

This was published 11 years ago

The first editorial: April 18, 1831

Sworn to no Master, of no Sect am I

Read today's editorial here

PUBLIC Opinion is so much guided, in the present age, by the Press, that every new attempt to increase its range, must be interesting to the community. It is expected, too, that when an Editor "Makes his first attempt on any stage," he shall conform to custom, and set forth the general bearing of his sentiments, and his claims for support. We shall state our claims to attention in a few words, and trust to our future efforts to please and instruct, for a continuance of patronage.

Editors, it must be acknowledged, are not, in all cases, guided by motives that will bear scrutiny. Armed with an engine of the most comprehensive powers, and wielding, with dexterity, the Editorial We, which gives the force of number to the speculations of an individual, they become organs of the public voice, and their opinions are trumpeted forth as the most oracular in the land. If they were impeccable, their labours would be invaluable; but as they are, like other men, the victims of antipathies and attachments, they, not unfrequently, leave us to lament, that the firm Patriot is lost in the erring Man.

The History of the Press in Great Britain, (and we confine our observations to the Mother Country), presents a lamentable proof of the fact. Editors in general set out, either as rampant Patriots, or as thick and thin retainers of men in office; furnishing a surfeit of indigestible aliment to the passions, or distilling soporific draughts to their drowsy customers. A man of the first class is all fire; touch Magna Charta, and he is inflames; talk of taxes, and he buttons his pockets, seizes his cudgel, arms his pistols to the teeth with broken letter or unsorted pie, and threatens destruction to all who pronounce upon the excellence, or the policy of the measure. Speak of war, and he foams—of the Censor, and he raves—of libels and ex officios, and he vows and swears with the bitterness of Bedlam. If wholesome restraint be anticipated, he brandishes his shears and his quill with a giant's strength, forgetful that it is tyrannous to use it like a giant. Public men have not the benefit of honest intentions. The Church is denied her benefit of clergy. The scarlet coat of the hoary veteran is dyed black, and the gilded spontoon is ignominiously broken. The gracious dispenser of the loaves and fishes is reprobated, because his fishes are minnows, and his loaves are unpalatable crusts. Prose and Poetry are called in to ridicule and insult the best and the most upright of men; and the Muses, (most questionable characters in all ages) lend their aid for the ignoble purpose. Some men have most incompetent notions of freedom. —Addison says, in Cato,

"— — — — what is life,

'Tis not to walk about, and breathe fresh air,

And look upon the sun—'Tis to be Free!"

Freedom of this character is not hostile to legal restraint ; but that to which allusion has been made, stipulates for perfect freedom on that side, only, upon which the actors dub themselves Patriots, and who, as the Poet says, "Kindle a flame in put-ting out a spark."

The other plan of Editorial management to which we have referred, is equally indefensible. The voice of opposition, the breath of reprehension, or the symptoms of control, are not permitted in any given case. The flattery is pleasing, while the act is condemned. Fair discussion is ostensibly courted, but " Eat your pudding, slave, and hold your tongue," is still, as in the days of Prior, the rule of most men's practice. Bread is stuffed into the mouth to the distension of both cheeks. The pockets are held out with both hands, like the lank and consumptive purse of the needy Charlatan.—But these men serve ungrateful masters, whether the many or the few. Perpetual opposition becomes habitual malice ; and unsparing adulation, sinks into slavish sub-serviency. A man in power cannot but act for the benefit of the community in some cases ; and it is not wonderful, that an Editor, "At the full of the moon," should fall into error. No man should arrogate to himself the office of Political Dictator. The Press is a most unmerciful agent; and, except for the mechanical facilities it supplies, many who wield it, would have applied their talents to other purposes, and stales would be left to stand or fall by themselves—It sets risibility at defiance, when we see ignorance, presumption, or profession, assume the place of knowledge. The laughter-loving goddess holds both her sides—not from mirth, but from disgust.


