

This was published 11 years ago

Labor's helping hand led to $1b yield

By Anna Patty

Former resources minister Ian Macdonald introduced legislation which overruled the highest court in NSW and resulted in a $1 billion windfall to two mining executives who have been under the scrutiny of the Independent Commission against Corruption.

Travers Duncan and Brian Flannery had owned the Moolarben coalmine near Mudgee for more than 30 years. But it was not until the Labor government intervened that it made a big profit.

Championing the cause: Ian Macdonald.

Championing the cause: Ian Macdonald.Credit: Rob Homer

The NSW Court of Appeal had ruled they could not mine at Moolarben because the lease encroached on a lease held by mining giant Xstrata.

But after the court decided, in August 2008, they could not mine at Moolarben Mr Macdonald stepped in to champion Mr Duncan and Mr Flannery's cause.

Received a helping hand: Travers Duncan.

Received a helping hand: Travers Duncan.Credit: Mick Tsikas

After a long legal battle, it took one day for the Labor government to introduce legislation that overturned the Court of Appeal's decision. The legislation went before the entire cabinet for approval.

Mr Duncan and Mr Flannery sold the mine within a year as part of their company Felix Resources to Chinese miner Yanzhou Coal, delivering $530 million each to Mr Duncan and Mr Flannery.

This was not the first time they had received a helping hand from the Labor government.

The pair were also shareholders in a private company, Cascade Coal, which in 2009 received an exploration licence at Mount Penny, near Mudgee, after a suspicious tender run by Mr Macdonald.

Brian Flannery: Benefited from the friendship between Macdonald and Duncan.

Brian Flannery: Benefited from the friendship between Macdonald and Duncan.Credit: Nic Walker

In 2008 the government amended the Mining Act to reverse the outcome of a Court of Appeal decision. Left to stand, the court decision would have invalidated

Mr Flannery and Mr Duncan's mining leases at the Moolarben coalmine.

The ICAC has revealed a friendship between Mr Macdonald and Mr Duncan, who were regular dining partners.

Transcripts reveal the pair had dinner together in June 2009 at one of Sydney's top restaurants when they discussed Yangzhou Coal's interest in buying Felix Resources.

Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham said it was outrageous the Labor government had legislated so quickly to overturn a court decision. ''This action implicates the entire Labor cabinet, not just a single rogue minister,'' he said.

Peter Coates, a senior executive at Glencore Xstrata said the ''speed of the law change was very unusual''.

A day after the bill was passed, on September 24, 2008, Felix Resources issued a statement praising Mr Macdonald for his decision to amend the Mining Act.

Mr Flannery, who was managing director of Felix Resources at the time, said the bill - the Mining Amendment (Improvements on Land) Bill 2008 - would ensure the validity of the Moolarben leases.

He said the government's action had ''restored clarity and certainty to mining leases that had been placed at risk of unnecessary and costly litigation by the recent Court of Appeal decision''.

When introducing the bill, Mr Macdonald said it was needed to restore certainty to existing mining titles in place before the Court of Appeal's decision.

With the benefit of hindsight, some Liberal and Labor MPs are questioning the appropriateness of the decision. The opposition did not oppose the legislation because it seemed to reinforce the title of miners holding leases which were not in question.

Mr Buckingham said the Greens want a royal commission into the administration and operations of the Mining and Petroleum Acts. ''We believe it is the only way to restore public trust in this area and achieve root and branch reform,'' he said.

George Williams, from the University of NSW law faculty, said in general, it was ''unusual but not unreasonable'' for parliaments to legislate to reverse a court decision. ''It is certainly not common but it does happen in circumstances where Parliament is particularly concerned about the court decision,'' he said.

''It raises real concerns about whether it is appropriate to override that decision and you normally expect a strong case to be put forward in Parliament to permit that.''

Peter Gerangelos, a professor of constitutional law at the University of Sydney and author of The Separation of Powers and Legislative Interference in Judicial Process, also said the reversal of a court decision was ''relatively rare''.

On Friday Mr Flannery said the Liberal opposition and the Labor government had jointly passed the legislation. ''So as to its appropriateness, please ask the Premier, Mr O'Farrell, or the solicitor-general who could better articulate the reasoning for agreeing to such legislation,'' he said.

He said construction of the mine began immediately after the legislation was passed and it was one of the few mines developed at the height of the global financial crisis. It now employed 400 people.

Mr Duncan and Mr Macdonald declined to comment.

Resources and Energy Minister Chris Hartcher said: "If there is sufficient evidence of misconduct the government will ensure a thorough investigation occurs."

Obeid to return to ICAC inquiry

Former Labor minister Eddie Obeid will be called to give further evidence at the Independent Commission Against Corruption's inquiry into mining exploration licences on Monday.

The inquiry is investigating whether Mr Obeid influenced a decision made in 2008 by former mineral resources minister Ian Macdonald to open a mining area in the Bylong Valley for coal exploration, among other issues.

Mr Obeid is being recalled, at his request, to respond to damaging evidence given by Alan Fang, the founder of the Tianda Group.


Mr Fang has claimed he met with Mr Obeid in 2008 about a potential coal deal.

''Mr Obeid is being recalled because a complaint has been raised on his behalf that evidence given by a particular witness, Mr Alan Fang, had not been put to Mr Obeid snr,'' an ICAC statement said.

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