

This was published 8 years ago

John Howard is demonised beyond rational understanding

By Tom Switzer

The University of Sydney's decision to award John Howard an honorary doctorate – and the campus backlash it has provoked – is an occasion to reflect on our nation's second-longest serving prime minister.

On Friday some 200 unruly activists gathered to protest Howard's award ceremony. I was there, and it was on the verge of getting ugly. Insults normally cast only at criminals with no reputation to lose were hurled at him with wild abandon. The university's Great Hall was ringed by placards proclaiming Howard a "racist" and "war criminal".

It should be obvious to even primary school students that a war criminal is someone who has actually committed a war crime. More to the point, to equate a democratic leader who supported the toppling of a brutal dictatorship with the likes of the Nazis and the Khmer Rouge is a cheapening of moral language.

One could oppose the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 and still believe that Howard, like Tony Blair and George W. Bush, was motivated by good intentions. Saddam Hussein, after all, was a murderous despot who had invaded Iran in 1980 and Kuwait in 1990 and subsequently defied about 17 United Nations resolutions. He also used chemical weapons in the murder of tens of thousands of Kurds in the north and the Shiites of southern Iraq.

John Howard received an honorary doctorate from the University of Sydney on Friday.

John Howard received an honorary doctorate from the University of Sydney on Friday.

What Howard failed to recognise, however, was the adage that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Toppling Saddam, as many conservative realists (such as this writer and my friends Owen Harries and John Mearsheimer) warned at the time, was also fraught with the danger of unintended consequences.

Regime change meant that, among other things, the Shiite Arabs would replace the Sunni Arabs as the predominant community in Iraq. That in turn meant Shiite Iran would greatly increase its influence in Iraq and that the many marginalised Sunni would turn to jihadists that have morphed into Islamic State.

The objectors to the honorary doctorate also claim Howard was a racist. Never mind his post-Tampa asylum-seeker standoff policies boosted public confidence in our immigration and humanitarian refugee agenda. So much so that the rate of legal, non-discriminatory migration from four corners of the world, including Africa, doubled from 2002 to 2007. When Malcolm Turnbull praises Australia as the global role model for border protection, he is paying tribute to Howard (and his successor Tony Abbott).

Which brings us back to Howard's honorary doctorate. As last week's university protests show, the old rancour and hatred lingers among left-wing radicals: they seek to deny platforms to anyone they decide is politically unacceptable to them.

John Howard was greeted by protesters and a few supporters at the ceremony.

John Howard was greeted by protesters and a few supporters at the ceremony.Credit: James Brickwood

But the truth is that Howard's support, like that of Margaret Thatcher's a generation earlier, never rested with the intellectual elite. Indeed, it has always been found among the great mass of ordinary, decent, hard-working people. Howard is the proud son of a petrol station owner, and he has never forgotten his roots.

During his tenure, Howard was all too often demonised beyond rational understanding. To hear his critics tell it, he was "an unflushable turd" (Mungo MacCallum), a "scheming, mendacious little man" (Alan Ramsey) and "far and away the worst prime minister in living memory" (Phillip Adams).

Those views were always unhinged. But the passage of time means that more sober Howard sceptics today recognise the strengths of their one-time nemesis. As the rancour of the political battles he fought grows more distant – guns, GST, Tampa, republic, waterfront, industrial relations, Iraq – his greatness is being generally acknowledged.

Think about it: from 1996 to 2007, everything that should be up – incomes, growth, living standards – was up, while everything that should be down – inflation, unemployment, interest rates – was down. Meanwhile, Australians became more confident, secure and prosperous. The gun laws, which continue to attract world praise, are just part of the Howard story.

Above all else, he had moral conviction with political rigour in a way that has not been evident in his Labor and Liberal successors.

When he is spotted on Sydney's streets, I can vouch that passers-by will cheer and tell him how much he is missed. In March, an Essential Research poll showed that the Australian people once again consider Howard overwhelmingly the best prime minister of the modern era.

The history books will draw attention to his mistakes, including his support for an unnecessary war and his failure to pass the torch of leadership to Peter Costello in 2006.

But they will single him out as something extraordinary: a politician with the guts to use the office of prime minister to change the nature of the nation in which he lived. This makes him a member of a truly select group, the others being Deakin, Curtin, Menzies and Hawke.


All the more reason to honour him at our nation's longest and greatest university. After all, while the entire University of Sydney obviously does not share Howard's views, it is a place where diversity is cherished. That's an admirable lesson in today's conformist intellectual climate.

Tom Switzer is a senior fellow at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney and a host on ABC's Radio National.

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