

This was published 12 years ago

Bob's your uncle in Labor's civil war

By Mike Carlton

Here are two examples of how the Prime Minister gets the communication thing so badly wrong.

The Temby report into the Health Services Union detailed the biggest scandal in the union movement since the Melbourne Painters and Dockers were shooting each other a few decades ago. It required a strong response from Julia Gillard, along these lines:

<em>Illustration: John Shakespeare</em>.

Illustration: John Shakespeare.

''As Prime Minister, I am dismayed and angered by the sleaze and corruption Mr Temby has uncovered in the HSUeast branch. I am especially angry for those low-paid workers in our hospitals whose hard-earned union dues, millions of dollars, have gone to line the pockets of greedy manipulators who betrayed their trust. Without pre-empting the police inquiries, I want to assure those workers and all Australians that my government will see justice done and will ensure this sort of scandal can never happen again.''

Instead, on the TV news that night we got:

''It's clear there have been real problems at the Health Services Union.'' And that was it.

The second example was her handling of the Tory premiers' cynical refusal on Wednesday to stump up a few million dollars for trials of the National Disability Insurance Scheme in their states. Bob Hawke or Paul Keating would have flayed them alive, especially Barry O'Farrell, whose penny-pinching meanness was a disgrace. For whatever reason, Gillard didn't or couldn't do it. There was a mild reproof of sorts, but nothing more.

Perhaps it's her legal background that makes her seem so dispassionate and uninvolved. That's fine in a courtroom, but not when you are trying to drag your primary vote somewhere north of 28 per cent.

LAST Saturday's column suggesting it was time for Gillard to go provoked a tremendous response which grew through the week. There was sneering from the Tories, of course, led by News Ltd's very own Lady Gaga, Janet Albrechtsen. Capering in the shallow footprints of her glittering Jimmy Choos was a chorus line of Abbottista simpletons whose soulless nights are evidently warmed by the hope that one day ''Gina'' will disembowel me with her bare hands.

A few Labor people took aim at the messenger. Others whacked me with ''et tu, Brute''. The latter were mostly women passionate that Gillard must be supported - because she's a woman, apparently - even as she rides the bomb to the ground.


The majority response of the true believers was pride in the government's achievements and despair at the failure of the Prime Minister to sell them on the front foot, thereby allowing Tony Abbott and his media claque to define the battleground. Reluctantly, they recognised that Gillard must go sooner or later for the good of the party and to give Labor a fighting chance of saving the country from a reactionary Abbott interregnum.

The striking thing: in the hundreds of emails there was zero rank and file enthusiasm for the return of Kevin Rudd. None at all. Some thought a Rudd second coming inevitable - another shot of the good ol' detailed programmatic specificity, gotta zip etc - but they feared the explosive effect on cabinet and caucus, with Wayne Swan and other senior ministers heading for the exits.

The real eye-opener was a groundswell of support for Bob Carr as leader. Here was Labor's most successful campaigner, they said, a consummate media performer and an elder statesman respected on all sides.

So I thought this through. With an eye to history, Carr would be reluctant to climb a last political Everest. It would also be beneath his dignity and abhorrent to his principles to do the numbers and mount a challenge to Gillard. But if the party chieftains were to approach him on their knees, teary-eyed and imploring him to lead them from the abyss, he might be drafted.

Next problem: would the cross-benchers who back Gillard support him ? If no, bets are off. If yes, which I think possible, Carr would have to descend from the Senate to a winnable seat in the House of Representatives. That would be Kingsford Smith, his lifelong home and his power base as the state MP for Maroubra for 23 years. Peter Garrett holds that now on a slender-ish margin of 5.2 per cent, and he would have to graciously stand aside. The byelection would be furious and the risk would be huge with the Tories throwing the kitchen sink at it, but I suspect Carr could pull it off. Triumphantly. Think Honest Abe's second inaugural.

So there you have it, bingo, easy as that. Bob's yer uncle, our next prime minister, and the saviour of party and nation. Who dares wins.

TONY ABBOTT'S recent foray into foreign policy was yet another demonstration of his utter unfitness to be prime minister. In just a fortnight he managed to lecture and annoy both Indonesia and China, no small achievement. The Indonesians were told he would be turning back the refugees' boats, whether they like it or not, and the Chinese were warned to get cracking on democracy and to have a long, hard think about investing in Australia. This was both dumb and rude. He was the bull in the china shop, if you'll pardon the obvious. But more astounding still, he seemed to be picking sides in the territorial dispute involving China and its neighbours in the South China Sea, something even the United States has carefully avoided.

Abbott's failing is that he cannot see beyond what he calls the Anglosphere. His world is a 1950s prism of Canberra, London and Washington. The rest of the globe is inhabited by lesser breeds without the law who need to be told what's good for them. It was all there in his recent speech to the right-wing Heritage Foundation in Washington, a litany of banality which, by comparison, makes Lord Downer look like Metternich. The Heritage Foundation, incidentally, is the front organisation for the folks who brought you George Bush the Lesser, the disastrous Iraq War, and the mad deregulation of the banking business that led to the global financial crisis. Enough said. God help us all if Abbott actually gets his hands on the levers of foreign policy, particularly the one that works the relationship with China. Give him a month and he'll have a gunboat up the Yangtse demanding the opium concession.

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