

This was published 8 years ago

Brexit: Not all of Europe wants Britain to stay in the union

By Richard Ogier

Might Brexit be a good thing for Europe? There's a comic wrinkle in watching the British Remain campaign translate the argument that Brexit would be devastating for Europe, when Europe itself is not so sure.

One English observer went so far as to liken Brexit – as possible British exit from the European Union in a referendum on June 23 is known – to "a party where the obnoxious cool kids leave, taking their music with them". From Paris and Berlin the British elite is seen as many things, but "cool" in the sense of hip is not generally one of them.

A public opinion poll of five big European countries found that only 13 per cent of Germans were for Brexit, compared to 41 per cent of the French.

A public opinion poll of five big European countries found that only 13 per cent of Germans were for Brexit, compared to 41 per cent of the French.

There's no denying differences about Brexit between France and Germany, despite presenting a fairly united front against it. A range of views exist in both countries, of course, but broadly the Germans are more favourable to Britain remaining, finding it harder to discern the prospective advantages than the French, who can see them right away, and in some quarters can hardly contain their enthusiasm.

A public opinion poll of five big European countries found that only 13 per cent of Germans were for Brexit, compared to 41 per cent of the French, making them the European people (among the big five) who would least regret a British departure. The findings are consistent with other results.

While the French political class is publicly pro-Remain (except the far-right), leading opinion-makers and commentators suspect Brexit would give Europe new coherency: no Britain would mean more France – more French influence in the EU – perfidious Albion's departure renewing the traditional Franco-German motor. The Germans neither buy this thesis nor want it necessarily.

Why such ambivalence? The French elite is irked that amid a hair-raising simultaneity of crises – from Syria, refugees, Greece and Islamic terrorism – Europe is being racked by an issue of British domestic politics, unleashed like an elephant in the room by British Prime Minister, David Cameron. At a deeper level, the French suspect that Britain has an existential problem with Europe that no new technical arrangement is going to remedy. To borrow from French Brussels correspondent Jean Quatremer, whatever Europe does the "Continental Monster" is viewed as a threat, never free-market enough, always too bureaucratic.

Christophe Barbier, the ardently Brexiteer editor of French news magazine L'Express, says the main risk of Brexit is boosting populist politicians like French far-right leader, Marine Le Pen. But at 28 members, he argues, the EU has reached the limits of enlargement. Europe brought post-war peace and prosperity, but its future lies in more intense integration, focussing on the 19-member Eurozone with France and Germany front and centre – which is precisely what Britain does not want. "There's no hostility, much has been achieved in the past 30 or 40 years," Barbier told a French TV audience. "But our destinies are diverging. It's time to say (to Britain) 'thank-you and goodbye'."

There's no official French fallback position in the event of Brexit, but economist Nicolas Baverez (though anti-Brexit himself) has outlined what a plan B might look like: proactive consolidation of the eurozone, a concerted effort to liberalise service markets and a massive investment in pan-European security. France would aim "to use Brexit as a lever for economic recovery" by stealing away capital, companies and the whirl of executive talent inevitably leaving London for the continent.

Brexit is "an opportunity for Europe, France and Paris", said economist Edouard Tetreau, while former Socialist Prime Minister Michel Rocard wrote in a "call to English friends", reminiscent of a Woody Allen joke begging his feuding parents to divorce, "please go before you have ruined everything. Let us rebuild Europe".


If Britain is a bulwark of the status quo for France, Germany sees it as an ally in efforts to push Europe in the direction Europe needs to go. France thinks Europe isn't reforming, Germany that if Britain leaves Europe won't reform; or at least is less likely to. Confused? Well, it is confusing, until the prism is economics. As the Munich-based IFO think tank put it: "Germany would lose an important partner because Britain and Germany both support market-based principles on many issues, unlike France."

For Germany, the major considerations are economic: the impact of Brexit for exporters; the reduced attractiveness of the EU as a single market and the additional financial burden with the loss of Britain's net EU contribution. In the common market that is Europe, Germany has little unemployment, stable prices and a budget surplus. France has massive public debt, high unemployment, a rigid labour market and grapples with questions of national identity in a globalised world.

The reality is that Brexit would throw into stark relief what has become a partnership of unequals, putting an economically dominant Germany face-to-face with an economically weakened France. If Britain votes to quit Europe, Berlin will be shaken by the extent of the leap into the great unknown. In Paris there might well be crocodile tears.

Richard Ogier is an Australian journalist in Munich. He is a former Australian Embassy press attache in Paris.

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