But there is another class of Editors to whom we are desirous of assimilating our practice. Whilst we are bound to respect Government and its measures, we are entitled to be independent in thought and speech. When these measures are evidently devised and executed for the general welfare, we shall promote and recommend them. When they are of a questionable character, or work evil, we shall neither fear nor refuse to state our sentiments.—But we shall employ sound argument to convince, and not ribaldry to confound. We shall draw a broad line between suggestion and dictation ;

between wholesome restraint and ruinous oppression : between reasoning, founded on truth, and declamation reared upon fiction. If we do not serve as beacons above, we shall become buoys beneath. In our estimation, plain, useful, and substantial knowledge on Colonial Agriculture, and Commerce, is a better bill of fare, than weekly Sour-krout, the CrambeRecocta, and Caput Mortuum over and over of private grievances, which we may regret, though we cannot remedy. We shall consider the high road of political life, like the patent way over the high seas, that surround our adopted country ;where men may anchor or sail, furl or unfurl their canvass, trim and repair their barks, may enjoy the pure sky and gentle breeze, the calm or the gale, as profit, or pleasure, or caprice, may dictate—each consulting the general welfare, whilst he promotes his own ; and all sailing, as well as ourselves, under the broad banner of British freedom, protection and law, which no one shall be permitted to at-tack with impunity, or insult without redress.

Having stated the general principles on which we propose to act, in our management of the "Sydney Herald," we shall proceed to state the subjects to which our attention shall be more exclusively directed. The Colony of New South Wales, and its best interests, as a dependency of the Crown, shall be the primary object of our consideration. Van Die-men's Land, the Islands in the South Seas and Pacific, and the commercial and social relations of Australasia in general, shall next arrest our attention. English and Foreign news, bearing upon these subjects, shall be gleaned with care, and all facts and notices of improvements, shall meet with our zealous co-operation. The well-being of the merchant, manufacturer, farmer, and local and civil functionary, shall be the guide of our proceedings, con-vinced, that on their welfare depends the prosperity of the community.

On the other hand, the interests of literature, and of those connected with its advancement shall not be neglected. Education is a point to which our attention shall be turned with unwearied anxiety. There is, it must be acknowledged, a deficiency in this respect in the Colony—Whether this arises from poverty, or neglect, or insufficiency of means, or want of facilities, we shall not enquire. His Majesty's bounty has, in this respect, been greatly undervalued, and the utility of existing Institutions greatly overrated. We trust an unexceptionable system will be adopted by the Home Government, on the recommendation of His Excellency the Go-vernor, by which the blessings of Education will be communicated to all parties, without test or disqualifying obligation. A system of exclusion gives a character of selfishness to the persons who carry it into effect, to which they are strangers in principle, and to which, in other cases, they would be decidedly hostile. But as the cottage is the last to quit ancient usages, and the Court to adopt innovations, there are two powerful principles that must be overcome, or modified, before the light of knowledge can beam over the land of our adoption.

To the youth of the Colony in particular, we shall devote much of our attention. They are a generous race, the staple of the Colony, possessing a superior knowledge of the country, and of the capabilities of their native soil. It gives us sincere pleasure to know, that by the fostering care of His Excellency the Governor, land has been given off to many of them with great liberality. The measure will be fraught with the best of consequences. They are loyal to their King and Country, and grateful for indulgences from Government. One section of land to a young colonist, with a run for his cattle, will, in twenty years, be of more value to the Mother Country than a fifty gun frigate. They will enter into life, people the land, and open a market for

British manufactures.

In the absence of a more appropriate vehicle, we shall feel pleasure in aiding the dissemination of medical knowledge, in reference to the Colony. There is a wide field uncultivated, on this subject, that will amply repay the person who shall devote his talents to its illustration.

Such arrangements have also been made, as will secure law reports, and trials of Colonial importance in our Courts of Justice, with accuracy and impartiality. When these bear upon the privileges of the community, extended Reports shall be furnished ; in general we shall content ourselves with a brief summary of the leading features of each case, and shall give, on all disputed points the opinions of our Judges, or the law of the case when it can be ascertained.


We have thus stated, at some length, our sentiments on topics of vital importance to the Colony. Our Editorial management shall be conducted upon principles of candour, honesty, and honor. Respect and deference shall be paid to all classes. Freedom of thinking and speaking shall be conceded, and demanded. We have no wish to mislead; no interests to gratify by unsparing abuse, or indiscriminate approbation. We shall regret opposition, when we could wish to concur, and bestow the meed of praise. We shall dissent with respect, and reason with a desire, not to gain a point, but to establish a principle. By these sentiments we shall be guided, and, whether friends or foes, by these we shall judge others; we have a right, therefore, to expect that by these we shall be judged.

This editorial was first published on page 2 of the issue No.1 of The Sydney Herald on April 18, 1831.

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