

This was published 7 years ago

Sydney's greenest suburbs becoming not so leafy, environmentalists warn

By Kelsey Munro

It's known as the leafy north shore for good reason, but some of Sydney's greenest suburbs are the worst offenders when it comes to cutting down mature trees, according to research submitted to the Greater Sydney Commission.

Pittwater, Warringah, Hornsby, Willoughby, Hunters Hill and Manly local council areas have seen the highest percentage loss in their tree canopy in the past seven years, according to the research by environmental lobby group 202020Vision.

Green scene: The main shopping area in Hampden Road, Artarmon.

Green scene: The main shopping area in Hampden Road, Artarmon.Credit: Peter Rae

Environment groups blame complying development laws, which permit the removal of trees under eight metres, and the notorious 10/50 rule, which was introduced to mitigate bushfire risk. The groups say the rule has been abused by homeowners who have been clearing trees so that views enhance their property values.

"The 10/50 tree clearing rule was a major mistake by the Baird government and we are now seeing the evidence. It's been modified but is still a threat," said Jeff Angel from the Total Environment Centre.

"The 10/50 tree clearing rule was a major mistake": Total Environment Centre director Jeff Angel.

"The 10/50 tree clearing rule was a major mistake": Total Environment Centre director Jeff Angel.Credit: Tamara Dean

But the body empowered to plan for Sydney's future, the Greater Sydney Commission chaired by Lucy Turnbull, has been slammed by environment advocates for producing nothing in its major planning documents but "rhetoric" about saving the city's dwindling tree canopy and green spaces.

The Commission's Draft District Plans have been on display since November, with submissions closing last week. The plans will shape the city's future housing supply, jobs growth, transport and direct the priorities of local councils.

The draft plans have previously come under fire from councils for skimping on infrastructure detail and housing affordability measures, and now, in a range of submissions, for failing to move beyond rhetoric when it comes to the urban environment.

"There are no targets included for the environmental sustainability aspects of the plan; the only targets relate to an increase of households and dwellings," said the Northern Beaches Council in its submission, calling for targets for increasing tree coverage and green links.


Mr Angel said the plans have "laudable" aspirations "for the green grid and biodiversity protection but are not backed up by measures to ensure they survive into future decades".

The Greens upper house MP David Shoebridge said that the extreme heat of the past few summers will become more common with climate change, and "it is therefore remarkable that the district plans have no analysis of our city's tree canopy cover, let alone targets for increased tree cover".

The Greens are calling for a target of 10 per cent more tree canopy coverage per LGA every five years.

Tree canopy is crucial, according to Jess Miller from 202020Vision, because research shows it is the most effective way of cooling and breaking up what are known as "urban heat islands" that are exacerbated by roads, buildings and other hard surfaces.

202020Vision's submission warns the city is becoming more like "an urban heat continent", with grave implications for the city's most vulnerable.

The group's preliminary tree canopy research, to be released in full later this year, suggests hard surface area has grown the fastest in Ashfield, Holroyd, Strathfield, Camden and Ryde council areas, while the leafier northern beaches are the leading tree-felling culprits.

"The feedback from local conservation groups is that it's a free-for-all, people clearing trees not because of bushfire risk but because they want to see the water and increase the value of their property," said Ms Miller.

The research will update their 2014 report, 'Where are all the trees?', which used satellite imagery to produce estimates of the area of hard surface cover (roads and buildings), permeable cover (playing fields, grass, shrub cover) and canopy (mature trees) by local government area.

The new research says Bankstown, Sydney, Waverley, Randwick and Leichhardt had the city's largest percentage gains in tree canopy between 2009 and 2016, although they were starting from a much lower base than the northern beaches suburbs that appear to have lost the most trees.

Ms Miller, who is also an independent City of Sydney councillor, cautions that setting canopy targets won't work without all levels of government working collaboratively. Currently, if councils set their own targets, the Department of Planning and the Environment can come over the top and designate an area as state significant, where council rules do not apply.

A spokesman for the Greater Sydney Commission said it had consulted widely with environmental groups and identified "priority Green Grid projects for each of Greater Sydney's six districts".


The plans "are being further developed in response to the valuable submissions and feedback we have received and the commission welcomes all constructive contributions."

Green and open spaces "need to be viewed as an integrated system contributing to the liveability and attractiveness of Greater Sydney," he said.

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