

This was published 10 years ago

Labor senator seized car from then sacked rival for his job, royal commission hears

By Anna Patty

Federal Labor Senator Chris Ketter went to the home of a former shopworkers’ union colleague of 18 years and drove his car away before sacking him after he challenged for his leadership.

Senator Ketter told the Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption that he also used money from a fighting fund linked to the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees’ Association to pay for a successful court challenge to overturn his former colleague’s nomination for election. It succeeded on the basis that his membership was void.

In evidence given at Monday's hearing, former SDA organiser Alan Swetman told the commission his employment with the union was terminated on May 23 last year after he challenged for Mr Ketter’s position as secretary of the SDA Queensland branch.

Two days before nominations for the elections closed, Mr Swetman said he received a knock at his door about 9am on May 22 last year. His son answered, saying his father was ill.

“After about three minutes, Mr Ketter yelled through the window of my house: 'We’re taking the car, Alan'. They proceeded to take everything out of the car, put it on the ground and drive the car away,” Mr Swetman said in a statement.

The following day, Mr Swetman received a letter terminating his 18 years' employment with the union.

During cross-examination, Senator Ketter, whose term in parliament began in July, told the commission he had tried to call Mr Swetman, but had not given him any notice that he would confiscate his car.

When counsel assisting the royal commission, Jeremy Stoljar, SC, suggested he had sacked Mr Swetman because he challenged for the leadership, Senator Ketter denied this, saying the dismissal was unrelated.

When Mr Stoljar put it to Senator Ketter that “the only urgency was that nominations closed on 24 May, correct?", the senator said: "That had nothing to do with it”.

In his letter to Mr Swetman of May 13 last year, Senator Ketter had cited Mr Swetman’s use of his union phone for personal business, a pattern of absenteeism and poor performance as reasons for his sacking.


In an emailed response to Mr Ketter, Mr Swetman said: “As a member of the SDA, I’m saddened you have taken these extraordinary measures against someone who is running against you, Chris.”

Later that month, $100,030 was withdrawn from the union fighting fund and desposited into a solicitor's trust account.

Senator Ketter told the commission the fighting fund was "used to defend any of our contested positions where there were members of our ticket under challenge.”

Despite getting sacked, Mr Swetman tried to pursue his leadership challenge after the Australian Electoral Commission suggested his nomination was still valid.

Senator Ketter told the commission he had used money from the fighting fund to pay the legal costs in a court action to dismiss Mr Swetman's nomination on the basis that Mr Swetman was not a full member of the union, but an honorary member.

When Mr Swetman tried to get his $45 monthly contributions to the fighting fund reimbursed, he said he was told the fund had "nothing to do with the union".

“We were never advised of how much was in the fighting fund, ever,” Mr Swetman said.

Senator Ketter confirmed the fighting fund had a balance of $403,599 as at February 28 this year.

A former SDA Queensland branch organiser, Rosa Perry, said she had also tried to get the $624 in annual contributions she made to the fighting fund returned after she was sacked for speaking out against the union leadership.

She said she had been "required" to make contributions to the fighting fund, which she claimed as a tax deduction.

Senator Ketter said he stopped claiming contributions to the fund as a tax deduction two or three years ago.

He said he had taken steps to repay benefits he previously claimed as a deduction to the Australian Tax Office.

In other evidence, Senator Ketter said instead of donating money to the Labor Party, the union employed two staff for electoral candidates.

"We chose to employ people because we saw that as an effective way to provide support," he said.

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