

This was published 7 years ago

Calculated cruelty on Manus is a reflection on all of us

By Michael Gordon

PNG's decision to begin demolishing the Manus Island detention centre should have been good news this week, signalling that an end to the suffering by more than 900 refugees and asylum seekers is in sight.

Instead, it served only to ramp up the pressure on a population independent clinicians have found to be battling some of the highest rates of depressive and anxiety disorders ever recorded.

Why? Because the alternatives to staying in the centre that came under fire from drunken soldiers on Good Friday loom as even more frightening than staying there.

A fraction of more than 700 who have refugee status can move to East Lorengau, the only town on the province, and stay in a transit centre against the wishes of the local officials and population, where several have already been beaten.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

The rest can relocate to Port Moresby, where around 40 asylum seekers and refugees are living in cheap motels in daily fear of being robbed and beaten, where the prospect of securing a job and a future is next to zero.

Their two remaining options are to return to persecution in their home country or find a third country that will take them. This is where the deal between Barack Obama and Malcolm Turnbull comes in, because the United States is the only third country on offer.

The problem with the deal is not that Donald Trump doesn't like it; it's that it involves an understandably painstaking and slow process that will be even more protracted if those seeking resettlement are located in several different (and unsafe) places.

Herein lies the deliberately cruel irony: while there is no time limit for resettling the Manus refugees in America, there is a rigid time limit for shutting down the centre, with one of the four compounds to close completely on June 30.

An aerial view of Manus Island in Papua New Guinea.

An aerial view of Manus Island in Papua New Guinea.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Then there is the case of the more than 220 who do not have refugee status. They have been told they can go back to where they came from with $20,000 to assist their "reintegration", or be returned against their will with nothing.

But here's the tricky bit. Those with "negative status" include men who were so traumatised by the violence that engulfed the centre more than three years ago that they refused to be interviewed on the grounds that resettlement in PNG was too dangerous to contemplate.

Refugees on Manus Island currently have medical services provided by an international contractor to Australia.

Refugees on Manus Island currently have medical services provided by an international contractor to Australia.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

They also include the likes of the asylum seeker known as Eaten Fish, who has won international recognition as a cartoonist, but suffers from extreme post traumatic stress disorder and other anxieties and was in no condition to present his case for refugee status when he was interviewed.

No doubt this group also includes those who would not have met the criteria for refugee status had they been processed promptly after being transferred to PNG, but are now so damaged that they could not cope if they were returned.

The news that demolition would soon begin was conveyed to the asylum seekers in English by a PNG official who introduced himself as Graham and told them to listen up because he would not repeat himself.

"Most of us had no idea what they were saying as there were no interpreters for any community," says Rohingyan refugee Imran Mohammad.

So why impose rigid deadlines that could have unforseen and violent consequences? Why not give traumatised people the best chance of presenting their case for resettlement in a country with an exemplary record for resettling refugees?

Why suggest, as Peter Dutton did, that those who were attacked during the Good Friday rampage were somehow responsible because three of them had led a boy into the centre with nefarious intent, when this incident was totally innocent and unrelated to the violence?

Why, as The Guardian Australia reported this week, seek to coerce refugees to leave the detention centre by making conditions there "less attractive" than they are at the East Lorengau transit centre?

The answer to all these questions is the same: to increase the pressure on those who tried to come to Australia without an invitation to go back to where they came from, irrespective of how vulnerable and traumatised they were when they arrived or have since become.

This week there was also confirmation on two fronts of what the refugees said on the night of the Good Friday violence, that shots were fired into their accommodation blocks placing lives at risk.

Local police chief David Yapu never accepted Dutton's link with the incident where a local boy was given food by three refugees, but he had initially endorsed the Border Force line that a few shots were fired into the air.

"Some of the shots were fired through the compound and some of the bullets penetrated through the walls," he told my Fairfax colleague Michael Koziol, before the ABC's Lateline cited a Wilson Security incident report confirming this to be true.

All of this unfolded while Foreign Minister Julie Bishop flew to New York to launch Australia's campaign to win a seat the world's pre-eminent human rights body, the UN's Human Rights Council.

On arrival, Bishop asserted that Australia's treatment of those now in their fourth year on Manus and Nauru was "not as a negative at all" as far as the bid was concerned, and that Australia's offshore processing regime was only raised overseas in the context of stemming the flow of people smuggling.

"The government can blow its own trumpet on the world stage all it likes, but actions speak louder than words," responds Daniel Webb, director of legal advocacy at the Human Rights Law Centre.

"For as long as our government continues to be deliberately cruel to innocent people – people who've done nothing other than seek a life in safety – it will lack credibility on human rights."

The temptation is to blame Dutton, surely the least accountable minister in memory, for the ongoing human rights abuses that are funded and overseen by Australia, but that is the easy option.

Ultimately, what has occurred and continues to occur on Manus Island and on Nauru is a consequence of the choices we have approved, and a reflection of who we are.

Michael Gordon is The Age's Political Editor.

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