

This was published 7 years ago

Emmanuel Macron's election will change Europe

By Richard Ogier

Does the French presidential election, after the American one, confirm Friedrich Nietzsche's assertion that "every profound spirit needs a mask"? The shallow spirit, by contrast, is usually plain to see and can be found on American reality television.

The election of French president Emmanuel Macron – a 39-year-old philosophy and literature-loving liberal, politically correct, historically aware and fiercely pro-European – seems like progressive bite-back after the barn-storming rise of populist United States President Donald Trump.

Intriguing by dint of his personality – gentlemanly charm meets narcissistic self-confidence – not to say his marriage to a woman 24 years his senior, Macron stands in stark contrast to the regressive, literally backwards-looking imperatives of anti-European Trump-era politics.

Unlike the protectionist nationalism of the US President, Macron's message is that succeeding in a globalised world means liberating a nation's talents to innovate and create, to transform, not cling to, the fragile remains of yesterday's struggling industries.

French president-elect Emmanuel Macron.

French president-elect Emmanuel Macron.Credit: Jeff J. Mitchell

By definition, Macron will give a much-needed sense of direction and coherence to France, and to Europe post-Brexit, with whoever wins the September federal election in Germany, because both Chancellor Angela Merkel and her main rival, Martin Schulz, are also resolutely pro-European. Deploying former French president François Mitterrand's formula that "nationalism is war", Macron believes that Europe is the best way for the nations of the old continent to operate in the global context and in the fight against terrorism.

A bullet-point account of his achievement shows its extraordinary dimension:

  • never previously elected;
  • unknown to the general public three years ago;
  • carried to power not by an established party but a spanking new political movement in a country deeply attached, until now, to the old political dichotomy of left and right.

The essence of Macron's economic program captures what many economists have long argued France needs: a reduction in crippling company taxes to enable employment, with flexible security for workers, and a big emphasis on education and training. A vast welfare state can't be funded with 1 to 2 per cent growth, while victims of the system, according to Macron, must be protected by boosting and better targeting, not diminishing, the notion of economic "solidarity".


More broadly, Macron's victory is the triumph of a certain kind of a progressive synthesis, neither of the right nor the left, as he says, yet of both. Macron argues that the daunting challenges of globalisation must be faced and not faded from. The only way to "win" in a globalised world is to swim in its choppy waters. The representative example is that pro-digital economy Macron immediately vowed to fight its excesses when Twitter trolls were found spreading unsubstantiated claims about an offshore bank account he had, which far-right candidate Marine Le Pen opportunistically sought to exploit.

Le Pen's rise is the flip side of Macron's triumph: though soundly beaten, she progressed solidly in this election. A far-fight candidate, wanted by the courts, whose party's origins lie in Nazi-denial and the anti-semitism of wartime Vichy France, she secured more than 11 million votes, or 34 per cent of the total (44 per cent among those aged 18 to 24).

For so long and, until recently, by far the most influential country in western Europe, France has radicalised alarmingly. To the point that a hard-boiled eurosceptic, preaching de-globalisation, anti-Islam, xenophobia and, above all, anti-global capitalism has now attained a level of legitimacy perhaps unseen for the far right, in any other country since World War II.

Yet on French television after Macron's victory, the old-guard "elephants" of the traditional parties had the knives out for France's soon-to-be youngest-ever president, after he beat them mercilessly arguing for economic efficiency with social justice; the defence of freedom with a reduction in inequality; and patriotism hand-in-hand with openness to the world. And at stake?

"The election of 2017 is decisive for France and for Europe," prominent French economist and historian Nicolas Baverez told France's Le Figaro newspaper in February. "It constitutes the last opportunity to redress our country in a peaceful and democratic manner."

Macron argues that the only way to 'win' in a globalised world is to swim in its choppy waters.

Here's wishing Macron well, with French legislative elections set for Jun e11 and 18, and some analyses suggesting Le Pen's National Front could secure 60 to 100 seats, up from just two in the current parliament.

Richard Ogier is a Munich-based journalist and former press attaché at the Australian embassy in Paris.

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