "No. There's no way a GST will ever be part of our policy."

Q: "Never ever?" Howard: "Never ever. It's dead. It was killed by voters at the last election."

Nothing equivocal about that. But 27 months later, in August 1997, less than 18 months after becoming Prime Minister, Howard told the truth by telling more lies. He announced a "great adventure" in tax reform he wanted to "share with the Australian people".

Six months later, we learned the heart and soul of this "adventure" was to be the introduction of a GST. And how did Howard rationalise his "never ever" pledge? He didn't. He simply lied again. Howard told Parliament in April 1998: "I went to the 1996 election saying there would not be a GST in our first term. I go to the coming election saying we are going to reform the tax system ... The Australian public are entitled to be told before an election what a government will do after the election. They do not deserve to be misled. They do not deserve to be deceived."

Nothing could be more bare-faced. Howard lied about the GST before the 1996 campaign. He lied about these lies during the 1998 campaign. He lied about the reasons he took Australia into the Iraq travesty, now such a part of this election. Now we are told by someone at the centre of events that he lied about the children overboard affair.

The central truth is, however grave the charge, that John Howard's prime ministership has been a lie from the outset.

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