

This was published 9 years ago

Luke Foley wants property developers banned from councils

By Sean Nicholls

Developers and real estate agents should be banned from being local councillors and political donations and spending should be capped in council elections, NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley has declared.

Mr Foley also called on the NSW government to scrap a decision to let councillors vote on planning change from which they could benefit, amid the furore surrounding Auburn deputy mayor Salim Mehajer.

Luke Foley wants laws changed so councillors such as Salim Mehajer do not benefit as developers.

Luke Foley wants laws changed so councillors such as Salim Mehajer do not benefit as developers.

Cr Mehajer's lavish wedding last weekend, for which he blocked off a local street, has prompted scrutiny of his political and business dealings.

A property developer, Cr Mehajer has been able to vote on matters potentially benefiting him, thanks to the changes to councillors' voting rights in 2012 introduced by then local government minister Don Page.

Mr Foley, who is the state member for Auburn, has resisted commenting on the publicity surrounding Cr Mehajer, who is an independent councillor.

"It is my policy not to involve myself in the affairs of Auburn council," he said. "And if a young bloke wants to lair it up at his wedding, who am I to take issue with it? Good luck to him".

However, Mr Foley said "the one issue of substance" highlighted was the role of property developers on councils.

Mr Foley said the question was whether developers "ought to be sitting in judgement on their own developments at a local government level. Of course they shouldn't".

The law was changed in 2012 to allow councillors with a pecuniary interest to vote on planning controls that effect all or a substantial part of a local government area as long as they declare the interest.


Mr Foley said this should be reversed.

But he also called for the law to be changed before next year's local government elections to ban property developers and real estate agents from holding office in local government.

"When one's running a property development business or real estate business, the conflicts of interest are too great to overcome," he said.

Labor has banned property developers from standing for preselection at a local, state or federal government level under then prime minister Kevin Rudd's 2013 intervention in the NSW branch.

Mr Foley said local government campaign finance reform is "overdue" given it has happened at a state level.

The state level donation caps of $5000 for a party and $2000 for individuals were "a good starting point" but may not be appropriate in smaller wards.

Mr Foley also called for all of Sydney's mayors to be popularly elected for four years to end the "horse trading" between parties to decide who becomes mayor, which cuts out the community's input.

This was a democratic reform which would also deliver certainty and "lift the standard of mayoral leadership".

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